功能区划,function zoning
1)function zoning功能区划
1.Application of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to the selection of function zoning program in the Hengshui Lake;层次分析法在衡水湖环境功能区划方案遴选中的应用
2.Discussion on the function zoning of minitypelake-wetland natural reserve;小型湖泊湿地自然保护区功能区划探讨
3.Taking the situation of Sanshili Pu town in Dalian city as an example,a complete investigation was carried out including data collection and demonstration,the function zoning mode for environmental noise in small town was worked out by using grid method.以大连市金州区三十里堡为例,在进行充分调查、数据汇总和反复论证的基础上,采用网格法制定了小城镇环境噪声功能区划

1.On the Negative Planning Meanings of Principal Function Regionalization and Planning主体功能区划规划的“反规划”内涵探析
3.Discussion on connection between ecological-functional zone division and main-functional zone division生态功能区划与主体功能区划关系探讨
4.Study of Ecological Functional Regionalization in BeiBu Gulf (GuangXi) Economic Region;北部湾(广西)经济区生态功能区划研究
5.Study on the Ecological Function Regionalization of Maojian District of Shiyan City in Hubei Province湖北十堰市茅箭区生态功能区划研究
6.Environmental Function Zoning in Offshore Marine Areas State Environmental Protection Administration has completed the environmental function zoning programme of the offshore marine areas.近岸海域环境功能区划国家环保总局完成近岸海域环境功能区划
7.Study on the Planning of Water Function Zones and Water Resources Conversation of Hubei Province;湖北省水功能区划暨水资源保护规划研究
8.Resource-Oriented Marine Functional Zoning and Coastal City s Conceptual Planning;资源定位的海洋功能区划和沿海城市概念规划
9.Ocean Tourism Resources and Functional Zoning in Qingdao City青岛市海洋旅游资源及其功能区划
10.Technical directives for the division of marine functional zonationGB17108-1997海洋功能区划技术导则
11.Fuzhou Marine Functional Zoning Based on GISGIS支持下的福州市海洋功能区划
12.The Study of the Division of Marine Functional Zones on the Theory and Practice;海洋功能区划的基本理论与实证研究
13.The Rationale and Means of Main Function Division at Provincial Level;省域主体功能区划的理论基础与方法
14.Study on Urban Spatial Development Function Division of Suqian City;江苏省宿迁市空间开发功能区划研究
15.An Ecologically Based Technique for the Principal Function Zoning;生态导向下的主体功能区划方法初探
16.The Landscape Structure and Its Function and Ecological Regionalization of the Ecotone between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northeast China;东北农牧交错区景观结构、功能与区划
17.Study on the Approach of Ecological Function Area Planning in Small Scale;小尺度区域生态功能区规划途径研究
18.(1) Identification of Ecological Zones(一)划定生态功能区域并加强保护

functional zoning功能区划
1.The most outstanding contribution of marine functional zoning is mainly manifested in the four aspects: First, the theoretical system of marine functional zoning has been established;Secondly, the mechanism of managing the specific marine area according to its essential attributes, i,e.海洋功能区划最突出的贡献,主要表现在四个方面:第一是建立起海洋功能区划的理论体系;第二是确立了一种按海洋特定区域的本质属性,即具备的功能对其实施管理的机制,这可大大提高管理工作的科学性和深刻性;第三是将科技工作的科技行为同政府工作的行政行为密切结合起来,奠定了其成果作为管理依据的地位;第四是海洋功能区划的直接作用在于为海洋开发利用、保护管理,尤其是执法监察管理提供管理依据,并具有可实施性和可操作性。
2.On the basis of the importance of marine tourism functional zoning in Qingdao,connecting with the development of marine functional zoning in china,starting from the exploration on its fundament and principle,by analyzing regional characteristics and functional types of marine tourism resources.结合中国海洋功能区划发展状况,在指出青岛海洋旅游功能区划的重要意义的基础上,从探讨青岛海洋旅游区划的依据与原则出发,通过分析海洋旅游资源地域特征和功能类型,制定了青岛海洋旅游功能区划方案,确定青岛海洋旅游功能区划体系,包括四大旅游功能类型,28个滨海旅游功能区,同时考虑到区域差异性、互补性,结合旅游发展空间定位要求,进一步提出海洋旅游资源开发次序,即南部重点海洋旅游区、西海岸次级海洋旅游区、胶州湾新兴复合海洋旅游区、东部沿海潜在旅游区。
3.One of the basic reasons resulting in it is the unsuitable functional zoning, that is, urban ecosystem and nature resources are ignored during functional zoning work.城市功能区划作为解决城市中不同活动之间、不同自然资源利用之间冲突的有效工具,是城市规划的核心。
3)function regionalization功能区划
1.Qualitative and quantitative function regionalization of ecological riparian zone;生态河岸带功能区划的定性与定量研究
2.It is pointed out that the determination of the design return period should be done for each catchment according to function regionalization, so that the storm-drainage system can meet the requirement of drainage and economy.以江苏省仪征市雨水排水系统可行性研究为例 ,通过对同一雨水排水系统雨水设计重现期的不同取值对雨水排水管渠建设费用影响的分析 ,提出城镇雨水设计重现期的选取应把城镇功能区划作为划分各汇水区域的重要参数 ,因地制宜地对不同汇水区域选用不同的设计重现期值 ,使雨水管网在满足排水需要的同时又符合经济性的要求 。
3.Function regionalization of ecological riparian zone is part of river function regionalization.生态河岸带功能区划是河流功能区划的重要组成部分,合理的功能区划有利于保护河岸带、河流以及整个流域的生态,有利于生态河岸带资源的合理开发利用,使其发挥最佳的效率,同时生态河岸带的功能区划也是生态河岸带管理的基础。
4)functional regionalization功能区划
1.Urban landscape functional regionalization and development strategy in Shenyang City.;沈阳市市域景观功能区划及发展策略
2.Environmental noise functional regionalization of Qujing urban area is studied.对曲靖市城区进行了环境噪声功能区划分;分析了曲靖市噪声污染现状和趋势、噪声污染原因,对噪声污染结果进行了预测;分析了环境噪声达标规划,提出了噪声污染控制方案。
3.Ecological restoration planning is important to restore the destroyed eco-environment in most coal mining areas in China,and ecological restoration functional regionalization is the first step of general planning.生态修复总体规划的编制是煤矿区生态修复工作顺利开展的重要保障,生态修复功能区划又是生态修复总体规划的首要步骤。
5)function division功能区划
1.According to the requirement on "Converging and verifying water environmental function division of all country" by National Environment Protection Administration,the water environment quality of Changzhi,Shanxi from 1991 to 1995 such as the main rivers,inferior rivers,the outlets which drain effluent to river and the main polluting sources are investigated, assement and GPS located.根据国家环保总局《关于汇总核实全国水环境功能区划》的要求,对长治市1991年~1995年地表水环境质量进行分析、评价,对主要水体、次要水体、入河排污口、主要污染源进行了调查、评价和GPS定位,并对水环境进行功能区划分。
2.Then,it offers the principle of the waterfront planning and works out the function division of the waterfront resources i.通过对长江干流南京浦口段岸线利用现状的调查研究,概述了岸线的利用现状,分析了岸线资源的利用上存在的问题与开发优势,然后提出了岸线规划的原则,并在此基础上完成了浦口段岸线利用的功能区划
3.This paper established an index system of urban spatial development function division which could well reflect the social,economic and environmental characteristics,and used some corresponding methods to quantitate it.建立了一套综合反映研究区社会、经济、环境状况的空间开发功能区划指标体系,并运用相应的方法对其进行了量化。
6)water function zoning水功能区划
1.Problems identification of water function zoning and harmonious countermeasures;水功能区划的问题识别及相应对策
2.Studies on rationality of water function zoning of Zhuzhou-Changsha river section of Xiangjiang River;湘江株洲—长沙河段水功能区划分合理性分析及建议
3.The water function zoning is the foundation work of the water resources development of using and protecting,which is the basis for the management of water resources.水功能区划是水利部门对水资源开发利用与保护的基础工作,又是进行水资源管理的依据。

军事行政区划(见行政区划)军事行政区划(见行政区划)military administrative regionalization )unshi xingzheng quhua军事行政区划(mizitary。dministrativeregionalization)见行政区划。