
1.Large eddy simulation of fire spread behavior in an under-ventilated room通风不良室内火蔓延行为的大涡模拟
2.The living conditions of that indigent family can be best described as" filthy"- a stuffy squalid house and dilapidated-looking furniture.那贫贱家庭的生活环境以「乱」形容也不为过─子通风不良又污秽、俱外表残破。
3.You also sleep best when you are comfortable. Tight clothes and heavy covers interfere with good rest. Poor ventilation disturbs sleep.你感到舒服的情况下,睡得最香。衣服过紧,盖得太厚都影响休息。通风不良干扰睡眠。
4.As offices and homes often have inadequate ventilation, these chemicals can build up to become health nuisances.由于办公室和住家往往通风不良,这些化学物质会愈积愈多进而成为危害健康的物质。
5.a room with good [poor] ventilation通风良好[不佳]的房间
6.My office is well-/poorly-ventilated.我的办公室通风良好[不良].
7.The large window makes the room quite airy.大窗子使房间通风良好。
8.This is a room with good ventilation.这是个通风良好的房间。
9.We can get rid of a bad style and keep the good.我们能够去掉不良作风,保持优良作风。
10.Do not place the product in a separate enclosure unless proper ventilation is provided除非通风良好,不要把产品放在独立的封闭装置中
11.Do not place the product in a separate enclosure unless proper ventilation are provided.除非通风良好,不要把产品放在独立的封闭装置中。
12.Not complying with the provisions in checking and repairing communication equipment and fire prevention equipment;Not complying with the provisions to keep the cabins in good ventilation or clean;不按规定检修通信设备和消防设备;不按规定保持船舱良好通风或清洁;
13.Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting System药物不良反应通报系统
14.Even when ventilation is provided, respiratory, skin and eye protection are always recommended when spraying paint.尽管通风条件良好也应配戴防护用具。
15.The windows permit light and air to enter.这些窗户采光及通风性能良好.
16.Failing to follow the provisions to keep the cabins in good ventilation or clean; Failing to follow the provisions to guarantee the safety of the persons going onto and off the vessel or installation;不按规定保持船舱良好通风或清洁;不按规定保障人员上下船舶、设施的安全;
17.Stop the Bad Online Mode Develop the Good Online Moral Standard;遏制网上不良风气 培养良好的网络道德
18.DEVANTOL SOLO P is put undiluted into the storage container of the spraying table. The pre-spotting table must have an efficient ventilation.DEVANTOL SOLO P不加稀释加入到去渍台的储液罐中,请保证去渍台的通风良好。

bad ventilation不良通风
1.With respect to the climate in Lishui, three aspects are worth noting: high temperature in summer, the strong heat island effect and the bad ventilation.分析了丽水的城市气候特点,发现不利于人们居住的3个气候特点:夏季高温、强热岛效应和不良通风状况;提出可以通过城区科学、合理的道路规划、设计来减缓这些不利因素,主要包括:路网设计要强化以正南北方向为基础偏转角度到12°左右,不但有利于有效通风,还能够在夏季为城市开敞空间和建筑提供有效遮蔽,降低对太阳辐射热的吸收。
4)harmful study style不良学风
1.Responsibilities and deeds of sci-tech periodicals to inhibit harmful study styles;科技期刊编辑在遏制不良学风中的责任与作为
5)bad ambiance不良风气
6)Bad connection通话不良

通风1.空气流通;透气。 2.透露消息。