1.Method on Exploding and Digging of Frozen Soil for Pipeline Ditch in Swamp;沼泽地带管沟的冻土爆破开挖方法
2.A study on composition structure and species diversity in ecotones between forest and swamp;森林-沼泽交错群落组成结构与物种多样性的研究
3.On Ecotones between Forest and Swamp in Baihe Region of Changbai Mountain;长白山白河地区森林/沼泽交错群落的研究

1.Of, resembling, or characterized by a marsh or marshes; boggy.沼泽般的,湿软的类似沼泽地的,沼泽地所特有的;多沼泽
2.marshy ground, fields, countryside, etc沼泽地、 湿软的田地、 有沼泽的农村.
3.Land consisting of moors.高沼地由沼泽地构成的土地
4.The surrounding land is low and marshy.周围的地低洼而多沼泽.
5.from 280 million to 310 million years ago; warm climate; swampy land.气候温暖,多沼泽地。
6.The road cut through the swamp那条路穿过沼泽地。
7.that stood in a marsh at the edge of the village,位于村边的沼泽地上,
8.reclaimed marshland, desert, etc经治理的沼泽地、 沙漠等
9.A cutting in a peat bog.泥炭沼泽地中的草地块
10.The swamp teems with mosquitoes.这片沼泽地蚊子多极了。
11.The swamp has standing pools of water.沼泽地中有些死水坑。
12.roaring over moor and meadow,呼啸着越过沼泽和草原,
13.We must drain swamps.我们必须排出沼泽的水。
14.The country is made up of meadow and marsh.那地区全是草地和沼泽
15.There are a lot of frogs in the marsh.沼泽里有许多青蛙。
16."The place is practically a bog."这里实际上是沼泽。”
17.The soldiers became bogged in the swamp.士兵们陷在沼泽中。
18.The old fort flanked on a swamp.古碉堡的一侧靠着沼泽

1.The organic petrologic study of Yanchang coal and carbonaceous shale of Ansai oilfield in Ordos basin indicates that the macroscopic petrologic characteristic, maceral and composite relation of the biogenic rock as well as the occurrence of organic matter can be used to better reveal the marsh paleo-geographic environment and depositional site originated by the coal and carbonaceous shale.煤的有机岩石学特征是沉积环境良好的辅助指标之一,鄂尔多斯盆地安塞油田延长统煤和碳质泥岩的有机岩石学研究结果发现,有机岩的宏观岩石学特征、显微组分组成及其组合关系、有机质的赋存状态等能够较好地揭示煤和碳质泥岩形成的沼泽古地理环境和沉积场所,区分了原地堆积的陆地森林泥炭沼泽、覆水森林沼泽、芦苇沼泽及异地成因的漂浮沼泽等4种沼泽环境,从而为三叠系延长统形成时期古湖岸线的确定、演变以及沉积相带的划分提供了重要的参考。
2., freezing cold and oxygen deficiency, a monitoring plan and monitoring method was raised for the stabilization of subgrade in marshy frozen soil sloped wet land.针对青藏铁路安多试验段高寒、缺氧的具体情况 ,提出冻土沼泽化斜坡湿地路基稳定性的监测方案和监测方法 ,在测试元件埋设方面 ,对测斜管的埋设提出具体的要求。
3.The study on the profile distribution and accumulation characteristics of organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) in two typical marshes in Sanjiang Plain showed that on the sediment profiles of Carex lasiocarpa marsh and Phragmites communis marsh, there existed distinct deposition horizon and illuviation horizon.研究了三江平原2类典型湿地(毛果苔草沼泽和芦苇沼泽)沉积物剖面有机碳、全氮的分布特征与积累现状。
1.Influence of Human Activities on the Mire in Zoige Plateau and Countermeasure;人类活动对若尔盖高原沼泽的影响与对策
2.Impacts of climate changes on the landscape patterns of potential mire distributions in northern Great Khing'an mountains气候变化对大兴安岭北部沼泽景观格局的影响
3.The study on the relationship between global warming and mire ecological system is reviewed from three aspects: ① the global warming is absoluteness;② the mire are both sources and sinks of the major trace gases,and contribute a great deal to the global warming;③ global warming will affect the area extent and distribution of mire,change scenarios and the cycling of carbon in mire.从三个方面综述了目前关于全球变暖与沼泽生态系统的研究:①全球变暖已经成为无法争辩的事实;②沼泽是各种主要温室气体的源和汇,因而在全球气候变化中有着特殊的地位和作用;③全球气候变化又有可能对沼泽生态系统的面积、分布、功能和结构等造成巨大的影响,也可能对气候系统形成负反馈。
