1.A Research of Default on Overseas Receivables;海外应收账款拖欠问题研究
2.The reasons of project payment default was explained in construction field and its harm is also analyzed.介绍建设领域工程款拖欠形成的原因,分析其危害,阐述对工程款拖欠应采取规范建筑市场、健全建设领域法律制度、完善工程担保制度、加强建设领域信用管理、提高承包企业风险防范意识等相应措施。

1.He be well know as a slow payer .他是出名的债务拖欠者.
2.He is well known as a slow payer.他是出名的债务拖欠者。
3.I have fallen into arrears with my rent.我已经拖欠租金了.
4.The payment is six months in arrear .付款以拖欠6个月了。
5.They are urgent for payment of arrears of wages.他们催讨拖欠的工钱。
6.be behindhand with one's rent [payment]房租 [支付款项] 拖欠
7.arrears of dividends for cumulative preference shares累积优先股的拖欠股利
8.He got behind with his payments for the car.他拖欠买汽车的车款.
9.He is six weeks in arrear with his rent.他已拖欠房租6周。(他拖欠了六个星期的租金。)
10.We're a month behindhand with the rent.我们的租金已经拖欠了一个月了。
11.He is six week In arrear with his rent .他拖欠了六个星期的租金。
12.I'm terribly behind (with the rent) this month.我这个月(租金)拖欠得太久了.
13.They don't give credit and you'll have to pay cash.他们不让人拖欠你必须要付现金。
14.The students are a month behind with the rent.学生们已经拖欠了一个月的房租。
15.If you fall behind with the rent, you will be asked to leave.如果你拖欠房租,就得请你走。
16.You will be ill - advised to delay payment for rent .如果您拖欠房租那就不明智了。
17.He was two weeks in arrears with the rent.他已拖欠了两个星期的房租。
18.In no circumstance is it allowed to deduct or delay the payment.不得克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者的工资。

1.The situations in arrears with project payment in construction enterprises are introduced.介绍了施工企业款被拖欠的情况 ,从清欠措施、研究对策、缓解矛盾等方面进行了分析 ,指出施工企业只有从管理和措施方面入手 ,才能提高企业的经济效益和市场竞争
2.But, the present construction market was in a confusion order, which was a definite fact, one wide-existing problem should not be ignored was the serious engineering payment in arrears in construction area, whose damage degree was obvious.然而,目前建筑市场秩序混乱却也是不争的事实,其中一个普遍存在且不容忽视的问题即为建设领域中严重的拖欠工程款现象,其危害性显而易见。
3)in arrears拖欠
1.On the problems of construction payments in arrears and resolving measures;谈建设领域工程款拖欠问题的解决对策
5)problems of in arrears拖欠问题
6)owing electricity charges拖欠电费

拖欠拖欠  【拖欠】拖欠,是指用户不能在约定的日期如数归还使用信用卡购物时所欠的款项。 把这种不能如期偿还的拖欠比例叫拖欠率(a Peoentage of Delin甲ency),计算拖欠率的公式是:拖欠总额:约定偿还总额x 100=X%。 用户头数来计算拖欠率的公式是:拖欠户头数,到期应偿还户头数x 100=Y%。 在信贷业中,一般对拖欠率多是以余额为计算单位,.划分为初期拖欠(一天),拖欠1周、1个月、3个月、6个月、1年等来进行计算。