1.However,the author thinks that the current law can resolve right conflicts between patient's right of informed consent and right of life and health with necessity syst.运用紧急避险制度,可以使医院在单方面施行手术积极挽救患者生命的同时免于承担侵犯患者及其家属知情同意权的法律责任。
2.The difference of criminal structure between Chinese Criminal law thevry and Britain & Americal criminal law theory results in the difference of each constitution of necessity.紧急避险是正当行为的一种。

1.A Study on the Necessity in the Situation in which the Actor Causes the Danger Himself;自招危险情形下的紧急避险问题研究
2.Thoughts on Unification of the Cognizance Standard of Necessity Cases;紧急避险案件认定标准的统一化思考
3.Research on Several Controversial Problems of Necessity紧急避险制度若干争议法律问题研究
4.Study on Compound Suppression Technique and Emergency Eafety Measure in Forest Fire Fighting;森林消防合成灭火技术及紧急避险措施研究
5.The Comparison of Necessity Between Chinese Criminal Law and Britain & American Crimncal Law;中国刑法与英美刑法紧急避险制度比较研究
6.A Brief Analysis on the Emergency Against Danger When the Victim Giving the False Promise;由被害人虚假承诺表现的紧急避险初探
7.On the behaviour roomage and the thinking characteristics in urgency;论人们紧急避险时的行为空间和思维特点
8.Power of Life-Jurisprudential Analysis of a Case of Necessiy;生命的权力——一个紧急避险案例的法理学分析
9.A Theoretical Reflection on the Legitimate Evidence of the Act of Rescue对我国紧急避险正当性根据理论的反思
10.If the dumping is not carried out in the area and under the conditions specified by the permit due to urgent need to avert hazards or to save life,为紧急避险或救助人命,未按许可证规定的条件和区域进行倾倒时,
11.On the Relationship of Acts of Rescue and Forced Acts in Chinese Criminal law;我国刑法中的紧急避险与被迫行为关系之多维检视
12.Several Analysis About Nonfeasance and Urgent Avoiding Risks --Talk from a Case of Slighting Lifesaving;不作为与紧急避险的若干辨析——从一起怠于救人案谈起
13.On the Necessity Right of Specific Obligor--Based on Shanghai "7·17" Especially Big Fire特定责任人的紧急避险权——基于上海“7·17”特大火灾的思考
14.The dumping entity and those who benefit from the emergency aversion of hazards or life salvage shall make compensation for the pollution damage arising therefrom.倾倒单位和紧急避险和救助人命的受益者,应对由此所造成的污染损害进行补偿。
15.Criminal responsibility shall be borne where urgent danger prevention exceeds the necessary limits and causes undue harm. However, consideration shall be given according to the circumstances to imposing a mitigated punishment or to granting exemption from punishment.紧急避险超过必要限度造成不应有的损害的,应当负刑事责任,但是应当减轻或者免除处罚。
16.We've informed your pilot, and he's preparing to combine evasive action with immediate descent.我们已经通知了你的飞行员 他正准备以紧急降落来躲避危险
17.urgent problems that society can no longer shunt aside.社会再也无法回避的紧急问题
18.She braked suddenly and avoided an accident.她紧急刹车,避免了一场车祸。

Act of rescue紧急避险
1.As to this, after studying the relation between the forced acts and act of rescue from many viewpoints of criminal legislation, theory and judicial practice, we should accept that forced acts belong to the grounds for e.行为人在受到他人强迫的情况下,实施了符合法益优越原则的侵害行为,是应当按照被迫行为还是紧急避险来加以处理,这突显出被迫行为与紧急避险之间的关系问题在刑法理论及实践上之重要性。
2.The article discusses the legal responsibility by the act of rescue from the point of view of civil law,and analyses the question that how to bear the legal liability by act of rescue in a road traffic accident.在道路交通事故责任中,如果行为人在遭到紧急危难的情况下为救护一个较大利益而采取损害另一个较小利益的行为是紧急避险
3.Act of rescue is such a case that one person have to infringe on one legal interest to protect another legal interest when another is in danger.紧急避险是指当合法利益处于一种不牺牲另一种合法利益就无法避免的损害危险中时,牺牲另一合法利益以保全前一个合法利益的情况。
3)right of necessity紧急避险权
1.In criminal law theory of our country,right of necessity is stipulated action for elimination criminal behavior.同时为了避免特定责任人员借紧急避险来规避自己应该承担的职责,应对特定责任人员的紧急避险权利作出一定的限制。
4)Truck Escape Ramp(TER)紧急避险车道
1.Setting Truck Escape Ramp(TER) on continual,long and steep downhill road of expressway in mountainous area is very necessary.通过对邯长高速公路紧急避险车道的研究,找出了存在的问题,提出更加合理的避险车道方案以供同行参考。
5)special emergency avoidance特殊紧急避险
1.While special emergency avoidance,obeying the regularity-from generalization to specialization,differs them in its special situations and special manners in dealing with avoiding sudden dangerous cases.遵循从一般到特殊的逻辑规律,特殊紧急避险关键在于其不同于一般紧急避险的特殊之处。
6)inculpatory act of rescue攻击性紧急避险
1.The inculpatory act of rescue,which is one kind type of the private strength relief, not only has the vital significance in the real life, but also is an important legal regime.攻击性紧急避险作为私力救济的一种类型,不仅在现实生活中有重要意义,同时也是一项重要的法律制度。
