1.Getan Performance of Cantonese Opera Developing in the Commercial Context in Hong Kong: A Report of Fieldwork at Jinfenghuang of Temple Street in Yaumatei.;本文是作者对香港油麻地庙街“金凤凰曲艺歌座”所做实地考察的整理报告。

1.field trip实地考察,现场考察,出差
2.Field trip to Philadelphia. Work with Sulzberger students.费城的实地考察:和苏兹伯格学生合作。
3.On-site Visit to a Financial Management Firm实地考察一家财务管理公司
4.The Field Work and the Education Value Analyze about Dong Gg in XiaoHuang;小黄侗歌的实地考察及教育价值分析
5.On History Study--My Reflection on the Field Work of the Town of Tongwan;论“历史研究”──从统万城实地考察谈起
6.Fieldwork of Chinese Traditional Music Research in the 20~(th) Century (I) (Ershi shiji zhongguo minzu yinyuexue shidi kaocha wenti) (1);20世纪中国民族音乐学实地考察问题
7.This field course gives an overview of archaeological method.这个实地考察课展示了考古学的研究方法全貌
8.- Think of it as the ultimate field trip.- A fantastic thing for an archeologist.-就当是学期末实地考察吧 -考古学家的奇异幻想
9.Field Observations of the Reform of Primary Science Education in England:Some Food for Thoughts;英国小学科学教育改革:实地考察与思考
10.The Questionnaire, Interview and Observation in Fieldwork of Ethnomusicology --A Case Study of Gao Sheng Ge Zuo in Hong Kong;民族音乐学实地考察中的问卷、访谈、观察——以香港庙街高升歌座考察与分析为例
11.worked a few field trips into the semester's calendar.在本学期的日程表里插进几次实地考察旅行
12.anthropologists do much of their work in the field.我们这个研究小组对黄山进行了实地考察
13.We welcome all fields of friends come to visit us and consult on business.欢迎各界朋友前来我公司实地考察洽谈业务。
14.4) exploring the Weston costume culture by field survey;4)实地考察西方艺术,体验西方服装文化;
15.through scientific demonstration and on-site inspection of experts from home and abroad通过科学论证和国内外专家的实地考察
16.Ethnomusicological Fieldworks in Mainland China (1900-1966);中国大陆1900—1966民族音乐实地考察——编年与个案
17.A Note of the Investigation by Chinese and Japanese Scholars Accompanying Japanese Old Soldiers who Invaded China;对罪恶的认证——中日学者随侵华老兵实地考察
18.They do a lot of field work to found the right market for their new service.他们进行了大量的实地考察以便为新的服务项目找到合适的市场。

3)field study实地考察;野外考察
4)field trip实地考察旅行
5)an autoptic(al) report实地考察报告
6)Actual investigation实态考察

孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察  箫 孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察 中国科学院综考会供稿