1.Construction of Modernity and Position of Young Architects;现代性构建与青年建筑师的定位
2.Seeking for the Modernity of Chinese Architecture in 1950s~1980s;20世纪50~80年代中国建筑的现代性探索
3.Paradox and Rebellion——Argument between Modernity and Post-modernity;悖论与反叛——现代性与后现代性之争

1.Modernity of Modern Chinese Language and Modernization of Modern Chinese Poetry;现代汉语的现代性与现代新诗的现代化
2.The Modernity and lmmodernity of Modern Chinese Woman s Writing;中国现代女性写作的现代性与反现代性
3.Publicity: Center of Modernity after Post-Modernity;公共性:后现代性之后的现代性主题
4.Reason and Modernity: Construction of Chinese Modernity;理性与现代性——兼论当代中国现代性的建构
5.Western Ethical Culture:from Pre-modernity to Modernity;西方道德文化:从前现代性现代性
6.Critiques on "Modernity"--Some Meta-considerations of "Modernity";“现代性”批判——关于现代性的几点元思考
7.Paradox and Rebellion--Argument between Modernity and Post-modernity;悖论与反叛——现代性与后现代性之争
8.On Literary "Modernism";从“现代性”解读文学的“现代性
9.Modernization and post-modernization of Zhuang Zi s"non-restraint"philosophy;庄子“无待”哲学的现代性与后现代性
10.The Modernity and Postmodernity in the Debate Between Science and Metaphysics;论科玄论战的现代性与后现代性特征
11.Conventionality and Modernity of Sports Viewed from Angle of Modernization;现代化视角下体育的传统性与现代性
12.Rethink of Modernity: Post Modernism and Complexity Theory;反思现代性:后现代主义与复杂性理论
13.Modernity and Anti-modernity:the Analysis of HuFeng s Theory;现代性与反现代性:胡风文艺思想剖析
14.Modernism,Modern Aesthetics and Artistic Aesthetics现代性、审美现代性与艺术审美主义
15.Modernity and construction of the modern country from a comparactive perspective现代性与现代国家建构——比较视野中的中国现代性与现代国家建构
16.Modernity and Post- Modern: From the Point of View of the Illusions of Postmodernism;从《后现代主义的幻象》看现代性与后现代
17.Modern Architecture and Post-modernism;现代建筑与后现代主义对现代性的疏离
18.Synchrony:Modernity and Post-modernity of Contemporary Chinese Public Administration;共时态:当代中国公共行政的现代性与后现代性

1.The Research Of "modernism" Painting Technic Skills;油画技法与“现代性”的探究
1.Modernization Critique and Contemporary Significance of Marxism Theory;现代性批判与马克思学说的当代意义
2.Study on Modernization of "New-hunan" Character in LIANG Qi-chao s Works;梁启超“新民”人格中的现代性探析
3.Beauty & Desolation of the Moon──Analysis of Modernization & Significance of Luxun s Writings;月亮的美丽与荒凉——试析鲁迅创作的现代性及其意义
1.Suppressed-Male Intellectuals of the Modern Basic Experience;压抑——男性知识分子现代性的基本体验
2.The interpretation of modernity of the female characters in Zhang Ailing s literary works;张爱玲笔下女性的现代性阐释——传统“母亲”形象的现代性解构及现代意义指向性下女性形象
3.The modern structure of writing——Comments on Modern Writing Studies;写作学的现代性建构——《现代写作学》评析
1.Postmodernness of the Chinese Literary Theory;解构批评与新历史主义──中国文学理论的后现代性
2.However,as the modernness implicated in the inital stage of China s modernization process has constantly been replaced by the dual nationalism in both the Chinese and western cultures,modernness has long been substituted by the view of protecting nationalism in Neoconfucianism.然而中国现代化过程的开端裹挟的现代性问题不断被中西文化二元景观的民族性问题所置换 ,长期以来 ,现代性问题被新儒家的民族性辩护立场的思想建构所取代。
3.Redressing and complementing radicalism and liberalism,conservatism has its own positive washback;but it might hinder modernness as it would emerge at the time when radicalism and liberalism are thwarted.保守主义、激进主义和自由主义是中国三大现代性思潮。
6)modernity show现代性展现

现代性病知识现代性病知识  书名。王顺年等编著。本书作者根据大量医学资料和有关医学理论,阐 述了性病产生的根源、危害、中国性病的现状,以及各种性病或有关疾病的传播途径、临床表 现、预防和治疗措施。有1991年人民军医出版社铅印本。