1.Several Factors of the Rise of Modern British Hegemony;论近代英国霸权崛起的几个要素
2.Mode of appearing of the concept of post-Marxist hegemony——On Laclau and Mouffe s deconstructing of the Second International Marxism;后马克思主义霸权概念的出场形态——论拉克劳和莫菲对第二国际马克思主义的解构
3.Hegemony,Discourse,Identity and Islam:A Book Review Arab-Islamic Problem Research in the Western Hegemonic Context;霸权、话语、认同与伊斯兰——评《西方霸权语境中的阿拉伯—伊斯兰问题研究》

1.Hegemonic Stability Theory-the Basis of the Theory for the Development of American Hegemony霸权稳定论美国霸权发展的理论基础
2.Sea Power,Hegemony and British Empire(1689-1815)海权、霸权与英帝国(1688~1815)
3.China opposes hegemonism, and we shall never seek hegemony ourselves.中国反对霸权主义,自己也永远不称霸。
4.China opposes hegemonism, and China will never seek hegemony.中国反对霸权主义,中国永远不称霸。
5.Who are the victims of hegemonism?霸权主义的受害者是谁?
6.mastery of the seas.许多国家争抢霸权地位。
7.The Source of Hegemonism in American Culture and Cultural Hegemonism;美国文化的霸权主义渊源和文化霸权主义
8.On the international scene, the struggle against hegemonism has grown and the hegemonists are increasingly isolated.国际上,反霸斗争更加发展,霸权主义更加孤立。
9.Hegemonism and power politics have new manifestations.霸权主义和强权政治有新的表现。
10.We oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics.反对各种形式的霸权主义和强权政治。
11.We oppose hegemonism and power politics of all forms.反对一切形式的霸权主义和强权政治。
12.Technology super power and its prevention under protection of intellectual property;知识产权保护下的技术霸权及其防范
13.Cultural Hegemony"As Viewed from the Development of "Feminism;从“女权主义”发展看“文化霸权
14.The Dilemma of Hegemony: The Myth of "Pax Americana" and "New Empire霸权的困境——“美国霸权治下的和平”与“新帝国”论的神话
15.On Information Hegemony from the Angle of Internation Politics;信息霸权的国际政治学思考——兼论美国的信息霸权
16.Hegemony in Chinese and Western Political Cultures and Discourse Systems:A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Ideas of Hegemony;中西政治文化与话语体系中的霸权——中西霸权观比较
17.Cultural Hegemony·Intellectual·Literature--On Gramsci's Cultural Hegemony Aesthetics文化霸权·知识分子·文学——葛兰西文化霸权理论研究
18.Hegemony may continue to run rampant.霸权主义还要继续横行下去。

1.The criticism to this work by the literary and art circles is the typical practical form of the literature of the workers,peasants and soldiers and the code of literature serving the politics\' establishing supremacy by rooting out heresy in the field of creating and reading.文艺界组织的对这部作品的批判则是工农兵文学、文学为政治服务的文学规范在创作、阅读领域通过消除"异端"逐步建立霸权的典型实践形式。
3)Hegemony of Power and Position权势霸权
4)power hegemony权力霸权
1.Based on the establishment of the hegemonic order and the ways of its maintenance, Hegemony can be classified into two historical patterns: power hegemony and regime hegemony.从霸权秩序的建立和维持方式的角度来看,霸权可分为权力霸权和制度霸权两种历史形态,当前美国的全球霸权就主要是一种制度霸权
5)Oil Hegemony石油霸权
6)medical hegemony医疗霸权

霸权1.指在诸侯中的领袖地位。 2.指在国际关系上以实力为基础的控制权或操纵权。 3.指表现在其他领域的控制权﹑操纵权。