吕惠卿,Lu Huiqing
1)Lu Huiqing吕惠卿
1.He wrote to Lu Huiqing and others for holding all his comrades together.王安石第二次罢相后,退居金陵,表面上远离了朝廷的变法活动,实际上,他著书立说,为变法制造舆论、寻找理论根据;他致书吕惠卿,维护变法派内部的团结;他接待苏轼,希望以自己的高尚人格改变苏轼对变法派人物的看法。
2.The letter written to Lu Huiqing by Wang Anshi in his Later years when he had withdrawn to live in Jinling was wrongly-ascribed to Li Ding in "Quan Song Wen".《全宋文》李定文中误收了王安石晚年退居金陵期间写给吕惠卿的一封书信,这封信和现存另外两封王安石致吕惠卿的书信一道,为我们提供了晚年王安石与吕惠卿释憾复欢的证据。

1.On the Relationship between Aged Wang Anshi and Lü Huiqing ──Begining with a Wrongly-ascribed Letter in "Quan Song Wen;晚年王安石与吕惠卿──从《全宋文》的一篇误收文字谈起
2.for the pipa by Wang Huiran (Dance of the Yi People) and Lu Shaoen The Five Stalwarts of the Langya Mountain);琵琶曲有王惠然的《彝族舞曲》、吕绍恩《狼牙山五壮士》,,
3.Though he had never benefited from Li Chuang-fei's kind attentions, Feng Yun-ching had long been aware of his reputation, and as he now listened to his outpourings of woe, he was naturally rather wary.冯云卿虽尚未蒙惠顾,却也久闻大名,现在听得他诉苦,就不免存下几分戒备之心了。
4."Don't misunderstand me, Yun-ching!“云卿,不要误会呀!
5."Lucien, a great event has happened!"“吕西安,出大事了
6.Be Brave, beloved, and look for my sails in the horizon.卿卿吾爱,切勿软弱如昨,但等吾之归舟。
7.Too much cunning in plotting and scheming is the cause of her own undoing;"机关算尽太聪明,反算了卿卿性命."
8.The fox knew too much, that's how he lost his tail.机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。
9.Do you know why your master had to die?卿可知道卿的师傅为什么必须死?
10.They’ve been spending a lot of time together, nudge nudge, wink wink.他们老混在一起,眉来眼去,卿卿我我的。
11.The Trend of Following "Mao Shi" of Lu Zuqian in His "Poetry Reading at the Lus Study";吕祖谦《吕氏家塾读诗记》的宗毛倾向
12.Scientific Value of Agriculture in "LVSHICHUNQIU";吕不韦与《吕氏春秋》及其农业科学价值
13.Research into the Psychology of Lu Buwei Who Recompiled "Lushi History";吕不韦编纂《吕氏春秋》之心理探析
14.Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs非洲事务助理国务卿
15.The President nominated him Secretary of State.总统任命他当国务卿。
16.The President nominated him (as) Secretary of State.总统提名他担任国务卿。
17.The President named him (as / to be) Secretary of State.总统任命他为国务卿。
18.the position of Secretary of State was established in 1789.国务卿一职设立于1789年。

Lü Huiqing吕惠卿(1032~1111)
3)Lv Xiaqing吕夏卿
1.Lv Xiaqing was a prominent historical officer, his ideas and opinions took on character represented that era’s stream.吕夏卿作为一名杰出的史官,其学术经历和撰史观念,集中反映了那个时代的潮流和特色。
5)Hui A惠A
1.Breeding of Early Indica CMS Line Hui A in Rice;三系早籼不育系惠A的选育
6)alien minister客卿
1.The reason that Qin gets successfully in exploitation,and unifies the country finally is the policy of alien minister.秦国之所以成功地开发西部,并最终统一中国,客卿制度的实施,无疑是重要的因素。
