
1.Reappearance of Psychological History about Ancient Performers --The Studies on Ancient Performers Characters in Dream Broken by Barrier River;优伶心态史的再现——解读《梦断关河》中的优伶群像
2.The image and description of the traditional actresses in Chinese historiography;中国史学对于女性优伶的想象和描述
3.Actor or Paladin?--To Culturally Interpret LIU Xiang-lian s Status and Personality;优伶?游侠?———柳湘莲身份人格的文化解读
4.Spiritual analysis of male scholars dual personality in their attitude towards actresses;论男性文士对待女性优伶双重人格的精神分析
5.Aesthetic Spirit Reflected by the Music of the Famous Actors in the Yuan Dynasty;试论元代优伶散曲折射的元代审美精神
6.On the Literate and Cultural Description of Male Scholars to Female Opera Actress论男性文士对于女性优伶的文学描述及其文化阐述
7.I was so charmed with the gracefulness of his figure and delivery, as well as the discourses he pronounced.他的优美姿态和伶俐口齿以及他发表的演说是那样的使我着迷。
8.Broadway Melody红伶艳史(美国影片)
9.He was quick and extravagantly ambitious.他聪明伶俐而且雄心不
10.16 A good tongue is a good weapon.16口齿伶俐,是件利器。
11.A good tongue is a good weapon.口齿伶俐,是件利器。
12.The orator has a copia verborum.这位演讲人口齿伶俐。
13.In the evening, as I lie in bed, he strides over my body, glides past my feet, in his agile way.天黑时,我躺在床上,他便伶伶俐俐地从我身边垮过,从我脚边飞去了。
14.He was intelligent, robust, adroit,he did his best;他聪明、强壮、伶俐,他尽力搬运,
15.He is the aptest of all the pupils.他是所有学童中最伶俐的。
16.I am sure Tom can persuade her. He has kissed the Blarney stone.汤姆口齿伶俐,相信一定可以说服她的.
17.Their terrible sufferings aroused his pity [sympathy].他们深重的苦难引起了他的伶恤[同情]。
18.He's cleverer than I gave him credit for他的聪明伶俐超过我所料想的。

gender for traditional opera actors优伶性别
1.Spiritual analysis of male scholars dual personality in their attitude towards actresses;论男性文士对待女性优伶双重人格的精神分析
2.On the cultural communication between the traditional male scholars and the traditional actresses;论男性文士和女性优伶的文化交游
4)attitude to actors优伶观
1.His attitude to actors is related to his experience,extraction and the trend of thought in the Ming and Qing Dynasty.这种优伶观的形成,是与曹雪芹的经历、家世及明清时期的文化思潮分不开的。
5)awareness of "being actors"优伶意识
1.It is true that lots of humble scholars have something in common with actors of that time ——the awareness of “being actors” of scholars in Yuan Dynasty, which embodies in low-priced identity for recognition, bantered cultural nature and role-play imitation.”这“优伶之调”在一定意义可以说明,在元代,广大下层文人确实与优伶间存在一种强烈的文化同构感———即元代文人的优伶意识。
6)fluid surface伶
