景观规划,landscape planning
1)landscape planning景观规划
1.Ways of landscape planning for urban biodiversity conservation;城市生物多样性保护的景观规划途径
2.The research of rural landscape planning in urban fringe;城市郊区乡村景观规划研究
3.Urban landscape planning based on 3DGIS——Application in landscape planning along Minjiang river in Fuzhou city;三维可视化技术在城市景观规划中的应用——以福州滨江景观规划为例

1.Visual Landscape Planning Study of Urban Scenery Lake;城市风景湖泊空间视觉景观规划研究
2.Agri-Tourism:The Natural Beauty in the Landscape Planning观光农业环境——景观规划中的朴拙之美
3.Research on the Landscape Pattern, Landscape Ecological Appraisal and Landscape Ecological Planning of Erlianhaote Main City;二连浩特市城市景观格局、评价及景观规划研究
4.Landscape Pattern Analysis and Landscape Planning of Helan Mountain-Yinchuan Basin System;贺兰山—银川盆地景观格局分析与景观规划
5.Eco-planning and pattern analysis on the landscape of Thousand-kilometer Tour Corridor of Zhaoqing City;肇庆市“千里旅游走廊”景观规划与景观结构分析
6.Heterogeneity in Landscape Planning and Design;景观异质性在景观规划设计中的重要性
7.The Preliminary Discussion on the Plan and Design of Tour Landscape in Urban Districts-- An Enlightenment from Landscape Ecology;城区旅游景观规划设计初探——景观生态学的启示
8.Focus on the Huangpu River- The Landscape Planning and Design of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo关注浦江——上海世博园景观规划设计
9.On the Landscape Planning and Design of the Quzhi Residential Area of Yuhua District in Changsha长沙市雨花区区治大院景观规划设计
10.The Discussion of Coastline Landscape Planning and Design Methods in Weihai Seaside Park;滨海公园岸线景观规划设计方法探讨
11.Landscape Pattern Analysis and Landscape Ecological Planning in Chengdu;成都市景观格局分析与景观生态规划
12.Study on Landscape Pattern and Landscape Ecological Planning of Nantong;南通市景观格局与景观生态规划研究
13.The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot;崂山风景区景观格局动态分析及景观生态规划
14.A Study on Landscape-Ecological Planning of Shugang-Slender West Lake Scenic Spot in Yangzhou City;蜀冈—瘦西湖风景区景观生态规划研究
15.Landscape AVC Planning for Scenic Area of Yangzi Crocodile Lake in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province;安徽宣城扬子鳄湖景区景观AVC规划
16.Sustainable Planning of Tourism Spot Based on Landscape Ecology;基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划
17.The Research on Landscape Character of Small Tourism Towns Adjacent to Scenic Spot Planning风景区旅游小城镇景观风貌规划研究
18.Study of the Urban Landscape's Constitution、Planning and Designing;城市景观空间格局及景观生态规划与设计研究

Landscape design景观规划
1.Interior design and Landscape design,the front concerts with the creation of interior atmosphere while the latter mainly deal with the outdoor environment.室内设计、景观规划设计,前者着眼于建筑室内环境气氛的营造,后者则分析和规划人们生活的室外环境。
2.The process of landscape design often exists many elements which are independence and conflict each other,such as orient and occident s conception,the space s opening and closing,the conflict of functions.本文以潮州西湖公园内休闲体育区域的景观规划为例,指出只要根据立地条件及规划理念,抓住主要特征,有主有次,即能使这些元素由冲突的对立达到融合的统一,形成一种独特的景观,散发迷人魅力。
3.The research of landscape design method and technique is few currently, so it is very necessary to stud.本文在广泛调研国内外有关铁路绿化景观重要节点相关研究基础上,结合中铁二院科研项目《铁路边坡植被恢复成套技术》,开展了铁路沿线景观规划设计理论框架的搭建和应用等方面的研究。
3)Landscape plan景观规划
1.Overall conception of urban landscape plan of Jinhua City;金华市城市景观规划的总体构想
2.The Landscape Planning Research of Yimin River in Hulunbeir;呼伦贝尔市伊敏河景观规划研究
3.Drawing on the experiences of the developed port city of foreign countries and integrating with the practical conditions of China,coordinating the specified plans such as the landscape plan in the port area with the general plan of city and port,etc.借鉴国外发达港口城市的经验,结合我国的实际情况,充分协调港口区域的景观规划与城市总体规划、港口总体规划等各专项规划,使有限的资源得到综合利用和合理配置,从而实现生产、生活与生态之间的和谐,营造优美港口城市,实现现代港口的可持续发展。
4)landscape architecture景观规划
1.And how to improve coal enterprises' surrounding image is one of the important point for landscape architecture.而如何改善煤炭企业的环境形象,也是景观规划专业的重要实践内容之一。
2.The article briefly introduces some new methods and forms used in the teaching of landscape architecture principle course.介绍了景观规划原理课程教学中采用的一些新的方法和形式 ,即在进行课堂教学的同时 ,运用各种手段启发、指导学生同步进行多种形式的课外学习。
5)Planning Landscape规划景观
6)landscape eco-planning景观生态规划
1.Hence,in this paper a landscape eco-planning plan on sustainable land use in the process of urbanization is advanced on the basis of an analysis of landscape ecosystem in these areas.文章在对这些区域的景观生态分析的基础上,探讨了城市化进程中土地持续利用的景观生态规划。
2.Furthermore, landscape eco-planning of sustainable use for rocky desertification land integrates the relevant two kinds of eco.石漠化土地可持续利用景观生态规划是基于格局优化的目标规划和基于干扰分析的问题规划的结合,并借鉴预案研究的方法和思路。
3.One is that landscape eco-planning is the best approach to urban biodiversity conservation.简要论述了城市生物多样性的含义和价值,城市生物多样性保护的发展过程,着重分析了城市生物多样性保护的途径,指出景观生态规划是城市生物多样性保护的最佳途径,城市生物多样性保护的最终目的是通过建立可持续发展的城市景观生态系统从而促进城市的可持续发展。

城市总体规划与国土规划、区域规划的关系 国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划是在不同层次、涉及不同地域范围的发展规划。国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划组成一个完整的规划系列,国土规划和区域规划应当是城市总体规划的重要依据。而全国和区域性的江河流域、土地利用等专业规划则是国土和区域规划的重要组成部分,城市土地利用规划又是城市总体规划的重要组成部分。 我国的国土规划、区域规划以及江河流域规划、区域性土地利用总体规划等工作起步较晚,目前正在有计划、有重点地逐步展开,还没有法定的审批程序和审批成果。而全国绝大多数城市总体规划已经各级政府按法定程序审批,并在不断完善和深化,在实际工作中存在着相互联系和交叉的情况,因此本法原则确定应当相互协调的关系是必要的。