1.The domicile of natural person is an important connection factor in the process of ascertaining the jurisdiction and the application of law in the international civil and commercial cases.住所是国际私法中确定涉外民商事案件的管辖权和法律适用的一个重要的连接因素。
2.The new trend of lex personalis in international private law appears to be that nationality will be moved away from the connecting factor of conflict rules and the role of domicile is also dropped down.国际私法中属人法的最新发展动向表现为国籍将逐步淡出冲突规范的连接因素,住所连接因素的适用范围也在缩小。
3.However,the personal law can be understood by either nation law or domicile law.但属人法的本国法和住所地法的理解,使得国籍与住所两个连结点产生矛盾和冲突,也产生了大陆法系本国法主义和英美法系住所地法主义的纷争。

1."The domicile of a citizen shall Be the place where his residence is registered; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile, his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile."公民以他的户籍所在地的居住地为住所,经常居住地与住所不一致的,经常居住地视为住所
2.of or relating to or provided in a domicile.属于或关于住所的,或由住所提供的。
3.A trailer or dwelling place on wheels.活动住房用汽车拖拽的住所
4.The district or residence of an archdeacon.会吏总的住宅副主教的教区或住所
5.The lord's residence in such a district.领主在采邑上的住所
6.habitation for wasps or hornets.黄蜂或大黄蜂的住所
7.any habitation at a high altitude.海拔高度很高的住所
8.It was like a two-room flat.像是个两居室住所
9.Where to Live and How to Go to Work谈论住所与交通工具
10.Her dwelling place is far from the city proper.她的住所离市区非常远。
11.a desirable residence, solution称心的住所、 解决方法
12.continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another.不断变化的,尤指从一个住所到另一个住所的。
13.Be struck By the Beauty为美景[貌]所迷住
14.A building or dwelling.处所,住处建筑物或居住场所
15.A housing co-operative, ie in which a house or group of houses is jointly owned by those who live there住宅业主团体(其住宅之所有权属於全体住户)
16.A two-family house has two tenements.一座两家合住的房屋含有两所住宅。
17.He lived in a tiny cottage.他住在一所小茅屋里。
18.The open area in the center of an ancient Roman house.住宅中央的露天场所。

4)Aabode is residence, the place where someone lives.居住地,住所
5)A dwelling place;a home.居住处;住所
6)Human residence人类住所
