
1.Is the way/passage free?道路[道]畅吗?
2.meprobamate [miltown]眠尔〔“美尔”〕
3.impervious to (all) reason不情理, 说不
4."three connections and one leveling" assuring that a construction site is connected to water and electric power supplies and roads, and that the ground is leveled before a project is begun.三一平(水、电、路、施工场地平)
5.The act or an instance of notifying.告,知、告、宣告的行为或例子
6."Eight availables and two accessibles: Water, electricity, heat, gas, sewage, post, telecommunications, and closed circuit TV are available. You are accessible to the paved roads and leveled ground."九一平 (水,电,热,气,下水,邮,讯,闭路电视,环路,平整土地)
7.a communication satellite, link, etc讯卫星、 讯线路等
8.universal register用寄存器, 用记录器
9.admiralty notices to mariners航行告《英版航海告》
10.improve the traffic circulation改善交的流情况
11.Transport, Storage, Communication Cluster交,货仓与讯聚合组
12.His face is aglow from exposure to the sun.他脸儿晒得红的。
13.A through road or street.直公路,直街道
14.conversion notice转换知,兑换知书
15.Communicating rooms, ie rooms with a connecting door间(带门的房间)
16.ocean boarding vessel海洋交船远洋交
17.join by means of communication equipment.信设备取得联系。
18.Asking for is connected again.话中断,请求再接

connective channel连通通道
3)"Treat 'Open' Conditions with 'Opening' Method"通因通用
4)perforant pathway穿通通路
5)communication channel通信通道
1.Analysis on the optimization of modified Tianguang HVDC system communication channels;天广直流道改造对直流系统运行优化的分析
2.Design of communication channel scheme for the security and stability control system in Guangdong power network;广东电网安全稳定控制系统的
3.Nowadays,distribution automation system gradually develops from experimental stage to application stage in China,but the building of communication channels is still a bottleneck problem in the promotion of the whole distribution automation system.目前,配网自动化在国内逐步由试验阶段走向应用阶段,但是配电网上道的搭建问题依然是整个配网自动化系统的搭建以及大面积推广的一个瓶颈问题。
6)transportation and communications交通通讯

通【通】 (术语)作用自在无碍,谓之通。佛、菩萨、外道、仙人之所得者也。即通力、神通等是也。璎珞经曰:“神名天心,通名慧性。”大乘义章二十本曰:“作用无壅,名之为通。”此有三种之别:一报得通力,三界诸天皆有五种之神通,乃至鬼神亦有小通,此神通皆依果报而自然感得者。二修得通力,三乘圣者修三学而得六通,外道仙人修禅定而现得五通者。三变化通力,三乘圣者以神通力变现种种者。见华严大疏三。