1.Option games model of firm′s investment strategy in oligopoly;寡头垄断企业战略投资期权博弈模型
2.The Impact of Competitor Information on the Equilibrium of Cournot Oligopoly:An Experimental Study;竞争者信息对古诺寡头垄断均衡影响的实验研究
3.Oligopoly and Initiate Allocation of Emission Right;寡头垄断和排污权初始分配

1.oligopolistic competition寡头垄断控制下的竞争
2.Efficiency Analysis of Oligopolistic Market Structure and Oligopolistic Enterprises;寡头垄断市场结构与寡头垄断企业的效率性分析
3.Publishing Markets in the Conditions of Monopolistic Competition and Collusive Oligopoly垄断竞争和寡头垄断条件下的出版市场分析
4.Dual-oligopoly Equilibrium Analysis on the Logistics Industry Competition;物流产业竞争的双寡头垄断均衡分析
5.Debt Financing,Technology Innovation and Oligopoly Competition;债务融资、技术创新与寡头垄断竞争
6.Option games model of firm′s investment strategy in oligopoly;寡头垄断企业战略投资期权博弈模型
7.Analysis of Price Manipulation in Emissions Trading by the Duopoly;寡头垄断企业操纵排污许可价格分析
8.Insurance Supervision Under Oligarchy Monopolized Market Structure;论寡头垄断市场结构下的保险业监管
9.Dynamic Duopoly Pricing Model with Network Externalities;带有网络外部性的动态寡头垄断定价
10.Discussion on the Manufacturer s Price Double Winning Strategy in the Oligopoly Market;论寡头垄断市场厂商的价格双赢战略
11.Unification of Oligopoly Models: Conjectural Variation;寡头垄断行为模型的统一:推测变量法
12.Oligopolistic Competition, Technology Innovation and Multiproduct Firms;寡头垄断竞争、技术创新与多产品企业
13.A Comparative Study Between the "Two-oligopoly" Model in China and Britain Telecoms;中英电信“双寡头垄断”模式比较研究
14.A study on advertising competition tactics in the oligopoly markets;寡头垄断市场下的广告竞争策略研究
15.An Analysis of the Multidimensional Feature of the Efficiency of Oligopoly Market Structure;寡头垄断市场结构效率的多维性分析
16.Oligopoly:A Choice for Optimizing the Structure of Industrial markets;寡头垄断:优化产业市场结构的选择
17.Medical equipment investment mechanism of oligopolistic market寡头垄断医疗市场设备投资机制分析
18.Duopoly,Nonlinear Pricing and Asymmetrical Equilibrium寡头垄断、非线性定价与非对称均衡

1.Analysis on Duopoly under Nonlinear Pricing to Product;非线性定价下寡头垄断行业的市场格局分析
2.Duopoly,Nonlinear Pricing and Asymmetrical Equilibrium寡头垄断、非线性定价与非对称均衡
3.The influence of the first kind of market authority,namely permitting price operation on emissions trading plan is discussed under the conditions of duopoly.在寡头垄断市场条件下,讨论了第一类市场势力,即操纵许可价格对排污权交易计划的影响。
3)oligarch monopoly寡头垄断
1.In the time of knowledge economy, oligarch monopoly induced by technological monopoly is happened in China market, but it s multinational corporations who take up the oligarch place and get the large profit.市场结构是决定产业组织竞争性质和垄断程度的基本因素,寡头垄断是市场结构在现实生活中的常见的表现形式。
2.Chinese insurance industry is an oligarch monopoly industry.本文依据传统的产业组织理论,从市场集中度、产品差别化、进退障碍三个方面分析中国保险业的市场结构特征,得出我国保险业是一个寡头垄断行业,并进一步提出解决这种寡头垄断市场结构的对策措施。
1.A Kopel duopoly model for competition in advertisement is developed, and it is found that the advertising behavior of enterprises may result in the instability or even chaos of the market.建立了一个Kopel双寡头垄断广告竞争模型,发现企业的广告行为将引起市场的不稳定甚至混沌。
2.With the development of China deploying the third generation mobile telecommunication, more latent entrant will entry into China mobile market which is now composed with duopoly mobile operations, China Mobile and China Unicom.基于中国即将开始全面部署第三代移动通信,可能有更多的潜在进入者进入目前双寡头垄断的移动运营市场。
3.It is shown that under a certain hypothesis of market, the slope of reaction function in duopoly model is between - 1 and 0, which leads to possible unstability for Cournot equilibrium.证明了在一定的市场假设条件下,由于双寡头垄断模型中反应函数斜串介于-1与0之间,造成此模型Dournot均衡不稳定的可能。
6)Three Pivotal Supplier(TPS) test三寡头垄断测试
1.With an advanced organizational structure,the PJM electricity market has obtained a good marketing result and has established a set of market supervision mechanism,among which the Three Pivotal Supplier(TPS) test is an effective technique to supervise market performance,control market power abusing,and prevent market risks.其中,"三寡头垄断测试"是PJM监管电力市场运行,抑制发电商行使市场力,防范电力市场风险的有效方法之一。
