1.The Application of MBO in China;试论管理层收购(MBO)在我国的应用
2.The Two-Sided Thinking on the Implementation of MBO in China;对在我国实行管理层收购(MBO)的双面思考
3.Research and Discussion on the Theory of MBO;管理层收购的理论探讨与问题剖析

1.Study on the Supervision of Corporative Management Buy-out (MBO) in China;我国企业管理层收购(MBO)监管研究
2.MBO Theory and Its Application in China;管理层收购理论及在我国的实践研究
3.Rational Thinking on the MBO of Listed Companies;对上市公司管理层收购(MBO)的理性思考
4.Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Corporate Governance and MBO;中小企业治理结构变迁与管理层收购
5.Management Purchase and the Reform of the Medium and Small-sized Enterprise Governing Structure;管理层收购与中小企业治理结构改革
6.MBO - Study on Management Buy - Out Theory;关于MBO——管理层收购的理论研究
7.The Study of Management Buyouts and the Listed Company s Governance Performance;管理层收购与上市公司治理绩效研究
8.Practical Study on Management Buy-outs in Chinese Listed Company;我国上市公司管理层收购(MBO)实证研究
9.The Research of Performance of Chinese Listed Companies by MBO;我国上市公司管理层收购的绩效研究
10.The Research about Cases of Management Buy Outs;管理层收购(MBO)典型案例研究
11.The Discussion of Financing and Pricing of MBO;管理层收购(MBO)的融资与定价问题探讨
12.The Research on MBO Finance Problems of State-owned Enterprise in China;国有企业管理层收购的财务问题研究
13.The Law and Economics Analysis on the Yellow Light Effect of Management Buy-outs;管理层收购黄灯效应的法经济学分析
14.Problems of Management Buy-Out in State-Owned Companies of China;中国国有企业管理层收购(MBO)问题研究
15.The Empirical Research of the Performance Assessment of Management Buy-out;管理层收购(MBO)业绩实证研究
16.MBO s Application in SDE Reform;管理层收购在国有企业改革中的运用
17.Research on the Financial Operation Problem of Management Buy-outs;我国管理层收购的财务运作问题研究
18.The Study of Shengli Joint-Stock Company Management Buy-outs (MBO);胜利股份管理层收购(MBO)研究

management buy-out管理层收购
1.Is Management Buy-Out the result or target;管理层收购是结果还是目标
2.Comparative Study on Management Buy-out;管理层收购模式:比较与借鉴
3.Discussion of Pricing in Management Buy-out;对我国管理层收购定价问题的探讨
3)management buyout管理层收购
1.On Research Principle of Management Buyout Plan;关于管理层收购理论问题的研究
2.Analysis and Research on the State-owned Enterprises Management Buyout;国有资产管理层收购的分析研究
3.Theoretical and Empirical Study on Management Buyouts Based on Gaining Residual Claim Right;基于获取剩余索取权的管理层收购理论与实证研究
4)management buy-outs管理层收购
1.Study on China s Large State-owned Enterprise Management Buy-outs;中国国有大型企业管理层收购探讨
2.Legal Research on the Loss of State-owned Assets in Management Buy-outs of China;对我国管理层收购中国有资产流失问题的法律研究
3.The Law and Economics Analysis on the Yellow Light Effect of Management Buy-outs;管理层收购黄灯效应的法经济学分析
5)management buyouts管理层收购
1.Simply talking of the application of management buyouts in China;浅谈管理层收购在我国的应用
2.Studies of Management Buyouts on Features and Problems in Chinese Listed Companies;上市公司管理层收购若干特征与问题研究
3.With the development of listed company,as a new form,management buyouts gradually occured in our country s reform of economic system.随着上市公司的发展,我国经济体制改革中逐渐出现了管理层收购的新形式。
6)management buy-out (MBO)管理层收购;自发性收购

管理层收购(MBO)  管理层收购MBO(ManagementBuy-outs)是指公司的经理层利用借贷所融资本或股权交易收购本公司或本公司业务部门的行为。通过收购,企业的经营者变成了企业的所有者,实现了所有权与经营权的新统一。MBO是现代企业制度的一种新的表现形式,因为其追求的是一种所有权和经营权的集中。