1.New approach for spam sample collection;一种新的垃圾邮件样本采集方法
2.Design of anti-spam mail filter based on address and content;基于地址与内容过滤的垃圾邮件过滤器设计
3.Implementation and evaluation of Chinese spam filtering system;中文垃圾邮件过滤系统的实现和评估

1.Low: Move the most obvious junk e-mail to the Junk E-mail folder.低: 将最明显的垃圾邮件移动到“垃圾邮件”文件夹。
2.Block messages from Junk Mail and Adult content senders.阻止垃圾邮件或带有成人内容的邮件。
3.Permanently delete suspected junk e-mail instead of moving it to the Junk E-mail folder永久性删除可疑的垃圾邮件,而不是将其移动到“垃圾邮件”文件夹。
4.Junk mail messages are deleted without ever being delivered to your Junk Mail folder.垃圾邮件将会立即删除,而不会传送到您的“垃圾邮件”文件夹。
5.After setting up your Junk Mail Filter options, you can choose Junk Mail Deletion settings.在设置“垃圾邮件过滤器”选项之后,您可选择“删除垃圾邮件”设置。
6.An error occurred while trying to empty the Junk E-mail folder.试图清空垃圾邮件文件夹时发生错误。
7.Deliver to Junk Mail folder and delete later传送到“垃圾邮件”文件夹,以后再删除
8.New! Protect your Inbox from Junk Mail!新功能!防止“收件箱”收到垃圾邮件
9.An Anti-Spam System Based on Open Source Software一种基于开源软件的反垃圾邮件系统
10.Make sure your mailing list messages aren't filtered as 'junk.'确保列表中的邮件不会被过滤为“垃圾邮件”。
11.Study and Implementation of Spam Filtering Technologies in E-mail Server;邮件服务器垃圾邮件过滤技术研究及实现
12.An Individual Anti-Spam Technology一种基于个性化邮件特征的反垃圾邮件系统
13.Furthermore, junk e-mails cause troubles for Internet users.此外,垃圾邮件也给网民带来麻烦。
14.Generally, the inbox can always receive junk mail.一般来说,信箱总能收到垃圾邮件.
15.No free newspapers or junk mail请勿发送免费报纸或垃圾邮件
16.Anti-trash E-mail system based on artificial immunity model基于人工免疫的反垃圾邮件系统模型
17.Social Network Quechup Accused of Spamming滥用垃圾邮件的社会网络-Quechup
18.You currently have the Junk Mail Filter set to OFF.您当前的“垃圾邮件过滤器”设置为“关闭”。

spam mail垃圾邮件
1.Simplified Chinese spam mail filter:design and performance evaluation;简体中文垃圾邮件分类的实验设计及对比研究
2.Implement Bayesian Method to Filter Spam Mail;运用贝叶斯方法过滤垃圾邮件
3.In order to reduce spam mail and make use of the Internet as much as possible,it is of great significance to discuss some relevant problems under Chinese environment such as selection method,dimension reduction and optimization of key words,identification probability of spam mail and the use of Bayesian filtering techn.本文在对中文邮件关键词提取方法、关键词的降维处理与优化提炼以及垃圾邮件识别概率等方面进行理论探讨的同时,较为详细地阐述了中文环境下贝叶斯过滤技术的使用方法,这对有效减少垃圾邮件数量,提高网络利用率具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。
3)junk mail垃圾邮件
1.Centralized filtration for virus mails and decentralized filtration for junk mails;集中式病毒邮件过滤和分散式垃圾邮件过滤
2.A study on junk mail on the internet;互联网垃圾邮件传播行为研究
3.This paper gives the concept and scope of junk mail and analyzes the birth and harm of junk mail.界定了垃圾邮件的概念和范围,分析了垃圾邮件的产生及其危害。
4)spam email垃圾邮件
1.Study on spam email treatment model based on Bayesian method;基于贝叶斯方法的垃圾邮件处理模型研究
2.On generation mechanism of spam emails and corresponding preventive technique;论析垃圾邮件产生机理及防范技术
3.But now,spam email is overwhelming and has brought manifold grave loss for legal email users.然而目前,垃圾邮件泛滥的趋势愈演愈烈,给合法的电子邮件用户带来了多方面的惨重损失。
5)junk e-mail垃圾邮件
1.A method for mining junk e-mails based on association rules was proposed.提出了一种基于关联规则的垃圾邮件挖掘算法,通过计算邮件源地址和邮件关键词的支持度来定位垃圾邮件源地址。
2.The authors analyze the essence of some existing algorithms of junk E-mail filtering rules and give the way to represent an E-mail as a transaction.在将垃圾邮件的训练集表示成事务集后,可以用FP-Tree算法从训练集中挖掘出频繁特征集。
3.In current E-mail system,there are some problem which must be solved,such as the safety of E-mail,junk E-mail,classification of E-mail,name resource and so on.该文对现有电子邮件系统中存在的安全性、垃圾邮件、邮件分类、信箱命名资源等问题进行了分析。
1.Design of anti-spam application architecture based on semantic grid;基于语义网格的反垃圾邮件应用架构设计
2.The design and implementation of content-based anti-spam E-mail system;基于内容过滤的反垃圾邮件系统的设计与实现
3.Design and Realization of Load Balancing in Anti-spam Grid;反垃圾邮件网格中负载均衡的设计与实现
