1.Through contents of Synopsis of Golden Chamber and Treatise on Gold Pathogenic Diseases,discuss cause and pathology of Zangzao,basis of selecting herbs and consisting of formulae,the question "Why do women often catch Zangzao?" and clinical uses of herbs which treat Zangzao by Zhang Zhongjing.脏躁之病名首见于《金匮要略》,书中论述了脏燥的病因、病机以及选药组方的依据。
2)Some Cognition of Hysteria对脏躁的几点认识
1.The Effect of Lornoxicam and Nusing on Managing the Restlessness During Recovery After General Anesthesia.;氯诺昔康用于全麻苏醒期躁动的防治和护理
2.Inserting catheter after the inducement of general anesthesia enhances the restlessness in elderly patients in anesthesia recovery period;全麻诱导后置导尿管增加中老年患者麻醉苏醒期躁动
3.Effect of Anesthesia Methods and Anesthetics on Restlessness in The Awaking Stage of General Anesthesia;麻醉方法及麻醉药物对全麻苏醒期病人躁动的影响

1.To agitate, stir, or confuse.使躁动、骚动或迷乱
2.Policy Conduction, Irrational Investors, and Control of Stock Market's Fluctuation政策传导、投资者躁动与股市波动抑制
3.Troubled dreams and restlessness shook his soul.恶梦和躁动折磨着他的心灵。
4.The restless students were on the boil again on the campus.不安分的学生们在校园里又躁动起来。
5.Butorphano in the prevention & treatment of emergence agitation after general anaesthesia布托啡诺对全麻术后躁动的防治作用
6.Basketball players on-the-spot anxiety and the coaches psychological control;篮球运动员临场心理躁动与教练员的心理调控
7.After summer's heat and haste, the year consolidates itself一年经过夏日的炎热和躁动后,现在宁静下来。
8.Restlessness, anxiety, confusion, and twitching may also precede convulsions.惊厥前也可出现躁动,烦燥,错觉,抽搐等症状。
9.Cromwell was of the active, not the reflective temper克伦威尔生性躁动,缺乏深思熟虑的性格
10.Mania: Extrinsic Aesthetic Characteristics of LU Ling s Novels Written in 1940s;疯狂躁动:路翎四十年代小说的外在审美特征
11.Schools with School Voucher:an Agitated Utopia;教育券下的学校变革:一个躁动的乌托邦
12.Fighting of the Restless Soul;躁动不安魂灵的搏击——论《北方的河》的美学特性
13.Ralph moved impatiently.拉尔夫烦躁地动了一动。
14.You are easily annoyed bothered, and ivitated.你会动辄烦恼、焦虑、急躁。
15.To behave or move nervously or restlessly.烦躁紧张或不安地举止或移动
16.(of a person)easily angered;irritable;touchy(指人)易怒的,脾气暴躁的,动辄发火的
17.Do not argue with Joe, he has a short fuse and may start fighting .不要跟周争论,他脾气暴躁,可能会动粗。
18."Don't argue with Joe, he has a short fuse and might start fighting.""不要跟周争论,他脾气暴躁,可能会动粗。 "

Some Cognition of Hysteria对脏躁的几点认识
1.The Effect of Lornoxicam and Nusing on Managing the Restlessness During Recovery After General Anesthesia.;氯诺昔康用于全麻苏醒期躁动的防治和护理
2.Inserting catheter after the inducement of general anesthesia enhances the restlessness in elderly patients in anesthesia recovery period;全麻诱导后置导尿管增加中老年患者麻醉苏醒期躁动
3.Effect of Anesthesia Methods and Anesthetics on Restlessness in The Awaking Stage of General Anesthesia;麻醉方法及麻醉药物对全麻苏醒期病人躁动的影响
1.Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Rating Scale(BRMS) and Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale(TESS) were used to evaluate therapeutic effects and side effects.目的:比较碳酸锂和丙戊酸钠治疗躁狂患者的疗效和副作用。
2.Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent psychiatric disorder,which is characterized by waving mania or depression.双相障碍是以起伏性躁狂或抑郁为特征的慢性周期性精神疾病。
3.The psychology conflicts were produced in his middle and later ages,which were characterized by anxiety,mania,overexciteness,and desperation,exerting profound influence on his poetic creation.他的人生沉浮与楚国的兴衰荣辱相联,特别是在他的中晚年产生强烈的心理冲突而造成异常心理,表现为焦虑、情绪躁狂、亢奋和绝望等症状。
1.Objective To analyze the causes of emergence agitation during the recovery period of general anaesthesia and propose the corresponding nursing measures.目的探讨全麻患者苏醒期躁动的发生原因,并提出相应的护理措施。
2.Objective:To evaluate the effect of preventing agitation by intravenous tramadol after intubation during the extubation period of pharyngeal operation.目的:观察插管后静注曲马多对预防小儿咽部手术拔管期躁动的作用。
1.The Light Unable to Endure in Literature ——Analysis of Spreading Phenomenon of Flippancy and Flattering Plebeian in Nowadays Novels;文学中不能承受之轻——析当下小说的浮躁与媚俗传播现象
2.It is thought that Chinese architects should strive to get out of their peripherial occupational status by learning from foreign experience and meanwhile avoiding plagiarism and flippancy in practice,and that the architects should understand their social responsibility correctly,thereby the architects occupational honor and the levels of city planning and architecture designing can be raised.面对国内城市规划与建筑设计存在的问题,文章认为,国内当代建筑应当首先从建筑师自身找原因,同时借鉴国外先进经验,并根据国内当前的实际情况提出勿抄袭、戒浮躁及摆脱边缘化的建议,以期提升国内建筑师的职业尊严,使国内建筑师正确认识自己所担负的社会责任,从而提高国内建筑设计和城市规划的设计水平。
3.It is written on the topic of flippancy of the reform atmosphere of ZhouCheng,and the key man Jin Gou’s paradoxical heroic spirit,as well as the different females’ love,hatred and redeem.长篇小说《浮躁》是贾平凹对于改革文学长篇作品的一大贡献。
