1.Function of Tabooed Word in Edition Discrimination of Jinsilu;避讳在《近思录》版本鉴别中的作用
2.Jinsilu (Reflections on Things of Hand ) and Chuanxilu(Instructions for Practical Living ) represent two types of thought -biography that developed from Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism.《近思录》与《传习录》皆是兴起于宋明理学中的思想传记类型的著作。

1.The "Lu" of Jinsi and the "Lu" of Chuanxi;《近思录》之“录”与《传习录》之“录”
2.Function of Tabooed Word in Edition Discrimination of Jinsilu;避讳在《近思录》版本鉴别中的作用
3.Study of the Model for Calligraphy or Painting Effect of the Structure of Jin Si Lu;解读《近思录》结构体例的范本效应
4.The Congruence in Framework of Reflections on Things at Hand with The Great Learning and The Golden Mean《近思录》与《中庸》《大学》文本的内在同一性
5.The Sag′s Style ----A study on the Jin-si-lu which was witten by Chu Hsi and Lu Zu-qian;论“圣贤气象”——宋代朱熹、吕祖谦《近思录》研究之一
6.C. She teaches English.五、听录音,选出意思相同或相近的句子(听两遍)
7.Loss of the Nature of Literature --Reflect on Chinese Literature in the Lost Century;文学本性的迷失——近百年中国文学反思录
8."Daniel, Ginnethon, Baruch,"但以理,近顿,巴录,
9.There is a book published here recently titled "Australian Travelogue". The author is a journalist by the name of Huang Si.新近,这里有一部《澳洲见闻录》出版,作者黄思是一位新闻记者。
10.Records and Reviews:Recent Development of Fcreign Planning and Design Offices in Mainland China;境外规划设计事务所近年在中国大陆发展的记录与思考
11.On Liang Qichao s Historical Ideology --Discussion among Grades 97/98 Ph.D.candidates in modern Chinese history and their tutor;贡献与缺憾:梁启超史学思想再审视——中国近现代史97、98级博士生与导师笔谈录
12.Thinking Again about Bajin s Thought in His Late Period;巴金晚年思想的再思考——重读《随想录》和《再思录》
13.meditations on the causes of society's evils社会罪恶因由思考录.
14.An Interview with Mr. Jiang Cuangxue;思学、思辨、思命运——蒋广学先生访谈录
15.Her attempt to break the world record nearly comes off她想要打破世界纪录,已接近成功
16.Her attempt to break the world record nearly come off她想要打破世界纪录, 已接近成功
17."Clear history of recent opened documents""清除近期打开的文档的历史记录"
18.We only recently expanded into video production.我们最近又进入了录像业务工作中。

Jin Si Lu近思录
3)the editions of "Jinsilu"《近思录》版本
4)FenLei JingJin JinSiLu JiJie《分类经进近思录集解》
1.Textural Research on the Edition of FenLei JingJin JinSiLu JiJie of Ming Dynasty;明代中后期《分类经进近思录集解》考述
5)near-field recording近场记录
6)Relive a Bitter Experience思痛录
1.That Astonishing Not Thought of by the Average?Speaking in Defence of Relive a Bitter Experience;令人惊讶的《匪夷所思》——为《思痛录》一辩

《近思录》  中国南宋哲学家朱熹和吕祖谦合编的理学入门书。淳熙二年(1175),吕祖谦从浙江到福建与朱熹会晤,两人在寒泉精舍相与读周敦颐、张载、程颢、程颐的书,深感其著作"广大闳博,若无津涯",初学者不易把握其要义,于是精选622条,辑成《近思录》,分14卷。《近思录》书名取切问而近思之意。朱熹取此书名的用意在于,把《近思录》当作学习四子著作的阶梯,四子著作又为学习《六经》的阶梯,以正"厌卑近而骛高远"之失。    《近思录》是依朱吕两人的理学思想体系编排的,从宇宙生成的世界本体到孔颜乐处的圣人气象,循着格物穷理,存养而意诚,正心而迁善,修身而复礼,齐家而正伦理,以至治国平天下及古圣王的礼法制度,然后批异端而明圣贤道统。全面阐述了理学思想的主要内容。    《近思录》一书,在理学史上具有重要地位,为确立儒家道统,传播理学思想起过重要作用。清代江永(1681~1762)称:"凡义理根源,圣学体用,皆在此编。""盖自孔曾思孟而后,仅见此书"。        《近思录》有叶采集解本(四库全书著录),明正德十四年(1519)汪伟刊本(南监本),明稽古斋刊本,正谊堂本,清康熙中御儿吕氏宝诰堂刊《朱子遗书》本。