1.The Marketing Strategy Analysis of BOC Liaoning Br s Factoring;中国银行辽宁省分行保理业务的营销策略研究
2.As a new comprehensive financing and settlement method, factoring is a new suitable method to meet the financing need of the SMEs.作为一项在信用销售方式下生成的新型综合性融资结算方式,保理业务为满足中小企业融资需求提供了新思路。
3.Accounts receivable factoring is that an enterprise assigns accounts re ceivable owing to sale on open book to a bank conditionally and the enterprise c an take its accounts back by the chance.应收账款保理业务是指企业把由于赊销而形成的应收账款有条件地转让给银行,企业可借此机会收回账款。

1.Study on International Factoring Business Development of Chinese Commercial Banks;我国商业银行国际保理业务发展研究
2.The Study on International Factoring of Chinese Commercial Banks;我国商业银行开展国际保理业务研究
3.Talk about the development of international factoring for our country commercial banks;论我国商业银行国际保理业务的开展
4.Leagal Risk of Factoring Agent in International Factoring Business;浅谈国际保理业务中保理商的法律风险及防范
5.The Present Situations of International Factoring in China and Suggestions for Improvement;我国国际保理业务现状及完善化建议
6.Some Suggestions on Developing the International Factoring Business in China;对我国开展国际保理业务的若干建议
7.Bank’s Guard Against Legal Risk in International Factoring;国际保理业务中的银行法律风险防范
8.Logistic Factoring--A New Model of Logistic Financing;物流保理业务——一种新的物流融资模式
9.On Prevention against the Bank Risks in Export Factoring;银行在出口保理业务中的风险和防范
10.The Research of Factoring of AR in ATSATS公司应收账款保理业务应用研究
11.The Development of Factoring in Our Commercial Banks and the Analysis of Its Risks;保理业务在我国商业银行的发展及其风险分析
12.Factoring Business: New Thinking about Meeting the Demand of Capital Accumulation in Mid-small Enterprises;保理业务:满足中小企业融资需求的新思路
13.Disscussion and Designing on Implementing International Factor Business of Commercial Banks;论商业银行国际保理业务的开展及其发展构想
14.The credit risk of factoring service for commercial banks in our country and its countermeasures;我国商业银行保理业务的信用风险及其对策
15.The Implementation of Insurance Brokerage System on Banking Middle Business Platform;保险代理业务在银行中间业务平台上的实现
16.The Strategy Guarantee for Revenue Management in Service Businesses服务企业应用收入管理的策略保证
17.Office of the Commissioner of Insurance [Office of the C of I] [Financial Services Bureau]保险业监理处〔财经事务局〕
18.You can have practically anything insured with us.实际上我们可以办理各种保险业务。

insurance agency business代理保险业务
1.Developing the insurance agency business can not only provide considerable profits for the commercial bank, but also guarantee the safety of loan.发展代理保险业务不仅可以为商业银行提供可观的利润,而且还可以保障贷款资金的安全。
3)international factoring国际保理业务
1.The Nodus and Countermeasure for Our Country s Banks to Start the International Factoring;我国银行开办国际保理业务的难点与对策
2.In fact, how to promote the development of our country s international factoring is a very important subject which Chinese banks and exporters must face in the future.国际保理业务在我国已有近20年的历史,但是发展非常缓慢,其实无论从我国的贸易现状还是未来发展来看,国际保理业务都是非常重要的。
3.Chinese commercial banks should actively create conditions and take appropriate strategies when they operate international factoring.国际保理业务是一项新兴的综合金融服务,在我国商业银行与外资银行的激烈竞争中,国际保理业务是决定竞争胜负的关键业务之一。
4)international factoring business国际保理业务
1.However, international factoring business lags behind in China s mainland.完善我国保理业务的法律制度,一是要以《合同法》的债权转让为基础,制定保理的专门法;二是要加强对保理业务的监管;三是要完善配套法规,改善开展国际保理业务的法制环境。
5)Business management of labor insurance劳动保险业务管理
6)Insurance operation acceptance system保险业务受理系统

承保业务稽核承保业务稽核 【承保业务稽核】对保险公司经办保险业务承保阶段业务的监督检查,着重检查保险合同的合规性和完整性。稽核的主要内容:①要抽查保险标的是否属于保险对象和符合要求,是否有特约条款和保险标的所在地址是否符合条款要求;保险时间是否明确。②要分险种抽查保险合同的各种因素,如投保单、保险标的、保险金额、保险费率、保险期限等手续是否齐全。③检查费率运用是否正确,与投保标的和占用性质是否吻合。④对保险合同发生变动或批改的情况也应进行检查,确定是否正确合规。