1.Government's responsibility in the game between ecological balance and social development;生态平衡与社会发展博弈中的政府责任
2.Environmentally Administrative Responsibility of Re-composed Bankrupt Enterprises;浅析破产重组企业环境行政责任
3.On the duty and responsibility of 24HMB medical editors;谈24HMB医学编辑的职能和责任

1.take(guilt, responsibility,etc)upon oneself承担(罪责、责任等)
2.ultimate liability根本责任,最终责任
3.assume an office, duty, or title.担任职责、责任或头衔。
4.solute liability绝对赔偿责任;绝对赔偿责任;绝对责任;绝对责任
5.The discharge of a duty, function, or office.履行职责任务、责任或职责的履行
6.To shift responsibility or blame to another.推御责任责任或责备推给别人
7.avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill.装病以推卸职责或责任
8.The Church has a duty to condemn violence.基督徒有责任谴责暴力.
9.exceptions from liability赔偿责任的免责事项
10.Assuming duty form should be joiut liability, not duty by shares.承担的责任形式应当是连带责任而非按份责任
11.CPA s Negligence Liability: Joint and Several Liability or Proportional Liability;注册会计师的过失责任:连带责任抑或比例责任
12.The Integration Of Technical And Moral Responsibility In The Administrative Esponsbility;论技术责任与道德责任在行政责任中的统一性
13.Accountability in the Economic Law: the Combination of Public Responsibility and Account Liability;论经济法上的责任——公共责任与财务责任的融合
14.Partial Ability of Responsibility and the Ability Criminal Responsibility of the Person in Partial Charge;部分责任能力与部分责任人之刑事责任
15.A Business s Social Liabilities--Legal or Moral?;公司的社会责任——法律责任抑或道德责任
16.Differentiation and Analysis of Coincidence of Civil Liability and Aggregation of Civil Liability in Injuring Performance Liability加害给付责任责任竞合与责任聚合之辨
17.Responsibility and Social Responsibility of Enterprises and Responsibility of Accounting: Their Relation and Integration企业责任、企业社会责任、会计责任:关系和整合
18.Well, there's Public Liability insurance.还有“公共责任险”。

1.Analysis of disobeying liability in road construction project contract;浅析公路建设合同违约责任
2.Study On Liability of Third Party s Infringing On Obligatory Right;第三人侵害债权的责任问题研究
3.Probe into the liability in the case of injury to undergraduates;高校学生伤害事故案件中学校责任问题研究
1.On the duty of public servant in the administrative compensation;论行政追偿中的公务员责任
2.Duty and Current Construction of Administration Ethics in China;责任与当代中国行政伦理的建设
3.Our Higher Education s Duty and Structure in the Mass;大众化进程中我国高等教育的责任与结构
1.Being clear about the responsibilities,strengthening the safety supervision;明确责任 加强安全监理
2.Reflections on Community Hospital Pharmacists’Social Responsibilities;对社区医院药师履行社会责任的思考
3.Misunderstanding of responsibilities and rights in project supervision;浅谈工程监理责任与权力的误区
1.This paper describes editors such emotion and consciousness experienced in his professional work as infective and awakening emotion,innovational thought emotion,academic and obligation emotion.就编辑在从事职业活动的过程中所体验到的情感意识如:感染和唤醒情感意识、创新思维情感意识、学术情感意识、责任情感意识进行阐述,这种情感意识体验又会反过来对编辑职业认知产生影响,从而决定了编辑一定的职业信念和职业行为。
2.From the perspective of ethnics,it emphasizes the extreme freedom of the obligation entity,while nomology stresses the abidance by rules and the relevancy between responsibility and power.责任是在我们的生活中和学理上都成为了一个越来越重要的范畴,但从古到今对于这一概念理解的角度发生着变化,伦理学上强调责任主体的主体性极自由,法理上强调对于规则的遵守,职责则与权力相联系。
3.Thus how to safeguard the penal attorneys’ rights and keep the obligations of two parties balanced is getting an issue commonly concerned in globe.辩护制度作为保障弱势一方人权的设置是否合理直接影响着国家的司法公正与正义实现,因此,刑事辩护律师权利保障及如何与责任相平衡已成为各国普遍关注的问题。
6)office term responsibility任期责任
