1.This paper introduces a design of monitoring and controlling system for anti-tail entrance guard based on microcomputer,explains the structure of entrance guard systems,detailed working principle of entrance guard system and highlight on design of entrance guard system controller and reader hardware circuit.介绍了一种防尾随安全门禁监控系统的设计,说明了门禁系统的结构,详述了门禁系统的工作原理及特点,重点介绍门禁系统控制器、读卡器硬件电路的设计。

1.Design of Monitoring and Controlling System for Anti-tail Entrance Guard Based on Microcomputer基于微机的防尾随安全门禁监控系统设计
2.After go out dike the stranger to tail, don't talk with the stranger as far as possible.(3)取款后提防陌生人尾随,尽量不要和陌生人搭话.
3.The flood is following me.涨上来的潮水尾随着我。
4.follow the trail of sb/sth;track sb/sth追踪或尾随某人[某事物
5.Onchocerciasis Control Programme盘尾丝虫病防治方案
6.aircraft wake turbulence avoidance防止飞机进入前机尾流
7.partially protected poop front bulkhead尾楼前端局部防护舱壁
8.Equivalence relation among the tail probabilities of weighted sums for negatively associated random variables with heavy tails负相协重尾随机变量加权和的尾概率等价关系
9.Waterproofing and sealing of shield tail and sealing grease盾构法隧道的盾尾防水密封与盾尾密封油脂
10.And I am stalked now by that other entity.现在那个实体处处尾随着我。
11.Frankie began following Jean on his rounds, and the slight, white-haired man followed by the delicate golden fawn soon became a familiar sight.弗兰基开始尾随琼巡视。 不久,瘦
12.the senator, followed By a trail of reporters.被一长串记者尾随的参议员
13.satellite droplet卫星滴-尾随主墨滴后的小墨滴
14.I hurried to LeMar's home classroom, Holly trailing behind me.霍莉尾随我匆忙赶到勒马尔的教室。
15.The kids followed the mobile cultural troupe for quite a distance.孩子们尾随着巡回演出队走了好远。
16.A tail buoy is connected to the far end of the cable.电缆的末端与一个尾随浮筒相连。
17.on the track of跟踪追赶,尾随,得到…的线索,未出岔子
18.With the survival rate of native Australian koalas on the rise,随着澳洲原产地无尾熊存活率的上升,

defend to rob by tailing behind防尾随抢劫
3)control of defending to be trailed防尾随控制
1.By employing computational fluid dynamics software CFX to numerically simulate the process of a car trailing a container truck, a relative aerodynamic drag coefficient curve of the car in the process of trailing is obtained, and a study on the external flow field of the car is carried out.利用计算流体力学(CFD)软件CFX对轿车尾随集装箱车的过程进行了数值模拟,得到在尾随过程中轿车的气动阻力系数相对变化曲线图,并对尾随时轿车外流场进行分析与研究,仿真分析表明:轿车的气动阻力系数随两车距离减小而减小,当车间距为2倍的轿车车长时达到最小,车间距再减小时气动阻力系数又增大。
2.When the leading bubble was steady,the relationship between instantaneous velocity,shape,acceleration of the trailing bubble and viscosity、 bubbles distance、bubble length was obtained.在领先气泡达到充分发展后,得出了尾随气泡的瞬时速度、形状和加速度与液体黏度、气泡间隔距离和气泡长度的关系。
3.By employing the Computer Fluid Dynamics(CFD) software to simulate the process of a car trailing a large truck,the aerodynamic drag coefficient and the aerodynamic lift coefficient of the car in the process of trailing were obtained.利用计算流体力学(CFD)软件对一辆小轿车尾随一辆集装箱车的过程进行了数值模拟,得到了在尾随过程中小轿车的气动阻力系数和气动升力系数相对变化曲线图。
5)random ending随机截尾
1.Failure process for numerical control machine with random ending method;随机截尾数控机床故障过程
2.Fault process for turret systems of CNC lathes with random ending;随机截尾数控车床刀架系统故障过程
6)Trailing signals尾随信号
