科学与价值,science and value
1)science and value科学与价值

1.Unity of Science and Value Is the Fundamental Principle of Science Development View;科学与价值的统一是科学发展观的基本原则
2.Science and value: the double yardstick in constructing harmonious society;科学与价值:构建和谐社会的双重尺度
3.Disenchantment of Science--On the Relationship between Science and Values in the Period of Modern Science Revolution科学的祛魅——论近代科学革命时期科学与价值的关系
4.The Limits and the Value of Scientific Method科学方法的局限与价值
5.Science,Value and Culture: Dewey s Empirical Methodology and Value Judgement;科学、价值与文化——杜威经验方法与价值判断探析
6.On the Value Orientations of "Scientific inquiry" in School Science Teaching;论基础科学课程与教学中“科学探究”的价值取向
7.Students Studying Abroad and Development of Scientific Values in Republic of China;留学生与民国时期科学价值观的发展
8.A Survey of Scientific Values of Freshman in Universities and Colleges;对大学新生科学价值观的调查与思考
9.The Scientific Cultural Background and Value of Moism Resurgence;墨学复兴的科学文化背景与时代价值
10.Higher Education Administration:Construction and Evaluation of the Discipline高等教育管理学:学科构建与价值评判
11.From Value to Cultural Value--The Significance of Cultural Value in Research and Practice;从价值到文化价值——文化价值的学科意义与现实意义
12.The Scientific Outlook on Development: The Dialectical Integration of the Construction of Science and Human Spirit;科学发展观:热科学精神与人文价值的辩证整合
13.The Essence,Value and Designing Rules of Scientific Enguiry in Science Teaching;科学探究在理科教学中的本质、价值与设计原则
14.Development and Social Value of Technological Science;技术科学的发展与技术科学的社会价值
15.Survey of Value of Science--Value Neutrality of Science and Value Loaded of Science;科学的价值审视——科学的价值中立及价值负载
16.The Scientific View and the Renewal of the Idea of Economical Law;科学发展观与经济法价值理念的更新
17.Scientific Value of Agriculture in "LVSHICHUNQIU";吕不韦与《吕氏春秋》及其农业科学价值
18.Justice and Sciencetificness: Value Orientation of Political Civilization;正义与科学——政治文明的价值取向

scientific nature and valuable nature科学性与价值性
3)scientific value科学价值
1.The characteristics and scientific values of ecological succession in Danxia Landform;论丹霞地貌区生态演替特征及其科学价值
2.The contemporary examination on the neutralism of scientific value;科学价值中立说的现代审视
3.On Scientific Value of Chinese National Vocal Music as Compared with Western Vocality;从中西声乐对比看民族声乐的科学价值
4)science value科学价值
1.The conformity of science value and humanity value in the mathematics education is the requirement of knowledge and economic times; the requirement of one s all-round development for suiting the society.数学教育的科学价值与人文价值整合是知识经济时代的要求;是人全面发展,更好适应社会的需要;是数学教育发展的必然趋势。
5)scientific value学科价值
6)science of value价值科学
1.Starting with the changing concept of value, this paper makes a comparative analysis of three branches of “the turn to the theory of value” of modern philosophy, and further discusses the possibility of the science of value, managing to remove the barrier which excludes the thoughts of value from the scientific field.价值问题以不同的方式成为哲学研究的主题,哲学家们从不同的视角去研究价值问题,由此形成了当代哲学“价值论转向”的三种分支方向或表现形态,它们都只是“价值哲学”而非“价值科学”。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分