人生目的,The purpose of life
1)The purpose of life人生目的
1.The Purpose of Life and The Value of Happiness;我国知识分子的人生目的与幸福价值
2.From "benevolent love"\' the purpose of life,gentlemanly personality life values and progressive,expansive,robust attitude towards life in three areas,the paper has made the outline and assessment about Confucius\'s philosophy of life.孔子的人生哲学主要体现在"仁者爱人"的人生目的、君子人格的人生价值和进取、豁达、严谨的人生态度三个方面。

1.The Purpose of Life and The Value of Happiness;我国知识分子的人生目的与幸福价值
2.Some people have goals in life.有些人的人生有目标。
3.What's your goal in life你的人生目标是什么?
4.As Chinese illiterate women put it, "Others gave birth to us and we give birth to others.目不识丁的中国妇人说:“人家生我们,我们生人家。
5.Reality television shows, particularly shows that focus on the personal lives of ordinary people.写真电视节目(人秀节目)尤指聚焦普通人生活的节目。
6.My goal in life is to help others.我的人生目标是帮助他人。
7.What can be the end of human life except the enjoyment of it?人生的目的除了享受人生之外,还有什么呢?
8.Direction means objective,you can get nowhere without an objective in life.方向意味着目标。没有目标的人生将一事无成。
9.Our aim is to make the students’ speech comprehensible.我们的目的是使学生的讲话被人理解。
10.Human Life,Aim or Means?--Simple Discussion about Legal Value;人的生命,目的还是手段?——浅论法的价值
11.Teaching of the Chinese Language Aims to Improve Students Personality;语文教育的目的在于提升学生的人格
12.For her own purpose, she can trample on other people's life!为了达到目的,不惜践踏他人的生活!
13.Our purpose in life is to serve the people.我们生活的目的是为人民服务。
14.My aim in life is to serve the people .我的生活目的是为人民服务。
15.According to Madame Chiang Kai-shek, what was the purpose of the New Life Movement?二.根据蒋夫人,新生活运动的目的为何?
16.Have an aim in life, or your energies will be wasted.人生应有目的,否则你的努力将属徒然。
17.She' s absolutely determined to succeed ( in life ).她决心要实现自己的(人生)目的.
18.His goal in life is to be a great scientist.他人生的目标是成为伟大的科学家。

Purpose of life人生目的
1.The article analyses Chinese teachers and students purpose of life.本研究立足于中国公民人文素质调查,对中国除港、澳、台之外的31个省、自治区、直辖市的3307名教师和3268名学生群体的人生目的现状进行了比较全面地分析。
3)man's ultimate end人生的终极目的
4)the chief end of life人生的主要目的
5)Billy's Goal in Life比利的人生目标
1.The author carries out the dis-cussion from various respects of city-beautysuch as city scene, ecological dwelling, folkcustom, humanity and wisdom etc, and analyzeshow to show the most important human-purposein city-beauty.推究城市异化的根由,源于物的目的遮蔽了人的目的,人性屈从于物欲。
