1)Steam curing蒸汽养护
1.Application of curing compound and steam curing in subyia project of Kuwait;养护剂及蒸汽养护在科威特苏比亚工程中的应用
2.Hydration characteristics of steam curing cement-fly ash composite binder;蒸汽养护条件下水泥-粉煤灰复合胶凝材料的水化性能研究
3.Using tests of compressive strength, hydration product and porosity, the influen ce of steam curing on the pozzolanic reaction of rejected fly ash were studied.通过研究蒸汽养护条件下含废弃粉煤灰的样品在抗压强度、水化产物以及孔隙率等方面的变化,探讨了蒸汽养护对废弃粉煤灰火山灰活性的影响。
1.Use of solar conservation transformation of steam conservation of concrete block采用太阳能养护改造蒸汽养护混凝土砌块
2.The Study of the Monitor and Control System on Steam Preservation Based on VB基于VB的蒸汽养护监控系统的研究
3.The Influence of Steam Curing on the Pozzolanic Reaction of Rejected Fly Ash蒸汽养护对废弃粉煤灰火山灰活性的影响
4.Study on the Steam Curing Technology and Temperature Field of Large-size Concrete Box Girder;大型混凝土箱梁蒸汽养护工艺与温度场研究
5.Design of Steam Curing System Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的箱梁蒸汽养护系统设计
6.Steam Curing Construction Technology of Precast Box Beam of Passenger Dedicated Railway高速铁路客运专线预制箱梁蒸汽养护施工技术
7.The Concrete Ware Steam Protects the Misty Control of the Process to Investigate混凝土制品蒸汽养护过程的模糊控制探索
8.The Study of the Monitor and Control System on Steam Preservation of Track Slab Based on Configuration Software;基于组态软件的轨道板蒸汽养护监控系统的研究
9.The application of steam curing process for precast segmental beams of Humin Elevated Project has increased the early strength of concrete and met the requirements of construction progress.沪闵高架工程预制节段梁采用蒸汽养护的工艺,使混凝土早期强度增长,满足了施工进度要求。
10.Maintenance of the Safety Unit of Pulsation Steam Vacuum Sterilizer脉动真空压力蒸汽灭菌器安全装置的保养与维护
11.Corrosion and protection of stainless steel tube material steam generator不锈钢管材蒸汽发生器的腐蚀与防护
13.Modification of Protection Scheme for Superheated Steam Degree of Guixi 300MW UNIT贵溪300MW机组蒸汽过热度保护方案改造
14.Main steam safety valve is the protective device against overpressure in the steam system of nuclear island.主蒸汽安全阀是压水堆核电站核岛内主蒸汽系统的超压保护装置。
15.autoclaved light weight concrete高压蒸气养护的轻质混凝土
16.autoclaved aerated concrete高压蒸气养护的加气混凝土
17.steam-electric generating station蒸汽发电厂,蒸汽电站
18.The engine has got up steam蒸汽机积聚了蒸汽。
1.Combined with experiences steam-curing of precast box beam in winter four important temperature control stages in curing period are introduced in detail.结合预制箱梁冬季施工期间蒸汽养护的实际经验,对养护期间四个主要温控阶段的温度控制技术进行了详细的分析和经验总结,为类似工程的施工提供了有益的经验借鉴。
2.The strength decreasing and worse durability are the problems of the steam-curing concrete.蒸汽养护混凝土存在的强度倒缩、耐久性下降的问题一直未能得到很好的解决。
3.Aiming at the durability problems of steam-curing concrete used in the railway sleeper and bridge prefabricate structures, the paper studied the hydrate properties, pore strucrure, pore liquid alkalinity and carbonation depth of fly-ash concrete.与标准养护相比,采用蒸汽养护,粉煤灰掺量小于40%时,蒸养试件的总孔隙率和气孔及粗毛细孔孔隙率略大于标养粉煤灰混凝土试件,而当粉煤灰掺量不小于40%时,蒸养试件的总孔、气孔及粗毛细孔孔隙率低于标养试件;蒸养与标养条件下,随着粉煤灰掺量的增加,硬化浆体碱度都有所降低。
3)steam pond蒸汽养护池
1.This paper presents a fuzzy temperature control system of the steam pond for concrete based on the Siemens s7-300 PLC.蒸汽养护为水泥混凝土制品生产中的一个关键环节,针对混凝土蒸汽养护池温度变化的经验特点,以西门子S7-300PLC为控制核心、以模糊控制理论为依据,设计出混凝土蒸汽养护池模糊控制系统,实际应用表明:该系统具有较高的控制精度、稳定性。
4)steam curing room蒸汽养护室
6)wet steam curing湿蒸汽养护
蒸汽裂解轻芳烃的石脑油与富含1,3-戊二烯蒸汽裂解轻芳烃的石脑油和蒸汽裂解中芳烃的石脑油的聚合物CAS:68527-25-3中文名称:蒸汽裂解轻芳烃的石脑油与富含1,3-戊二烯蒸汽裂解轻芳烃的石脑油和蒸汽裂解中芳烃的石脑油的聚合物英文名称:Naphtha, petroleum, light steam-cracked arom., polymer with light steam-cracked arom. petroleum naphtha piperylene conc. and medium steam-cracked arom. petroleum naphtha naphtha (petroleum), light steam-cracked arom.,polymer with light steam-cracked arom. petroleum naphtha piperyleneconc. and medium steam-cracked arom. petroleum naphtha Naphtha,petroleum,light steam-cracked arom.,polymer with light steam-cracked arom. petroleum naphtha piperylene conc. and medium steam-cracked arom. petroleum naphtha