家教,family education
1)family education家教
1.Family Scholarship·Family Education·Family Tradition——Commemorating the 170th anniversary of Mr.Li Shuchang;家学·家教·家风——纪念黎庶昌先生诞辰170周年
2.Xie An, the key figure in the family history, valued the family education highly.作为当时地位最为显赫的家族门第之一,陈郡谢氏也如此,其家族发展史上最关键的代表人物谢安极重家教

1.Family management & education家政与家教-家长月刊
2.A specialist in the theory of education.教育家教育理论方面的专家
3.A Review on the Educational Thoughts of Confucianism and an Appeal to Teachers Dedication to Education;重温儒家教育思想 呼吁教师“重教”
4.I continued to teach piano lessons at home.我继续在家教钢琴。
5.She regretted the rigidity of her upbringing.她不喜欢严苛的家教
6.a believer in the teachings of Confucius.一个儒家教义的信徒。
7.The Research of the Parents Education Training-from the Family Education to the Parents Education;家长教育培训研究:从家庭教育到家长教育(上)
8.Innovation of Teacher Education and the Training of Excellent Teachers and Educators;创新教师教育,造就优秀教师和教育家
9.Her tutor teaches her at home.她的家庭教师在家里教她。
10.Example is always more efficacious than precept. (Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic)身教胜于言教。(英国作家、批评家约翰逊)
11.Pan Tianshou was an educator, calligrapher and painter.潘天寿是一个教育家、法家和画家。
12.Moroccan Ulemas's Association摩洛哥回教神学家协会
13.We overlook the church from our house.我们可从家中俯瞰教堂.
14.Drops out of school and is educated at home.辍学并在家接受教育。
15.International Movement of Catholic Jurists国际天主教法学家运动
16.the Christian countries of the world(全世界的)基督教国家.
17.Christian Concern for the Homeless Association基督教关怀无家者协会
18.International Society of Christian Artists国际基督教艺术家学会

1.The emergency of“the vogue for invite tutor”has its deep social reason supply-demand relationship of higher e- ducation is out-of-balance;and social reforming time people s values and the viewpoint about talented person have changed.“家教热”的产生有其深刻的社会原因:高等教育供求关系的失衡;社会转型期,民众价值观、人才观的偏移;人们渴望向上流动的社会心理;相对剥夺感的存在。
3)Family education家庭教育
1.The differences of family education between China and America in the view of culture tradition;文化差异对家庭教育的影响——中美家庭教育比较
2.Consideration on a Long-Term Mechanism in Constructing Family Education of Schools and Kindergartens;对构建中小学、幼儿园家庭教育工作长效机制的思考
3.Problems of Family Education of Peasant Laborers Children Who Stay Behind at Home in the Countryside;论农村留守儿童家庭教育存在的问题及其原因
4)home education家庭教育
1.Analysis on the American Home Education before the Civil War;简析内战前美国的家庭教育
2.An elementary study of the cooperation of school education and home education of primary pupils;试论小学学校教育与家庭教育的结合
3.In this paper we analyze three aspects of its reason: network game is not the origin of IAD;the external cause of IAD(educating system, home education and society);the internal cause of IAD (characteristic of teen-ages).文章从三个角度分析了青少年沉迷网络的原因:网络游戏不是网络沉迷的根源;青少年网络成瘾的外因,如教育体制、家庭教育和社会教育;青少年网络成瘾的内因,即青春期孩子的特点。
5)ramily education家属教育
1.On the Proletariat Educationist and Revolutionist of Zhao Juntao’s Educational Thought;赵君陶——无产阶级革命家教育家的教育思想研究
2.WANG Fu-zhi is a great thinker, philosopher and educationist.王夫之是我国明清之际伟大的思想家、哲学家和教育家,他用毕生的精力建立起了宏大的思想体系,在中国近代思想文化史上产生了广泛的影响,成为我国历史上成就卓著的著名学者。
3.This paper suggests that the president of a university should above all be an educationist.本文认为高校的校长首先应是一位教育家。

家教【家教】 (杂语)小参之别名,禅林之语。龙翔录曰:“明日结制,今夜小参,谓之家教。如家里人说家里话。”(参见:小参)