
1.capital cost资,资费用
2.a paperback, hard-cover, de luxe, etc edition平装, 硬皮, 精装等.
3.carbon copy [c.c.]副送:……;副分送:……;副存:……
4.An essential quality or characteristic.质或质特征
5.Capital(capital goods, capital equipment)资(资商品,资设备)
6.A copy, as of a book.抄如一书的抄
7.This medicine strengthens the Body, consolidates the constitution and lays stress on effecting a permanent cure.药扶正固,重在固
8.translation Chinese translation of Das Capita《资论》的汉译
9.----Arthur Schopenhauer----A.叔华。
10.A variant reading or transcription of a text or copy.异文一文或抄的变体读或抄
11.A book containing the Book of Psalms or a particular version of, musical setting for, or selection from it.《诗篇》译(唱,选)一包含《诗篇》特殊版,配乐或《诗篇》选的书
12.This book is even more useful than that.这书比那更加有用。
13.This book is a good one.这书是一好书。
14.A good book, a good book,一好书,一好书,
15.The revised edition of the book is now out of print.这书的修订已售完。
16.herbaceous or woody climbers.草或木攀缘植物。
17.An exercise - book is different from a note - book .练习和笔记不同。
18.Pinocchio needed a notebook.皮诺奇需要一笔记

capital cost资本成本
1.The relationship between capital cost and capital structure in Chinese listed corporation;中国上市公司资和资结构实证分析
2.The Financing Behavior of Listed Companies Based on Capital Cost;资视角的上市公司融资行为解析
3.The Capital Cost Restraint of our Country Lacks Scout Source and Perfect Conception;我国资约束性缺乏探源及完善构想
3)cost of capital资本成本
1.Research on the Cost of Capital for Insurance Companies in China;我国保险公司资问题分析
2.Confusion between cost of capital and cost of financing and its harm;论资金成与资的混淆及危害
3.The Study on the Root Reasons for the Function Defects of Chinese Capital Market -Analysis on the Basis of the Cost of Capital;论我国资市场功能缺陷的深层次原因——基于资的分析
4)the cost of capital资本成本
1.The Cost of Capital and Return on Corporate Investment of A-share Listed Company;A股上市公司的综合资与投资回报——从内部报酬率的视角观察
2.Based on the analysis of relationship among present and future consumption,investment and the cost of capital,the author holds that correct decision can be made whether NPV or IRR criterion is used with regard to independent p.文通过投资者当前和未来消费、投资、资等关系的分析,认为在投资项目相互独立的情况下,NPV和IRR这两项投资评价指标具有相同的意义,应用这两项指标都能得到最佳的投资决策;在投资项目相互排斥的情况下,这两项投资评价指标具有的意义却不尽相同,根据NPV仍能得到最佳的投资决策,而根据IRR则不一定能得到最佳的投资决
3.This paper deals with the cost of capital and optimal capital structure related meaning, describing the current situation of China s capital cost consciousness.在当今世界资市场不断完善的今天,我国的市场参与者对资的意识却依然比较淡薄,这也引起了国家的关注。
5)characteristics of text文本本色
6)taking root as base以"本"为本

(RS)2,4′-二氟-α-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基甲基)二本基甲醇分子式:C16H14F2N2O分子量:321.11CAS号:密度:1.41熔点:130℃蒸气压:400nPa(外推至20℃)毒性LD50(mg/kg):雄、雌大鼠急性经口 LD50分别为 1140、1480,大鼠急性经皮LD50大于1000,兔急性经皮大于2000。对大鼠和兔的皮肤无刺激,但对兔眼睛有轻微刺激性.在Ames试验中无诱变作用,在活体细胞形成研究中为负结果,对大鼠和兔无致畸作用。性状:纯品为无色晶体溶解情况:溶解度(20℃,g/L):丙酮190、二氯甲烷150、己烷0.3、甲醇69、甲苯12、水0.13(pH7)用途:本品为三唑类杀菌剂.是甾醇脱甲基化抑制剂,具内吸性。在植物体内向顶性传导,对病害有保护和治疗作用。以125g(a.i.)/ha喷雾,可防治禾谷类作物白粉菌、黑麦喙孢、长蠕孢属、柄锈菌属、壳针孢属病原菌,也可作种子处理剂,防治土传病害和种传病害。本品对谷物白粉病有特效。制备或来源:以氟苯和邻溴氟苯为原料,制得α-(2-氟苯基)-α-(4-氟苯基)氯乙醇,再与1,2,4-三唑钠盐反应,即得粉唑醇。类别:杀菌剂