哲学理解,philosophical ideas
1)philosophical ideas哲学理解
1.Centered on language choice and language adaptation,his theory encompasses his philosophical ideas about meaning,context and mind.维索尔伦(Vers-chueren)把语言当作人类社会生活中的一种重要活动,并从这一动态视角去观察分析语言,以语言选择和语言顺应为中心构建语用学的整个框架,进而探讨了语言、人类和现实之间的相互顺应关系,其中包含了维氏对意义、语境、心智等概念的哲学理解,因而其语用顺应论从跨学科的角度开辟了研究语言意义奥秘的新思路。

1.The Awakening of Explanalogical Consciousness in the History of Understanding Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学理解史上解释学意识的觉醒
2.From the Philosopher s Philosophy to My Philosophy: Understanding of the Connotation of Teachers Philosophy;从哲学家的哲学到我的哲学:教师哲学内涵理解
3.Philosophy teaches us to see.哲学教我们去理解。
4.Philosophical Hermeneutic Mode in the Understanding of Intercultural Texts;论跨文化文本理解的哲学解释学模式
5.The Theory of Interpretation in Philosophical Hermeneutics and Complexity Research;哲学解释学的解释理论与复杂性探索
6.Hans-Georg Gadamer s Philosophy Hermeneutics and Concept of Reading Education Philosophy Hermeneutics;伽达默尔哲学解释学原理与阅读教学哲学解释学理念
7.The relationship between philosophy of Marx and philosophy of Hegel;重新理解马克思哲学与黑格尔哲学之间的关系
8.The Transition of Philosophical Subjects in the New Times: My View of Virtual Philsophy;哲学主题的时代转换——对虚拟哲学的理解
9.The Philosophy of Praxis: Gramsci's Understanding of Marxist Philosophy实践哲学:葛兰西对马克思主义哲学的理解
10.Reading With Understanding: Interpretive Method in Chinese Philosophy;理解性阅读——中国哲学的解释方法
11.My Understanding of Philosophy and Teachers of Philosophy;我所理解的哲学和哲学教师——关于当哲学教师的体会
12.philosophical theories that are inaccessible to ordinary people普通人无法理解的哲学理论.
13.The Understanding of the Idea of Building a Harmonious World from a Philosophical Perspective;从外交哲学视角理解“和谐世界”理念
14.Ancient understanding of the Science of Doing Things: Philosophical Interpretation of the Military Strategy in Sunzi;事理学的古代理解:《孙子》兵法的哲学解读
15.New Understanding for Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics;量子力学哲学的新理解——对万小龙“量子哲学研究”的解读
16.The Analysis of Academic Profession--The ideal and reality of scholarship学术职业的解读——哲学王的理想与现实
17.An Analysis of Two Hot Points in Modern Philosophy of physics;现代物理学哲学的两个热点问题新解
18.The Link Between Physics and Philosophy--Decipherment and Commentary of Several Copies of "Physics Philosophy";联系物理学与哲学的纽带——几本“物理学哲学”著作的解读与述评

philosophical resolution哲学解析
3)philosophical solution哲学解
1.Scientific solution and philosophical solution to scientific problems are two different concepts.科学问题的科学解和哲学解是两个不同的范畴。
4)philosophical interpretation哲学解读
1.The philosophical interpretation of works of art is conducted through man s spiritual retrospection and higher reaches of spirit.艺术作品的哲学解读是一种通过艺术作品反思人类精神现象、精神境界的活动 ,是一种超越感性有限而趋向于理性无限的过程 ,也是把作品的艺术情思内化为读者生命的过程 ,具有净化心灵人性、创造人生的意义和价值 ,可以给人以自由的愉悦和满足。
5)philosophical understanding哲学解读
6)philosophical exposition哲学解释

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