四家诗,the four scholars
1)the four scholars四家诗

1.The academic spirit of Chen Zhu s Selection of Fourteen Poets Poems about the West Guangdong;陈柱《粤西十四家诗钞》的学术精神
2.On "Mei Ci" (To Speak Approvingly of Good, Perfect and Beauty and to Make Creak at Bad, Wicked and Ugliness)-The Similarities and Differences of Lu Shi, Qi Shi, Han Shi and Mao Shi Discussed concurrently;说“美刺”——兼谈鲁、齐、韩、毛四家诗之异同
3.On the psychological connotations and cultural origin of the aesthetic tendency of the Late Tang poems;论晚唐诗歌唯美倾向的心理内涵与文化渊源──以许、杜、李、温四家诗为中心
4.The Inspiration to the Modern Poetry of the New literature WritorsOld-poetry Writing after "五四";“五四”新文学作家古诗词创作对新诗的启示
5.Qing-Dynasty Gaomi Poetic School s Evaluation on Wang Shizhen:With Sporadically on the Four Masters Poems as an example;从《偶论四名家诗》看清高密诗派对王士的评价
6.The Transfer of the Center of Diffusing The Book of Songs in the Warring States Period and The Formation of Four Schools of The Book of Songs in Han Dynasty;战国《诗》学传播中心的转移与汉四家《诗》的形成
7.The Confucian Thought about the Harmonization between Tian and human in Twenty-four Grades of Poetry;《二十四诗品》中的儒家天人合一思想
8.The Taoist thought about the harmonization between Tian and human in Twenty-four Grades of Poetry;《二十四诗品》中的道家天人合一思想
9.Discussion on the Aesthetics Orientation for Canonizing Du Fu Poetry in an Anthology of Forty Poets in the Late Qing Dynasty;桐城诗学的一记绝唱——论《晚清四十家诗钞》的宗杜取向
10.The Poetic Viewpoints of Li Xianqiao and the Evaluation on Zhu Yizun:Take the Meander on the Four Masters Poems as an Example;从《偶论四名家诗》看李宪乔的诗学观——从其对朱彝尊的评价考察
11.The poet went off his head and started wandering around his house with no clothes on in bitter cold.诗人发神经了;大冷天不穿衣服,在家里四处乱走。
12.Analysis on Context and Phenomenon of New Literature Writers Old-poetry Writing Post-May 4~(th) Movement;“五四”后新文学作家古诗词创作语境及现象分析
13.A study of the poetry of the fourth Zengs at Nanfeng宋代南丰曾氏家族第四代诗词创作考论
14.A stanza or poem of four lines.四行诗四行的诗节或诗歌
15.a parody of a Shakespearian sonnet, an operatic aria, a well-known politician对莎士比亚十四行诗、 歌剧咏叹调、 著名政治家演说的滑稽模仿
16.Du ShenYan s Poetry and their impact of over future generations "The past dynasties Xiang Yang county writer studies " four of series thesis;杜审言的诗及其对后世的影响——《历代襄阳名作家研究》系列论文之四
17.Achievements and Styles in Poetry--The Acceptance of Bao Zhao by Zhong Rong in Shi-in;“总四家而擅美,跨两代而孤出” ——钟嵘《诗品》对鲍照的接受
18.The Redaction and Supplement of Qingren Shiwenji Zongmu Tiyao(《清人诗文集总目提要》) --focusing on four Gansu authors;《清人诗文集总目提要》订补——以四位甘肃籍作家为中心

poems of Four Schools in Han Dynasty汉四家诗
3)the Four Masters Poems of Song Dynasty宋四名家诗
4)Four great poets of Yuan Dynasty元诗四大家
5)four schools of poem in Han period汉代四家诗
6)Selection of Fourteen Poets Poems about the West Guangdong粤西十四家诗钞
1.Selection of Fourteen Poets Poems about the West Guangdong compiled by Chen Zhu expresses the love of homeland and the heartfelt wish to convey the culture of west Guangdong as well as the patriotic spirit through the description of scene,figures and historic customs.陈柱编选《粤西十四家诗钞》,既含有热爱故土山水风情,欲使粤西文学传之于世的衷心,又在重视山川人物历史风俗的掩饰下,显现爱国之志;既含有其向往友朋酬唱之风,又显艺术标准,还有毫无性别歧视的平等态度。
