太行山,Taihang Mountains
1)Taihang Mountains太行山
1.Metallogenesis Study on Gold Deposits Related to Detached Zone in Middle North Part of Taihang Mountains;太行山中北段拆离带型金矿的成矿作用研究
2.The Record of Xiawacha Debris-flow in Taihang Mountains;太行山区下瓦岔泥石流灾害实录
3.Investigation on Large Fungus Resources on Taihang Mountains(south part);太行山(南部)大型真菌资源调查

1.Study on Species Decision Model for the Forestation in Taihang Mountain Area of Shanxi Province山西太行山区造林树种决策模型研究
2.Study on the Rule of Spring Water Flow in Taihang Mountain Area太行山低山区泉水涌流规律试验研究
3.Study on Vegetation Restoration Models in Hilly Area of Taihang Mountains太行山低山丘陵区植被恢复模式探讨
4.Analysis of Available Soil Moisture Changes in Taihang Mountain Piedmont Plain太行山山前平原土壤有效水动态分析
5.Integration Research of Taihang Mountain Travels --With "Taihang Mountain of Shanxi" Travel Analysis as the Example;对太行山旅游主题的整合性研究——以“山西太行山”旅游分析为例
6.The Taihang mountain range is situated on the borders between Shansi, Hopei and Honan Provinces.〔3〕太行山是山西、河北、南三省交界的山脉。
7.[3] The Taihang mountain range is situated on the borders between Shansi, Hopei and Honan Provinces.〔3〕太行山是山西、河北、河南三省交界的山脉。
8.Northeast-to-Southwest Mountain Ranges, including the Chanbai, Greater Hinggan, Taihang and Wushan Ranges;东北-西南走向:长白山、大兴安岭、太行山、巫山等。
9.Study on Ecological Construction of Jiaozuo,Beishan,South Slope Mt.Taihang Hill and Mound Region太行山南麓焦作北山低山丘陵区生态建设研究
10.The Shangtang area, rimmed by the Taihang, Taiyueh and Chungtiao Mountains, is like a tub.太行山、太岳山、中条山的中间,有一个脚盆,就是上党区。
11.Fluid Rock Equilibrium System of Archean Wanzi Rock Series in Taihang Mountains太行山太古宙湾子岩系的流体与岩石平衡体系
12.Index System for Irrigation Scheduling of Winter Wheater and Maize in the Piedmont of Mountain Taihang太行山山前平原冬小麦和夏玉米灌溉指标研究
13.The Mechanisms of the Vegetation Restoration and the Reconstruction Model in the Hilly Area of Taihang Mountains;太行山低山丘陵区植被恢复机理与构建模式
14.Study of the Nutrient Cycling of Typical Vegetation Community in Hilly Region of Taihang Mountain;太行山低山丘陵区典型植物群落养分循环研究
15.Evaluation on the Tourism Resources of Qiannanyu of Taihang Mountainous Area;太行山片麻岩山区前南峪旅游资源评价研究
16.Study on High-effective Utilization of Rainwater Resource in Calcareous Rock Area in Middle Taihang Mountain太行山石灰岩中山区雨水资源高效利用研究
17.Quantitative analysis of the Vitex negundo var. heterophylla communities in Taihang Mountain,Shanxi Province山西太行山南段峡谷区荆条灌丛数量分析
18.Interspecific relationships of Vitex negundo var. heterophylla community of Taihang Mountain in Shanxi Province山西太行山峡谷区荆条灌丛种间连接性研究

Taihang mountain太行山
1.Higher Spore Plant Resources and the Value of Virescence at Taihang Mountain in North Henan Province of China;豫北太行山高等孢子植物资源及其绿化价值
2.Studies on Endangered and Valuable Wild Plant Species in Henan Taihang Mountain;河南太行山区野生珍稀濒危植物资源研究初报
3)Taihang Mt太行山
1.Techniques and experiences of Taihang Mt.Greening in Huguan County;壶关县太行山绿化经验与技术浅谈
2.The Hydrographic Benefit of Improvement of Low quality and benefit Forests in Taihang Mt.;太行山低质低效林改造后的水文效益
3.Classification and lmprovement Techniques of Low quality and benefit Forests in Taihang Mt.;太行山低质低效林类型划分及其改造技术
1.Study on the Floristic Pteridophyte Geography of Taihangshan Macaque Natural Reserve;太行山猕猴自然保护区蕨类植物区系地理研究
2.The Study of Origin and Characteristics of the Taihangshan Metamorphic Core Complexes;太行山变质核杂岩的特征及成因探讨
3.Taihangshan orogen, called tectonomagmatic belt by most of geologists, is thought to be a part of Mesozoic circum Pacific magmatic arc.太行山造山带被大多数学者称为构造岩浆带,被认为是中生代环太平洋岩浆弧的组成部分。
5)Taihang mountain area太行山区
1.Cultivation and utilization of edible wild herbs in Taihang Mountain area.;太行山区山野菜植物资源与开发利用探讨
2.Climate ecological adaptation of sweet persimmon introduction in Taihang mountain area;太行山区日本甜柿引种的气候生态适应性研究
3.The flora of Taihang Mountain Area in West Xingtai and its relationship with other mountainous floras in China;邢台西部太行山区种子植物区系及与其它山区区系的关系
6)Taihang Mountains太行山区
1.An analysis on the genesis of debris flow in Taihang Mountains and ecological prevention countermeasure-Taking genesis of debris flow in Hebei Province in 1996 as an example.;太行山区泥石流成因及其生态防治对策——以1996年河北省泥石流灾害为例
2.Evaluation of the Harmony Coefficient of Agricultural System of Taihang Mountains in Hebei Province;河北太行山区农业系统协调度分析
3.Spatial and temporal change of landscape pattern in the western Shijiazhuang, Taihang Mountains;石家庄西部太行山区景观格局时空变化

太行山太行山Taihang Shan  平原之间,蜿蜒于北京、山西、河北、河南边界上。北起军都山南口附近的奖沟,南至黄河,东北一西南走向,长约740千米,宽120~240千米,一股海拔1 500~2 000米。它是在占老地块基础上断裂上升形成的块状…脉,丰要¨l I北部的西山,西部的恒山、五台山、系舟山、太岳…、中条山和东部的太行山等组成。 西山,位于北京市西郊,东西10一0千米,南北30~60千米,一般海拔600~1 600米,主峰灵山,海拔2 420米。山坡陡峭,沟谷挟窄,天然植被良好,是北京西部的屏障。 恒山,古称北岳。位于浑源、山15月、代县、灵丘之间。东西130T米,南北25~45千米, ·般海拔卜300米以上,主I峰馒头山,海拔2 z126米。东北一西南走向,是桑干河和滹沱河的分水岭。北部山势高峻,I J_l壁陡峭,高崖深谷,道路险阻。南部山势较缓,沟壑较多。其间有雁门关等隘口。 五台…,位于繁0电五台县之矧。东西1 25千米,南北30~60千米,一般海拔1 500~2 500米。主咏因由北台、中台、东台、西台、南台五个平台状【llli峰组成而得名。北台顶最高,海拔3 058米。区内山高谷深,山势险要,以台怀为中心,周倒有大小寺庙67座,为巾国四人佛教圣地之。。 系舟山,位于五台山南。南北70千米,东西25千水,主峰海拔2 101米。山势高峻,西北坡陡立,东南坡斜缓。幽侧的石岭关,是太原、忻县问的重要通道。 太趴U,位于大同一蒲州和太原一焦作铁路之间。南北210千米,东西60~1【)(】千米。一般海拔1 000—1 500米,主峰牛角鞍,海拔2 567米。主脉呈南北走向,是#0河和汾河的分水岭。西北部山岭高峻险拔,东南部山坡徐缓。团为水源亢足.有成片讨林。 中条山,位于山西省南端。东西2 2 0千米,南北25~65千米,一般海拔l O 0 0~l’700米,主峰历山,海拔2 322米。主脉呈长条状东西走向。山势北陡南缓,沟壑纵横。二十里岭、茅津渡,是由河南灵宝、三门峡经中条山通往运城盆地的主要通道。 太行山,位干河北平原西侧。南;I匕560千米,东西50~150千米,一般海拔1100~2 000米,主峰小五台…,海拔2 882米。主脉呈南:j匕走向,山势闲:IE高,小州低,形似马鞍。整个山体东摁陡峭,两翼乎缓。东麓水库较多,丰要何阴火洋、J三快、岗南、岳城等水库。