1.A Brief Analysis about Gaozi s Ideas of"Being Not Moved";浅析告子的“不动心”思想
2.Gaozi s Viewpoint of "Man s Inherent Character as the Nature" and its Meaning;告子的“生之谓性”及其意义
3.Later scholars often interpret Gaozi’s “inner ren and outer yi” with “the inner and outer of mind”.后世学者多用“人心内外”来解说告子的“仁内义外”。
2)Electronic distribution of business information电子报告

1.Careers Info Express Bulletin Board System择业速递电子报告板系统
2.The Research on Accounting and Accounting Report in Electronic Commerce;基于电子商务的会计及其报告的研究
3.Designing and Application of Electronic Experimental Report Software;电子实验报告软件的设计与应用研究
4.Application of e-government affairs system to filling out and submitting infectious disease report cards电子政务系统在传染病报告卡填报中的应用
5.Receive a usage report in e-mail every other week以电子邮件方式每两周接收一次使用情况报告
6.Send e-mail in the specified frequency for overdue status reports...对过期状态报告按指定的频率发送电子邮件...
7.Receive a daily performance report in e-mail以电子邮件方式每天接收一次性能报告
8.Creates reports by combining spreadsheet views with data scenarios.通过结合电子表格视图和数据方案来创建报告。
9.Analysis of Design of Mixed-Signal Electronic Packaging; Final rept. 15 Mar 1996-31 Dec 1998关于混合信号电子组装设计的分析/最终报告
10.Research on the Theory of Real-time Reporting System in the Electronic Commerce Environment;电子商务环境下实时会计报告理论研究
11.Financial Report under E-commerce;论电子商务环境对企业财务报告的影响
12.A Comprehensive Investigation Report on Electronic Resources Construction of Hunan First Normal University湖南第一师范学院电子资源建设综合调查报告
13.Hysteroscopic electrocision for treatment of 52 cases with submucosal hysteromyoma宫腔镜电切术治疗粘膜下子宫肌瘤(附52例报告)
14.An Electronic Experiment Reports Management System with Plagiarism Detection一种带有抄袭识别的电子版实验报告管理系统
15.Transurethral plasmakinetic resection in treating 125 patients of cystitis glandularis经尿道等离子电切治疗腺性膀胱炎125例报告
16.Click to receive e-mail notifications when there are changes to your status reports单击此处可在状态报告发生更改时收到电子邮件通知
17.Send e-mail in the specified frequency for upcoming status reports...对即将开始的状态报告按指定的频率发送电子邮件...
18.Use this page to receive e-mail notifications when there are changes to your status reports.使用此网页可在状态报告发生更改时收到电子邮件通知。

Electronic distribution of business information电子报告
1.The system can provide customers convenient and quick consulting services by using the multi-media touching screen and propagate the laws and regulations of real estatle by using e-notice.介绍房地产窗口服务多媒体咨询系统的设计与实现方法,在该系统中,利用电子公告牌的形式可有效地宣传房地产法律法规;多媒体触摸屏等先进手段可为客户提供方便快捷的咨询服务。
4)Son informs against his father子告父罪
5)sign advertisement幌子广告
1.Emergence of sign advertisement had direct causality to totem worshiped by primitive people,while development of sign advertisement had close connection with tradesmen differentiation.中国古代幌子广告经历了一个长期发展的过程。
6)report clause报告子句

告子  中国战国时期的哲学家。生平事迹不详。他曾与墨子辩论政治问题,与孟子辩论人性问题。《墨子·公孟篇》和《孟子》中的《公孙丑》、《告子》等篇保存了他的某些言论片断。后世对告子的了解,主要通过《孟子》书中有关告子言论的记载。告子持性无善恶的主张。他说:"生之谓性","食色性也"。"性无善,无不善也"。又说"性犹湍水也,决诸东方则东流,决诸西方则西流,人性之无分于善不善也,水之无分于东西也"(《孟子·告子上》)。他认为,人性就是生来具有的饮食男女的自然本能,社会道德的善恶属性是后来才有的。在先秦人性论中,把人性归结为自然本能的,还有老子、庄子和荀子。荀子认为,自然本能的人性是恶的,必须用道德来改造。老子和庄子则认为,只有这种人性才合乎自然,用道德来改造就违反了自然。告子和他们不同,既不认为人性是恶的,也不反对用道德来改造。他着重说明道德并非天赋,而是后天人为的结果。他把人性比做杞柳,把道德比作杯盘,认为人性可以纳入道德规范中来,如同人们可以用杞柳来制作杯盘一样。告子关于道德起源的看法,是一种朴素唯物主义观点,但他把人性归结为与动物类似的自然本能,依然是一种抽象的人性论。