1.Depending on the religionary explaining of Laots,Laotsxiangerzhu put forward a series of elementary religion principles of taoism,especially constituted the authority of daojie (Taoism commandments).在老学史上,《老子想尔注》借助对道家经典《老子》的宗教化注释,提出了一系列道教教理教义方面的初步原则。

1.An Outlook on Religious Theorization of Supernatural Beings Thought in Laozi Xiang erzhu;从《老子想尔注》看神仙思想的宗教理论化
2.Comparative Research on the Theory of the "Tao" Which in "Xiangers Note of Laotzu" and "Heshanggongs Chapters of TaoTeChing";《老子想尔注》与《河上公章句》之道论比较研究
3.Two Milestones in the History of Chinese Sexual Culture;华夏性文化史上的两块里程碑──《老子》与《老子想尔注》
4.A Tentative Analysis of the Ideological Origin about the Role of Discipline in Achieving Excellence Practice in Tai Ping Jing and Lao Zi Xiang Er Zhu;试论《太平经》及《老子想尔注》有关持戒在得道过程之作用的思想渊源
5.Zhouyi Annotations and Laozi Annotations --A Discussion on Wang Bi s Philosophical Thought;《老子注》与《周易注》——王弼哲学思想管窥
6.The way Charles tried to make up to the boss was distasteful to the workers.工人们很看不惯查尔斯想巴结老板的那种样子。
7.On Rawls and Laozi s Thinking of Justice about the care of the Weak and the Connection;弱者关怀:罗尔斯与老子正义思想之契合
8.On the Book of Wenzi;“《文子》是《老子》古注”说辨疑
9.Heidegger on Lao Zi and the Peculiarity of Hlderlin s Thought: Analysis on a Newly Published Literature;海德格尔论老子与荷尔德林的思想独特性——对一份新发表文献的分析
10.I don't think about my old home very much, only (every) now and again.我并不怎么想念老家,只是偶尔想想罢了。
11.The old man tried to beat the mosquitoes off.老人想把蚊子驱赶掉。
12.The tiger struggled to get out of the cage.那老虎拼命想逃出笼子。
13.She always wants to be the focus of attention.她老想成为人们注意的中心。
14.Frankly, I hadn't planned to bring the matter to your attention.老实说,我并不想让事情引起你的注意。
15.She had visited the old scholar who avoided publicity.她拜访过那位不想引人注意的老学者。
16.Don Corleone was the object of attention, the other men studying him to see what mark of weakness had been left on him by his wounds and defeats.考利昂老头子是大家注意的对象,人人都在端详他,想看出枪伤和失利在他身上留下”了什么痕迹。
17.The talk was now stopped, for coffee was brought in, and Mrs. Elton was claimed by Mr. Woodhouse who wished to show proper attention to the bride咖啡端进来,谈话停止了,伍德豪斯先生把埃尔顿太太请过去,想对这位新娘子表示适当的关注。
18.One thinks of a descendant of his two hundred years afterwards, blind, old and lost of wits, singing Haendel in Windsor Tower.人家不禁想到他两百年以后的那个子孙,两眼失明、年老昏庸,在温莎楼塔唱着亨得尔的圣诗。

3)Laozi's thoughts老子思想
1.It remains an argument to some academic groups whether Wangbi s thoughts in Laozizhu has truly embodied the thoughts in 《Laozi》or Wangbi himself.王弼《老子注》是代表《老子》的思想,还是属于王弼本人的思想,学术界的认识存在着较大分歧。
5)Lao Tzu Zhu Yi老子注译
1.This essay also made a farther study on two questions: whether or not wudoumitao\'s xiangerzhu and zhangling\'s laotszhu were the same books that with two different titles,and whether or not sengzhao\'s laotszhu was pseudo.本文以王重民和严灵峰所作老学目录为基础,对二者进行了比较,概述了这一时期老学作品数量大、研究形式多样化、研究阶层广泛、老学影响深远等基本特征,并对五斗米道系《想尔注》和张陵《老子注》和是否同书异名、僧肇《老子注》的真伪等问题进行了进一步研究。
