科学说明,scientific explanation
1)scientific explanation科学说明
1.In the relation between scientific explanation and scientific understanding the concept and principle are clearly discriminated.在与科学说明的关系之比较中科学理解的概念、原理得以辨析清楚,其基本立场也在与一般理解概念的区别中得以凸显出来。
2.How close does scientific explanation relate to understanding?Some conclusions are reached by an analysis based on major models of scientific explanation:scientific understanding plays an important role not only in the precondition and the process of scientific explanation but also in the consequences of explanation.结合着关于科学说明的一系列重要模型,分析考查了科学说明如何离不开理解:科学理解在科学说明的前提、过程以及结果中都起着重要的作用。
3.The Model of van Fraassen s scientific explanation is the currently satisfactory explanatory theory,which,based on the context,taking the pragmatism of the empiricism as the background,synthesizing the result of the model before and absorbing their advantage dialectically,has being obtained more consistent acknowledgement of the academic circles with the perfect form.弗拉森的科学说明理论(“语用学“的科学说明)以语境为基础,以经验论的实用主义为背景,综合了以前说明模式的成果,以相对完美的形式取得了学术界比较一致的承认。

1.Pragmatic Model of Explanation:Scientific Explanation or Historical Explanation?;“回答问题”的说明模型:科学说明还是历史说明?
2.How Close Does Scientific Explanation Relate to Understanding?--An Analysis Based on Some Important Models of Scientific Explanation;科学说明为何离不开理解——从对科学说明模型的分析展开
3.Scientific explanation and Historical Interpretation --On the Unity of Methodologies of Natural Sciences and Humanities;科学说明和历史解释——论自然科学与人文学科的方法论统一性
4.The Effects of Multimedia Interactive Illustration on Learning of Expository Text of Science;多媒体互动插图对科学说明文学习的影响
5.On the Theory of the Same Structure and Its Difficult Positions in Hempel s Scientific Explanation and Scientific Prediction;论亨普尔关于科学说明与科学预测的同构论及其困境
6.The Strong Program Social Exposition of Scientific Rationality;强纲领——科学合理性的社会学说明
7.The scientist cited vivid instances in illustration of his theory.科学家以生动的例子说明他的理论。
8.The book aims at giving a general outline of the subject.这本书旨在对这门学科作概要说明。
9.Yet the classification will hinder the development of singing art.事实说明,划分三种唱法是不科学的。
10.What Is Evolutionary Economics:An Interpretation Based on Comparison of Disciplines什么是演化经济学:基于学科类比的说明
11.Sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) has a clear philosophical agenda, which is to compete with rational philosophy in explaining the nature of scientific knowledge.科学知识社会学要求对科学知识进行社会学的考察,并对科学知识的本性做出社会学的说明。
12.The scientist redefined the relations between population and economic affairs.这位科学家重新说明了人口和经济之间的关系。
13.an effort to give scientific support for the truth of the account of creation given in the Book of Genesis.为证明创世纪宇宙起源之说的科学努力。
14.The scientist elucidated his theory by three simple demonstrations.这位科学家以三个简单的实例来说明他的理论。
15.This shows that two science departments are interdependent and influent each other.这说明,这两个科学部门是相互依赖、互影响的。
16.A] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death.没有科学证据说明吸烟和死亡之间的相关性。
17.A description was published by the Berlin Academy in 1710.1710年在柏林科学院发表了这种想法的书面说明。
18.This is only a sort of scientific hypothesis which has not been proved by experiments这仅仅是一个尚未被实验证明的科学假说。

scientific exposition科技说明文
1.In language teaching today,scientific expositions are obviously cold shouldered.现今的语文教学中,科技说明文等实用性文体显然遭到了冷落,这反映了拒斥理性思考,独尊感情体验,贬抑客观实证,推崇主观直觉,已经并正在成为语文教学的现实走向。
3)science hypothesis科学假说
1.The method of science hypothesis is one of the hypothetical guess and explanation.科学假说方法是一种假定性的推测和说明,它是自然科学理论思维的一种重要形式,具有科学性、假定性和易变性的特点。
4)scientific hypothesis科学假说
1.The stage of modern experimental medicine has been developed based on the development of basic medicine developed mainly in form of scientific hypothesis.医学经历了漫长的经验医学和观察医学阶段,由以科学假说为发展形式的基础医学的发展,发展到现代的实验医学阶段。
2.In this article,the D-S evidence theory is used to judge the reliability of scientific hypothesis.科学假说的确证通常是建立在不同证据支持的基础之上,因此,也需要一个能够融合所有证据的方法。
3.As an exploratory and hypothetical assertion to a matter,scientific hypothesis has some convictional element.科学假说作为对问题的一种试探性和推测性的断言 ,有信念的成分。
5)science fiction科学小说
1.By comparing the Chinese and Japanese versions,from the trans-cultural and trans-linguistic aspects,the paper focused on the transplant of Jules Verne\'s science fictions in Meiji and late Qing Dynasty,and the influence of ideology on translation strategy.晚清时期,这部经由法文、英文、日文转译而成的科学小说,在译入过程中不可避免地受本国读者阅读习惯和时代需求的影响。
2.With the western culture spreading to the east,the transplant of science fiction introduced from Japan in late Qing Dynasty is of great interest in the study of translation history both in Japan and China.晚清,在西方科学小说的东渐史上,大量经由日本输入的科学小说如何被移植是中日近代翻译史研究中不应回避的问题。
6)scientific civilization科学文明
1.For enriching and strengthening the poor China, lots of neoteric intellectuals wanted to seek the kingcrafis from the Western countries and the most out standing behave was the recognition of the scientific civilization.中国近现代的知识分子为了拯救处于贫弱中的中国,纷纷转向西方寻求治国之道,其中最突出的表现就是对“科学文明”重视。

国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technology  guomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。