1.Floristic characteristics of aquatic bryophytes and their biokarst deposition types at waterfalls in central Guizhou, China;黔中瀑布水生苔藓植物区系及其生物喀斯特沉积生态类型研究
2.A True Masterpiece though not the Farewell——A Discussion on XU Ning's "Lushan Waterfall"虽非绝唱 确是佳篇——徐凝《庐山瀑布》诗琐议

1.The more notable of these waterfalls are the Steep Slope Waterfall, the Snail Bank Waterfall, the Dripping Bank Waterfall, the Giant Tree Rock Waterfall, the Skyhigh Waterfall, and the Guan Waterfall.比较大的瀑布有陡坡瀑布、螺蛳滩瀑布、滴水滩瀑布、大树岩瀑布、连天瀑布、关脚瀑布等。
2.cascade:a waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks.瀑布:陡峭岩石上的一条瀑布或一系列小瀑布
3.A waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks.瀑布陡峭岩石上的一条瀑布或一系列小瀑布
4.including the Victoria Falls, the biggest waterfall in the world.包括世界上最大的瀑布──维多利亚瀑布
5.The Huangguoshu Cataract is one of the largest waterfalls in China.黄果树瀑布是中国最大的瀑布之一。
6.for the smaller cascades had disappeared, while big waterfalls had become small ones.小瀑布不见,大瀑布变小了。
7.The Waterfall Aviary has the highest man-made waterfall in the world.瀑布鸟舍拥有世界最高的人造瀑布.
8.Niagara falls is comprised2 of three different waterfalls: the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls, and the Bridal Veil Falls.尼加拉大瀑布由三个不同的瀑布组成:马蹄铁瀑布、美国瀑布和新娘面纱瀑布
9.The beauty of the waterfall is beyond description.瀑布的美是无法形容的。
10.Victoria Falls Summit维多利亚瀑布首脑会议
11.The waterfall splashed over the rock.瀑布飞溅着越过岩石。
12.In spring there are many waterfalls on the mountain.春天山上有许多瀑布
13.The cataract deafened the ear with its roar.瀑布的声音震耳欲聋。
14.Water seethes under the falls.在瀑布下水激起泡沫。
15.The water of the lake pours out over a big waterfall.湖水从大瀑布处泻出。
16.This is Niagara Falls.这是尼亚加拉大瀑布
17.Niagara Falls, New York State, USA美国尼亚加拉大瀑布
18.a breathtaking view, mountain-range, waterfall壮丽的景色、 山脉、 瀑布

A large or high waterfall.大瀑布或高瀑布
3)Waterfall effect瀑布效应
1.Based on the waterfall effect principle,this paper is exploring the value innovation mechanism of modular organization,including the evolution of the coordination rules for the demand-oriented production,the formation of flagship position of the firm who is seeking to control the production,and the increasing returns in the roundabout product chain.本文借鉴瀑布效应原理,通过对需求导向下协调生产规则的演变、生产控制权追逐下旗舰企业地位的形成,以及迂回生产链加长条件下报酬递增等模块化组织价值创新机制的研究,指出企业与市场握手地带是一种专业化分工与一体化分工并存、报酬递减与报酬递增并存和外生不确定性化解与内生不确定性提高并存的双重世界。
2.Brady reports that the waterfall effect of stock index futures in 1987 is an important reason why the U.布雷迪报告认为股指期货的瀑布效应是1987年美国股灾的重要原因。
1.It proved that using the Waterfall based on Short-Time Fourier Transform to analyze non-balanced signal has many advantages such as.实践证明:用基于短时傅里叶变换的瀑布图来分析非平稳信号,具有分辨率高、特征提取结果更为精确的特点。
2.3-D waterfall displays, contain more abundant information, it can express the change of the frequency domain of signal effectively within a period of continuous time, therefore it often applys to the research of the non-steady random signal.时间-频率分析即三维瀑布图分析能有效地表达在某一段连续的时间内信号频域的变化情况,比单纯时域或频域分析蕴含了更加丰富的信息,因而常常应用于非平稳随机信号的研究中。
5)waterfall plot瀑布图
1.The waterfall plots of the wave were drawn with Matlab according to the numerical simulation of the fKdV equation with the pseudo-spectral method.在导出非线性表面波遵循的fKdV方程后,利用拟谱方法进行数值模拟,用Matlab软件绘制瀑布图,由此得出结论:上凸底部上的波可以看成是向前凸台阶和向后凸台阶分别向前后散射发展的结果,二者不发生相互作用;下凹壁面的波形是向前凹台阶和向后凹台阶相互作用的结果;某些组合式底部的波形是上凸和下凹相互作用的结果。
2.Then, the numerical simulation has been made by pseudo-spectral method (PSM), and the waterfall plot of the wave was draw with Matlab.然后利用拟谱方法进行数值模拟,用Matlab软件绘制出非线性表面波的瀑布图,由此研究壁面变化对非线性表面波的影响。
6)waterfall flow瀑布流
1.According to the principle of waterfall flow method,a new equipment of hot metal desulpuurization-the Flat Jet Continuous Desulphurization Reactor(FJCDR)is put forward in this paper The new method is simple in operation and maintenanc在总结文献的基础上,借鉴瀑布流法的原理,提出了一种新的平面射流连续反应器铁水脱硫法,其结构简单,布置灵活,占用空间小,操作方便,适合我国中小高炉和化铁炉进行铁水预处理。
