1.The Research on Reputation Mechanism of Securities Underwriter: Formation,Cause of Reputation Missing and Improvement Methods;证券承销商声誉机制:机理、缺失动因与路径
2.The Evaluation of IPO Underwriters Reputation;IPO主承销商声誉评价研究
3.This paper has discussed a game of information identification and hiding between underwriters and strategy traders under the equity offering approval system and the domestic E-traded mechanism without market maker for inspection of the underwriters manipulation in the secondary market.从国内发行核准制度和无市商的电子交易机制出发,借鉴知情交易操纵行为研究方法,探讨了承销增发新股中承销商与非知情策略交易之间信息识别与信息隐藏的博弈过程,考察了承销商在流通市场的操纵交易行为。

1.If an underwriting syndicate comprises three or more underwriters, it may have a deputy lead underwriter to assist the lead underwriter in organizing the underwriting activities.承销团由三家以上承销商组成的,可以设副主承销商,协助主承销商组织承销活动。
2.Many of our dealers rebelled.许多承销商表示反对。
3.Underwriters may share$175 million in fees from the sale, based on a standard3.5 percent of the proceeds.按照总承销额的3.5%算,承销商将能分享的承销费达1.75亿美元。
4.An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Underwriter s Reputation and Underwriting Fee in China;我国承销商声誉与承销服务费用关系的研究
5.Under our new system, salespeople sit down with each of our dealers.根据新的制度,销售人员应逐个地同承销商洽商。
6.The Impacts of Underwriting Relationship on Analysts Earnings Forecasts and Investment Recommendations;承销商分析师与非承销商分析师预测评级比较研究
7.The dealers certainly had plenty to say.承销商方面当然会有很多话要说。
8.The dealers said: "We've never done this well."承销商说:“我们从来没有干得这样好过。”
9.IPO Underwriters Stabilization and Applied Research Methods;IPO承销商托市行为及其研究方法
10.Until the relevant plan has been implemented, the lead underwriter may not underwrite the Securities offered by the listed company.相关方案实施前,主承销商不得承销上市公司发行的证券。
11.This paper examines the aftermarket price dynamics of companies offering SEOs to understand the motivations for stabilization and the characteristics of firms that have their securities stabilized.本文率先探讨承销商安定操作现金增资股票的动机以及影响承销商进行安定操作的因素。
12.Still the dealers continued to see it as a gimmick尽管如此,各承销商仍然把它看作是一种花招。
13.The federal government recently ended the monopoly of the state-owned reinsurance underwriter.联邦政府最近结束了再保险承销商的垄断时代。
14.At sunset on the second day, I assembled all the dealers at the stern of the ship.第二天黄昏时分,我把所有承销商都召集到船尾。
15.An Investigation of IPO Underwriters Stabilization Based on Analysis of Return Distribution;基于收益率分布分析的IPO承销商托市行为研究
16.The Research on Reputation Mechanism of Securities Underwriter: Formation,Cause of Reputation Missing and Improvement Methods;证券承销商声誉机制:机理、缺失动因与路径
17.Underwriter s traded-based manipulation: An SEO game;增发新股博弈中承销商的交易操纵行为
18.Empirical Study on Mechanism of Underwriter Reputation in China IPO Market;IPO市场承销商声誉机制的形成机理及实证检验

1.The Relationship Test between Underwriter Reputation and IPO Underprice in Chinese Securities Market;主承销商声誉与IPO抑价关系的实证研究
2.The Research on the Efficiency of Underwriter Reputation Mechanism in IPO Market of China;主承销商声誉机制在中国IPO市场的有效性检验研究
5)credit of the underwriter承销商信誉
6)stock underauthor证券承销商
1.The enactment of the civil liability for the stock underauthors false statement in Article 63 of the Securities Law of our country, only has the declarative function, but no operability.证券承销商虚假陈述行为在本质上是一种侵权行为 ,依法应承担侵权民事责任。

商承祚(1902~  )  中国古文字学家。字锡永,号契斋,广东番禺人。1921年起,以罗振玉为师,研习甲骨文、金文,后一度入北京大学研究所为研究生。1925年,任东南大学讲师。1927年,任中山大学教授。30年代在北平女子师范大学、清华大学、北京大学及金陵大学任教。抗日战争爆发,随金陵大学南迁,后又在齐鲁大学、重庆大学、重庆女子师范大学等校任教授。1948年返中山大学任教至今。    商承祚在1923年出版的《殷虚文字类编》,是最早的甲骨文字典之一。1933年出版《福氏所藏甲骨文字》和《殷契佚存》,均有考释,后者尤为丰富。在青铜器方面,1935年汇集于省吾、方焕经等藏器为《十二家吉金图录》;1936年将1923年山西浑源李峪发现器物27件辑印为《浑源彝器图》,均为学术界称道。1933年,在《金陵学报》3卷2期发表《古代彝器伪字研究》,多有创见。其他研究甲骨、金文的论作还有不少。抗战初,商承祚路经长沙,注意到当地盗掘发现的大量战国文物,进行调查,在成都著《长沙古物闻见记》一书,于1939年刊行;后来又在1955年出版《长沙出土楚漆器图录》,两书对楚文化研究起有重要作用。中华人民共和国建立以来,继续收集研究有关楚文化,特别是楚国文字的材料,陆续发表各种论著多篇。此外,专著还有《说文中之古文考》、《石刻篆文编》等多种。