韩婴,HAN Ying
1)HAN Ying韩婴
1.Han Ying was one of the Confucian representatives who constructed his own thoughts of Tian-Ren by inheriting from Confucian classics.作为汉初儒家学者的代表人物之一的韩婴继承和发展了儒家典籍中的天人理论,构筑自己的天道观。
2.Han Ying considers the misty thought of poems from the angle of literature.本文主要探讨《韩诗外传》的思想特征和诗学观念 ,其中能从“情”的角度来考虑问题 ,既考虑到《诗》蕴涵着治国安邦的大道理 ,同时也赋予《诗》以情性 ,这就透露出韩婴能从文学的角度来审视《诗》的朦胧思想 ,比起前人乃至同时代人都有很大进
2)Zhong,thought of Hanshiwaizhuan韩婴论忠
3)Han Wo韩
1.State of Mind behind Poetic Writing of Han Wo in Exile;韩谪居期间诗歌创作的情感心态浅说

1.hansan ramie cloth山苎麻布料(山是国地名)
2.Dongbang News Agency东方通讯社(国)
3.Hello. I'm Miss Han.你好。我是小姐。
4.North Korea Rejects Talks with South Korea after Naval Clash南北海军冲突后北拒绝会谈
5.North Korea's Asian Games delegates arrived in Busan, South Korea北亚运代表团抵达南釜山
6.South Korea on High Alert along Border of Two Koreas南在南北边界维持高度警戒
7.Organismo de las Naciones Unidas para la Reconstruccion de Corea联合国国重建局(联重建局)
8.Never ending legend,united Korea.国:神话尚未结束,国团结一心.
9.I think South Korea try Korean food (food).我想到国尝试国料理(食物)。
10.The Effects on Agricultural Sector of the Future Korea-China FTA and the Main Issues;建立中FTA对国农业部门的影响
11.Observing the Alliance of America and Korea through America s Economic Aid to Korea;从美国对经济援助看美同盟关系
12.HAN YU AND LIU ZONG-YUAN--A Contrastive Study of Their Philosophical,Political and Literary Ideas;论柳——柳哲学、政治、文学观之比较
13.Comment on the Cultural Exchange Between Qingdao and Korea after the Establishment of Sino-Korea Diplomatic Relations;中建交以来青岛与国的文化交流
14.The Korean Words Loaned from Chinese and the Teaching of Chinese to Korean Learners;国语中的汉源词汇与对汉语教学
15.On the Unique Aesthetic Characteristics of Han Yu s Proses--“Han Ru Chao”;从“如潮”看愈散文的审美特质
16.The Investigation of Korea Economy Related to Aging国人口老龄化与国经济关系研究
17.US-Korea FTA Negoatioations and Its Influence on China-Korea FTA美FTA谈判及对中FTA的影响
18.South Korea has demanded an apology from North Korea, believing the clash must have been provoked by the North Korean military.南已要求北道歉,认为此一冲突必定是北部队挑衅引起的。

Zhong,thought of Hanshiwaizhuan韩婴论忠
3)Han Wo韩
1.State of Mind behind Poetic Writing of Han Wo in Exile;韩谪居期间诗歌创作的情感心态浅说
1.Influence of the infant body form on clothing design;婴儿人体特征对服装设计的影响分析
2.Influences of Tidal Volume on Contents of PMN,TNF-α,IL-6 and IL-8 in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid After Closed Circuit Anesthesia in Infants;潮气量对婴儿循环紧闭麻醉后支气管肺泡灌洗液中PMN、TNF-α、IL-6及IL-8含量的影响
3.Effects of physical activity on bone mineral density in infants;婴儿活动水平对骨密度的影响
1.PCBs concentrations in human milk collected from a polluted area——Exposure risk for feeding infants;某固废拆解基地母乳中多氯联苯含量及其婴儿的暴露风险
2.Lower mini-sternotomy for correction of ventricular septal defects in infants;胸骨下段小切口在婴儿室间隔缺损外科治疗中的应用
3.Analysis on correlation factors of infants with zinc deficiency;婴儿不同程度锌缺乏症的相关因素分析
1.Baby Furniture Design Based on the Living Characteristics;基于婴儿居室生活特征的婴儿家具设计
2.Present Situation on Components Analysis of Baby's Principal and Auxiliary Foods;婴儿主食品和辅助食品成分的分析检测现状
3.Hydrotherapy to Normal Baby Intelligence Growth Influence Research;水疗对正常婴儿智能发育影响的研究
