1.Obstruction of expectation and optimize countermeasures in macroeconomics running;宏观经济运行中的预期障碍及优化对策
2.Research on the Measurement Model of Stock Market Bubbles Based on Expectations;基于预期的股市泡沫度量模型研究
3.Expectation and Monetary Policy Effectiveness;公众预期与货币政策有效性

1.Estimated (Expected) Average Life预计(预期)平均寿命
2.generalized expectancy类化预期(心理学)
3.anticipation: The act of anticipating.预期,预料:预先采取的行为
4.better than expected performance (better than might have been predicted from intelligence tests).比预期的要好的成绩。
5.likely to perform unpredictably.很可能不按预期的做。
6.any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech.现在的或预期的时刻。
7.His business have succeed more than he have expect .他的企业比预期的成功。
8.the expected or commonplace condition or situation.预期的或一般的状态。
9.much lower than the predicted amount of 2.3 kilograms.远远低于预期值2.3公斤。
10.TAB [tax anticipation bill ](美国)预期抵税国库券[
11.swing an election.使选举达到预期结果
12.The results were contrary to expectation.结果与预期的相反.
13.Expected results of the project:项目预期达到的结果
14.anticipation-invigoration mechanism [aIM]【心理】预期一鼓舞机制
15.estimated shipping date预定装运日期预计装运日期
16.the estimated date of departure from Port of Shipment and the estimated date of arrival at Port of Unloading预计离港日期、预计到港日期
17.Actual, cyc1ical and structual budget实际预算、周期预算和结构预算
18.She expects to deliver in late August.她的预产期在八月底

1.On sexual differences in the ability of Einglish listening anticipation;英语听力理解中预期能力的性别差异探析
2.Relationship between anticipation and competition ability in badminton运动预期与羽毛球运动水平的相关研究
3.The Situation and Anticipation of 2008 Global Financial Market2008全球金融市场状况及预期
1.In the modeling of growth macroeconomic rational expectations, using the method of quadratic optimal dynamic programming, the steady state equations of Riccati equations under normal conditions is discussed, which makes a firm basis for the modeling of macroeconomic rational expectations.针对采用二次最优动态规划建立的宏观增长经济合理预期模型,探讨了Riccati递推方程的稳态方程求取问题,推导出了一般情况下的Riccati稳态方程,为建立合理预期数量经济模型奠定了基础。
2.By transforming the qualitative data from the Consumers Saving Survey Svsten) conducted by the People s Bank of China into quantitative expected inflation data, the paper studies the properties of expectations both in long run and the short run.本文将中国人民银行《居民储蓄问卷调查系统》的定性数据,转换为定量的预期通货膨胀率,并研究了通货膨胀预期的长期性质和短期性质。
1.Monetary Policy Adjustment and Financial Crisis Avoidance:Based on Expectancy基于预期的货币政策调控与金融危机防范
2.Analyzing the forest farmers behavioral characteristic managing the different forest category behind the new round of collective forest property rights institution reform,we arrive at a conclusion that the objective expectancy and reformation result is not the same.分析了新一轮集体林产权制度改革后林农经营不同林种的行为特征,得到集体林产权制度改革预期目标与改革结果不相一致的结论。
3.Adjustment of distribution of middle schools and primary schools in rural area has its specific behavior expectancy and power.农村中小学布局调整具有特定的行为预期和动力。
1.The currency retrenchment prediction is exerting more and more negative influence on the currency retrenchment in China and turns out to be a major hindrance for the formation of a positive economic circu1ation.目前,中国经济快速增长,市场物价稳步回升,严重的通货紧缩已得到有效控制,但通货紧缩尚未消失,通货紧缩预期甚至在许多方面还有加重的趋势。
