1.On Wang Yangming’s Sublation of the Taoist Ontology;论王阳明对道家本体论的扬弃
2.This paper expounds the importance scientific sublation plays in inducing the formulae of derivation and physical entropy,and examines the interrelation and relevance of entropy in different fields.以微分和物理熵为例 ,说明在演算推导其算式与结论时 ,科学扬弃的重要作用以及熵在不同领域应用的相互关系与联

1.It is time to put an end to the rotten line of noninterference in production.我们该扬弃不干预生产的腐臭路线。
2.2)Developing the useful and discarding the useless of S&T adoration.2)扬弃科技崇拜,促进两种文化融合;
3.Inheritance and Development of Confucianism in Modern World儒学在现代社会的继承、扬弃与发展
4.Discourse in the Technology Practice of the Main Body of Alienation and Abandoned;技术实践话语中的主体异化及其扬弃
5.Research on the Theory of Anticipated Possibility in the Criminal Law;借鉴与扬弃:再论刑法中的期待可能性
6.General Principles Of Commercial Law:Develop & Abandon Separation And Integration Of Civil & Commercial Code;商法通则:扬弃民商分立与民商合一
7.Elimination and Rectification:the Sense of Physical Education Explained in Philosophy;扬弃与整合:体育意识的哲学性阐述
8.Discarding Traditional Political Culture Enhancing the Awareness of Intra-Party Democracy;扬弃传统政治文化 增强党内民主意识
9.Marx Sublation of Feuerbach s Viewpoint on Human Essence;马克思对费尔巴哈人的本质观的扬弃
10.Harmonious Society:Modernity Discards Tradition;“和谐社会”:现代对传统的“扬弃
11.The Non-reasonable Factor to the Effect and Sublation of the System Innovation;非理性因素对制度创新的作用及扬弃
12.Lenin s Sublation of Hegelian View on Practice in Philosophy Notes;列宁《哲学笔记》对黑格尔实践观的扬弃
13.A Brief Exploration on Discarding Indoctrination in Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育扬弃“灌输”原则刍论
14.Develop What is Useful and Discard What is Usless to Traditional Education in Modern Distance Education;刍议现代远程教育对传统教育的扬弃
15.Sublation of Human Being s Centralism;人类中心主义的扬弃——生态伦理学
16.To See Contemporary Capitalism in the Perspective of Marx s Sublation View;用马克思的扬弃观透视当代资本主义
17.To Preserve or to Discard: On the Relations between Twenty-four Rules of Filial Piety and On Filial Piety;《二十四孝》与《孝经》的关系及其扬弃
18.New Explanation about "Theory of Regulation and Control"--Sublating "Theory of Need Intervention;新解“调控说”——对“需要干预说”的扬弃

1.Sublate of System Economy School,Theory Reforge and System Building;制度经济学派的扬弃、理论再造与制度建设
2.The Realistic Value and Scientific Sublate of the Traditional Culture;传统文化的现实价值与科学扬弃
3.We should help collage strdents setting up a new coordinate of reading hot spots making them leaning sublate from reading and achieving the goal of innovation.要帮助大学生建立阅读热点新坐标 ,使他们在阅读中学会扬弃 ,达到创新的目的。
3)develop the useful and discard the useless扬弃
1.The author suggests that in order to develop the useful and discard the useless against the information catabolism, it is critical to handle relationship between man and information by maintaining man s superiority in the p.本文阐述了信息异化的内涵,分析了其现实表现,剖析了其本质,提出信息异化的扬弃就是要研究和摆正人与信息的关系,把握住人在信息社会和科学技术发展过程中的主体地位。
1.The idea of People First discards the dross and selects the essence of the traditional viewpoint of People as be- ing the Foundation,and what s more,it is the distillation.以人为本,吸取了我国传统民本思想的精华,是对我国传统民本思想的扬弃与升华。
2.The way of discarding the consumption dissimilation is build harmonious consumption concept.但消费并非天然就是合理的,当前在我国消费领域中还存在一些威胁到经济社会可持续发展和人的全面自由发展的消费异化现象,构建和谐消费观是消费异化的扬弃之路。
3.Marxist philosophy has already transcended the inherent limitations of liberalism and communalism at the logical level,and the precondition in itself that the two are opposed to each other at the historical level,and that is to say,marxism has discarded the historical and social basis that the two contrary ideology could could exist.马克思哲学已经在逻辑的层面上超越了自由主义和社群主义各自所固有的局限性,在历史层面上超越了它们二者对立的前提本身,即扬弃了二者作为两种彼此对立的意识形态赖以存在的历史和社会基础。
1.But because there exist contradictions inside and outside,the capitalist system has been carried on gradually autoregulation to suit the needs of the social change that is its inner sublating.资本主义制度从根本上说必将走向灭亡,但由于内外矛盾的存在,使资本主义制度不断地进行自身调整,即内在的扬弃,以求适应社会变化发展的需要。
2.Althusser considered that Marx s "sublating" of Hegel s dialectic represented his "fundamental transforming" but not a simple "reversing" of it.阿尔都塞认为马克思对黑格尔辩证法的“扬弃”是“根本改造”而不是简单的“颠倒”。
6)developing the useful and discarding the useless of a theory理论扬弃
