1.Patent-based environmental technology innovation of enterprises;基于专利的企业环境技术创新水平研究
2.The Analyses of Human Resources Requirements in Different Types of Furniture Enterprises;不同类型家具企业的人才需求分析
3.Diagnosis Methods and Standards for Enterprise Production Environment;企业生产环境的诊断方法及标准

1.Collective firm集体企业,合作企业
2.cooperative joint venture合作经营企业,合营企业
3.from small companies to large.将小企业变为大企业
4.B2B; business-to-business企业企业的电子商务
5.Corporate Culture and CIS ?企业文化与企业形象
6.formal of business organization企业形态 企业形态
7."Sino-foreign joint ventures, enterprises with Sino-foreign cooperation, and wholly foreign-owned enterprises"三资企业(合资企业、合作企业和独资企业)
8.Enterprise Interview: It interviews with successful enterprises and demonstrates the profiles of the enterprises.企业访谈:采访成功企业,展示企业风采。
9.Meta-firm,essential firm and the atom-model of firm;企业元、最基本企业企业的原子模型
10.The Enterprisers in the Late Qing Dynasty,Enterprises Standpoint and Enterprises System Construction;晚清企业家·企业本位·企业制度建设
11.Analysis about the Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs reputation and Enterprises reputation;浅论企业家、企业家信誉和企业信誉
12.On the Entire Enterprise, the Invented Enterprise and the Invented Operation of Enterprises;论实体企业、虚拟企业企业虚拟化经营
13.a commercial, financial, etc undertaking商业、 金融等企业
14.Entrepreneur Backgrounds,Diversification,and Firm Performance;私营企业企业家背景、多元化战略与企业业绩
15.Most of those enterprises are the key enterprises and enterprise groups. Quite a few of them are the leading enterprises in their respective sectors.这些企业大都是重点企业企业集团,不少是行业排头兵企业
16.Implement Enterprise Reengineering & Promote Enterprise s Force--Analyse "Enterprise Reengineering" of State-owned Constructional Enterprise;实施企业再造 提升企业实力——浅析国有建筑业企业的“企业再造”
17.Research on enterprises of agricultureⅢ:Management of industrial agriculture enterprise and management of regional agriculture enterprise;行业农业企业经营与区域农业企业经营——农业企业系列研究之三
18.Of all kinds enterprise includes state-owned company, private enterprise, town enterprise, china and foreign countries enterprise of joint-stock, collaboration, the foreign trader is solely invested the enterprise.各类企业包括国有企业,私营企业,乡镇企业,中外合资、合作企业,外商独资企业等。

1.Strengthening the Cultivation of Operators is the Key to Improve Geological Prospecting Enterprises;加强经营者的培养是搞好地勘企业的关键
2.Environmental management of power resource projects and environmental protection responsibility of enterprises;电源项目环境管理和企业环保职责
3.Development of PVC enterprises and primary discussion of management of environmental cost;PVC企业发展与环境成本管理初探
1.View on the Hospital Pharmacy Culture Management Concepts from the Prospect of Corporation Culture Management Concepts;从企业文化管理理念看医院药学行业文化管理理念
2.The application of office automation in corporation;办公自动化在企业中的应用
3.History and current situation of corporation performance evaluation-review based on the help for performance evaluation in hospitals;企业绩效评价的历史与近况——基于对建立医院绩效评价体系有借鉴作用的述评
1.Study on Personality Trait of Business Regulator;企业管理者人格特点研究
2.Game theory analysis on financing decision in business;企业融资决策的博弈分析
3.Thinking of Stenthening the System of Business Internal Control;加强企业内部控制制度的思考
1.The strategic framework of firms capital operating in China;我国企业实施资本经营的战略构想
2.An analysis of evolutionary mechanism of the firm s innovation networks;企业创新网络的进化机制分析
1.With the development of the internet technology, the imbalance between company and consumer has been broken gradually.随着互联网技术的发展,普通消费者自主获取信息、传递信息的能力迅速提高,从而使企业与普通消费者之间信息不对等的状态日渐消失,换言之,消费者的角色已经完成了由被动向主动的转变,企业要想影响消费者就必须付出更高的代价。
2.This paper analyzes the factor of ″Strategic Confusion″ in Chinese company,finds the main reason is weak strategy executive ability.分析了我国企业产生"战略迷茫"的成因,从中发现产生"战略迷茫"的主要原因是战略执行力不够,而战略执行力的强弱决定了一个企业的成败。
