1.Pilot Study on The Neo-materialism Philosophy of Zhang Dainian;张岱年“新唯物论”哲学初探
2)New Doctrine of Consciousness Only新唯识论
1.The Evolution and Improvement of "the Ontology or Function" Theory by Xiong Shili in His Early Phase——A Comparative Study of the Ideas Highlighted in New Doctrine of Consciousness Only论熊十力早期“体用”论的变进与完善——以与《新唯识论》为中心的比较之探讨

1.Two Aspects of Sunyata:Yin-shun s Argument against Xin Wei Shi Lun;空义的两个方面——论印顺对《新唯识论》的评破
2.Ma Yifu's Influence on the First Half of Xiong Shili's New Consciousness-only Doctrine马一浮对熊十力《新唯识论》前半部之影响
3.Ma Yifu's Influence on the Chapter Mingxin of New Consciousness-only Doctrine马一浮对熊十力《新唯识论》中《明心》章之影响
4.The Evolution and Improvement of "the Ontology or Function" Theory by Xiong Shili in His Early Phase--A Comparative Study of the Ideas Highlighted in New Doctrine of Consciousness Only论熊十力早期“体用”论的变进与完善——以与《新唯识论》为中心的比较之探讨
5.Transformation of Agricultural Novel Achievements Guided with Epistemology of the Dialectic Materialism;用辨证唯物论的认识论指导农业创新成果转化
6.the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge辩证唯物论的认识论
7.Cotta-manas-vijnana and Vinaptimatrata: The Mind-Nature Ontology of the Dharmalaksana Sect;心意识与唯识无境:唯识宗的心性本体论
8.theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism辩证唯物主义认识论
9.A Brief Probe into the Conceptive "Object" of the Mind-Only School--Taking Cheung Wei Shih Lun as Study Case;佛教唯识宗“对象”概念初探:以《成唯识论》为据
10.The ūnyatā Theory of Vijaptimātratā in Vijaptimātratāsiddhi-āstra and Its Criticism to Tīrthaka;《成唯识论》中的唯识空观及其对“外道”的批判
11.The same applies to ideology, idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism.意识形态也是一样,要用唯物论代替唯心论,用无神论代替有神论。
12.Knowledge begins with experience -- this is the materialism of the theory of knowledge.认识开始于经验——这就是认识论的唯物论。
13.Phenomenological Intention Structure Theory from Cittamatra Epistemology;从唯识认识论看现象学的意向性构成理论
14.Such is the whole of the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge, and such is the dialectical-materialist theory of the unity of knowing and doing.这就是辩证唯物论的全部认识论,这就是辩证唯物论的知行统一观。
15.An ideological study as a pre-solution of materialist monism;意识问题:唯物主义一元论的解决前景
16.The Constructive Effect of Weishi Sect and Chan Sect on “Realm”;唯识宗、禅宗对“境界”理论的构建作用
17.Features of Buddha-nature of Yogācāra:Reason of Vijnana,and Two World of Beings and Buddha论唯识宗佛性思想的特征——识体理体与生佛两界
18.Thinking and analysis of objective idealism is the cornerstone of TCM theoretical system: re-recognizing "yin-yang and wuxing" of TCM客观唯心思辨是中医学理论体系的基石——重新认识中医学的“阴阳五行”

New Doctrine of Consciousness Only新唯识论
1.The Evolution and Improvement of "the Ontology or Function" Theory by Xiong Shili in His Early Phase——A Comparative Study of the Ideas Highlighted in New Doctrine of Consciousness Only论熊十力早期“体用”论的变进与完善——以与《新唯识论》为中心的比较之探讨
1.Sima Qian s academic success and great personality set up a glorious example in the compilation of historical literature in the light of naive materialism and dialectics .司马迁学术成功之路与伟大人格 ,在历史文献编纂方面的首创精神和在文献编纂指导思想方面坚持朴素唯物论与辩证法 ,堪为档案工作者的光辉典
2.From their attitude towards the physical experiment,we can notice on one hand the struggle between materialism and idealism,and on the other hand we can see more clearly that only by upholding materialism and putting the physical experiment in the first place can we obtain real knowledge, sum up the physical laws and raise these laws to the level of theory.从物理学史上的 3位伟人 :亚里士多德、伽利略、牛顿对待物理实验的态度 ,我们一方面可以看到唯物论与唯心论的斗争 ;另一方面可更清楚地看到只有坚持唯物论 ,把物理实验放在第 1位 ,才能获得真知 ,总结出规律 ,上升为理论 ,并推动物理学的发展。
3.The philosophical connotation of Mao Zedong s thought of the united front includes philosophy of materialism which is more down to earth,the epistemology of the unity of knowledge and practice,the dialectic method of analysis of seeking common ground while accepting the existing differences.毛泽东统战思想内涵的哲学思想是实事求是的唯物论、知行统一的认识观、求同存异的辩证法。
5)new materialism新唯物主义
1.On the Novelty of New Materialism from the Angle of Thinking Way;从思维方式看“新唯物主义”之“新”
2.The new materialism of Marx is a practice materialism——summing up about Marxist philosophy appellation;马克思新唯物主义是实践唯物主义——关于马克思主义哲学称谓的综述
3.Capital: the Fourth Development Stage of Marxist Philosophy of New Materialism;《资本论》:马克思新唯物主义哲学发展的第四个阶段
6)the new materialism新唯物主义
1.The key to “the new materialism” by Marx;马克思的“新唯物主义”新在何处
2.What the key to“the new materialism”by Marx? There exist various interpretation and answer about the refreshing point with regards to the New Materialism by Marx.马克思的“新唯物主义”新在何处?马克思主义哲学理解史上存在着种种不同的理解和解答。
3.The new materialism which has overcome the defect of the old materialism is practical materialism.马克思创立的新唯物主义的新在于它的实践性,即从主体方面把现实中的事物当作实践和人的感性活动来理解。

经济唯物论(见历史唯物主义)经济唯物论(见历史唯物主义)economical materialism  J ing只w翻w以un「经济唯物论(econQmi呱l二at盯认li“m)见历史唯物主义。-