1.This paper recounts the three important breakthroughs in the interpretation of the philosophical thought of Lao Zi in the history of ancient Chinese Laoism.本文论述了中国古代老学史上对《老子》哲学思想解释的三次重要突破。

1.Never too old to learn. --Thomas Middleto活到老学到老。——米德尔顿
2.Never too Old to Learn is an idiom.活到老学到老'是句成语。
3.No one is so old but that he may learn.年纪再大也可以学习,活到老学到老。
4.Never too old to learn.--Thomas Middleton , British writer活到老学到老。英国作家密德尔顿
5.Live and learn. Life can teach you a lot of lessons.活到老学到老。生活可以给你很多教训。
6.The Change of Lao Tse s Image and the Evolution of the Learning of Lao Tse;汉代老子“角色”变换及其老学史意义
7.On the Salvation Value of Laozi in the Light of the Research of Wei Yuan s Laozi Original Meaning;从魏源《老子本义》看老学的救世价值
8.gerontology and geriatrics老人科学和老人医学
9.Live and learn.活到老,学到老(学无止境)。
10.Well goes an English proverb, “ Live and learn.古老的英文谚语说得好:「活到老,学到老。」
11.It's never too old(late)to learn.再老(晚)也能学。
12.We must esteem them as teachers, learning from them respectfully and conscientiously.拜他们做老师,恭恭敬敬地学,老老实实地学。
13.We are never too old to learn.活到老,学到老.(直译为:我们永远不会老到学不了.
14.A physician who specializes in geriatrics.老年病学家专攻老年病学的医生
15.Association internationale de gerontologie国际老年学协会(老年学协会)
16.Centre international de gerontologie sociale国际社会老年学中心(社会老年学中心)
17.Oxford is an old university.牛津大学是一所老大学。
18.Master of Science in Clinical Gerontology [MSc (Clinical Gerontology)]临床老人学理学硕士

1.A Study of the Characteristic of Laoxue and it s Significance from Han-dynasty to the Six-dynasties;汉魏六朝老学发展的特点及其解释学意义
3)the theory of Lao Tse老学
1.He not only summed up the general rule about the development of the theory of Lao Tse,which there was different Lao Tse in different times,but also integrated Confucianism in the annotation of Lao Tse,and expounded Lao Tse with a kind of theory about the Emperor′s politics.宋元之际的道教学者杜道坚在解《老》时,不仅总结出了不同时代有不同的“老子”这一老学发展的共同规律,而且运用“得意忘言”的方法融摄儒学,援“理”入老,创造性地将老子思想阐发成了一套“皇道帝德”之说,这充分显示出他与时俱进的学术精神与兼容并包的学术胸怀。
5)aging theory衰老学说
1.By summarizing lots of documents that is about the traditional Chinese aging theory and its corresponding principle of anti-aging,the thesis aims to go deep into the aging theory of TCM,So as to take advantage of the predominance of TCM heaith-care,to improve the health of senior citizen and increase the function of TCM in aging society.通过大量的文献整理研究对中医传统衰老学说及其相应的延缓衰老原则进行了总结,希望能对进一步深入挖掘总结中医衰老学说,发挥中医保健优势,改善老年人口健康状况使其达到健康老化,提高中医学在老龄社会中的作用有所裨益。
1.Inverse teaching approach was used in teaching of Alzheimer s disease in geriatrics.将逆向教学法应用于老年病学阿尔茨海默(Alzheimer)病单元的教学中,通过问卷调查和试题分析发现,逆向式教学在提高学生学习兴趣和课堂互动效果、加强学生对所学知识的理解方面具有明显优势。
