1.Method of Paged Browse RecordSet in ASP;ASP记录集分页浏览方法
2.Research on Data Manipulation based on Recordset;基于记录集的数据操纵方法研究

1.Can't demote a recordset that has no children无法对没有子记录集记录集进行降级。
2.You can't add a new record or delete an existing record because the recordset for this page is read-only.不能添加新记录或删除现有的记录,因为该页的记录集是只读的。
3.Obtains a pointer to the recordset associated with the record view获取指向与记录视图关联的记录集的指针
4.You can't add a new record because the recordset for this page is read-only.不能添加新记录,因为该页的记录集是只读的。
5.Determines if child recordsets are synchronized to movements in parent recordsets.确定是否将子记录集与父记录集中的移动保持同步。
6.Cannot retrieve parameter information for the selected recordset.无法对选定的记录集提取参数信息。
7.Record set opened but there were no rows to return.已打开记录集,但未返回任何行。
8.Called before a recordset changes its current position.在记录集更改其当前位置之前调用。
9.Called after a recordset has changed its current position.在记录集更改其当前位置之后调用。
10.Current provider does not support schema recordets.当前提供程序不支持架构记录集
11.Invalid relationship. A recordset can't have more than one parent.无效关系。记录集不能有多个父对象。
12.Parameterized hierarchical Recordset objects cannot be persisted.参数化的分层记录集对象不能被持续。
13.A sublist can not be created to this recordsetdef.无法对该记录集定义创建子列表。
14.broken and damaged cargo record集装箱货物残损记录
15.DARS(Data-Acquisition and Recording System)数据收集与记录系统
16.data acquisition and recording system数据采集和记录系统
17.solid state downhole recorder固态集成电路井底记录仪
18.ADDAR (Automatic Digital Data Acquisition and Recording)自动数字数据采集与记录

Record Set记录集
3)collecting record采集记录
1.The collecting records of all listed species were also given here.记录了重庆金佛山半翅目昆虫 1 1科 59种 ,并附有各种的采集记录。
4)collection of records记录集成
5)DAO RecordsetDAO 记录集
6)Block Record Set块记录集

〖ZK(〗各证集说诸方备用并五脏六腑集论合抄〖ZK)〗〖ZK(〗各证集说诸方备用并五脏六腑集论合抄〖ZK)〗 内科著作。1卷。原题清叶桂(天士)家传,撰年不详。此书汇集内科杂证70余种,方剂近200首。每证各为一论,阐明疾病性质、病因、症状、治则及方药。论后每引经说,概括病机。所列方药服法亦皆详备。又列“五脏六腑论”一章,引用《内经》、《难经》,逐一论述五脏六腑之形象、部位、表里关系、病症及治法。本书内容多录自《临证指南》,恐系后人伪托叶氏之作。现存抄本