政府采购协议,Government Procurement Agreement
1)Government Procurement Agreement政府采购协议
1.On the Government Procurement Agreement of WTO;论世贸组织《政府采购协议
2.They are:(a) continuous perfection of the laws in government procurement;(b)continuous expansion of the procurement’s scale and scope;(c)continuous enhancement in the policy functions;(d)continuous propulsion of electronization in government the procurement;(e)continuous improvement of quality of procurement staff;(f)imperative access to"Government Procurement Agreement".今后,我国政府采购主要有六大发展趋势,即政府采购法规不断完善,采购规模和范围不断扩大,政府采购政策功能不断加强,电子化政府采购不断推进,政府采购队伍素质不断提高,加入《政府采购协议》势在必行。

1.GATT Agreement on Government Procurement总协定政府采购协议
2."Government Purchase Agreement" of WTO and Government Purchase of China;WTO《政府采购协议》与中国政府采购
3.Government Purchase Agreementand Purchasing Legislation of China s Government;《政府采购协议》与我国政府采购立法
4.Research on the Coverage and Scope of Government Procurement Agreement;WTO《政府采购协议》的采购范围研究
5.Study on WTO Government Procurement Agreement and Government Procurement Law for People s Republic of China;WTO《政府采购协议》与我国政府采购法律问题研究
6.Considerations for Our Government Procurement Legislation within the GPA Structure;《政府采购协议》框架下我国政府采购立法之考量
7.Consummation of Chinese Government Procurement System and GPA;《政府采购协议》与我国政府采购制度的完善
8.The Impacts of Government Procurement Agreement on Chinese Government Procurement System;《政府采购协议》对我国政府采购制度的影响
9.The Coordination between the Legislations of the Government Procurement in China and the GPA;中国政府采购立法与WTO政府采购协议的整合
10.WTO s Government Purchase Agreement and consummation of China s Government Purchase Law;WTO《政府采购协议》与我国《政府采购法》的完善
11.Impacts of "WTO Government Procurement Agreement on Our Country s Current Govenment Perchasing";WTO《政府采购协议》对我国政府采购制度的影响
12.The Agreement on Government Procurement of WTO and the Internationalization of Our Country's Government ProcurementWTO《政府采购协议》与我国政府采购的国际化
13.A Comparison between WTO Agreement on Government Procurement and China s Government Procurement System with Suggested Measures;WTO《政府采购协议》与我国政府采购制度的比较及对策建议
14.Research on the Measure that China Should Make to Join the GPA;我国加入WTO《政府采购协议》对策研究
15.A Study on New Development of Government Procurement Agreement of WTO;WTO《政府采购协议》新发展研究
16.On the bidding program of WTO government procurement agreement;论WTO《政府采购协议》的招标程序
17.WTO Government Procurement Agreement and Its Influence on China;WTO《政府采购协议》及其对我国的影响
18.How to Perfect the Chinese Medicine Government Procurement Law under the Background of GPA;WTO《政府采购协议》视角下中国医药行业政府采购法制之完善

GPA[英][,d?i: pi: 'e?][美]['d?i 'pi 'e?]政府采购协议
1.Consummation of Chinese Government Procurement System and GPA;《政府采购协议》与我国政府采购制度的完善
2.On December 28,2007,China launched negotiation of joining WTO\'s GPA formally.2007年12月28日,中国正式启动加入世界贸易组织《政府采购协议》谈判。
3)Government Purchase Agreement政府采购协议
1.The Principle of Indiscrimination of Government Purchase Agreement and Its Exceptional Applications;《政府采购协议》的非歧视原则及其适用例外
2.but,with the development of liberalization of international trade,promoting the liberalization of government purchase in WTO frame,enlarging the member quantity of Government Purchase Agreement reached in Uruguay Round and further promoting the hyalinization of international government purchase will be the hot spots which the international trade develop.然而,把我国的《政府采购法》与《政府采购协议》及国际通行做法相比还存在一些值得商榷的地方。
4)World Trade Organization Agreement on Government ProcurementWTO政府采购协议
1.Based on the presentation of the general principles, the scope of application and the purchasing modes of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement, in this paper, its influence on the public project purchasing by invitation to bid after China s entrance into Government Procurement Agreement is analyzed.随着我国加入世贸组织,全球经济一体化的要求使WTO政府采购协议必然会对我国政府工程采购产生深远的影响。
5)Agreement on Government Procurement(GPA)《政府采购协议》(GPA)
6)GPA[英][,d?i: pi: 'e?][美]['d?i 'pi 'e?]《政府采购协议》
1.How to Perfect the Chinese Medicine Government Procurement Law under the Background of GPA;WTO《政府采购协议》视角下中国医药行业政府采购法制之完善
2.This paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of signing GPA, puts forward that we should take the positive attitude, use the relating article and consult the mature practice of other countries.本文就我国加入WTO《政府采购协议》的利弊进行了分析,提出我国应该对该协议采取一种积极的态度,利用协议中的有关条款并参考其他国家的成熟做法,在适当的时机签署WTO《政府采购协议》。

政府采购协议  《政府采购协议》(AgreementonGovernmentProcurement,GPA)是世界贸易组织管辖的诸边贸易协议,是各参加方对外开放政府采购市场,以实现政府采购国际化和自由化的法律文件。协议由前言和24条及4个附录组成,主要条款包括:范围、合同估价、国民待遇和非歧视、原产地规则、发展中国家的特殊与差别待遇、技术规格、招标程序、供应商资格、透明度、实体与参加方义务的信息和审议、异议程序、机构、磋商与争端解决、例外及最后条款等。协议规定参加方政府在采购协议规定数额以上的货物和服务合同时,应遵守非歧视性的国民待遇原则,对本国供应者与外国供应者应一视同仁,可采取投标方式进行采购。《政府采购协议》的目的是规范有关成员政府采购的行为,在世界范围内消除政府采购贸易壁垒,为政府采购市场的全球化和政府采购贸易的自由化提供法律基础和制度建议。至2004年底,该协议的参加方有:加拿大、欧盟25国、中国香港、冰岛、以色列、日本、韩国、列支敦士登、荷兰、挪威、新加坡、瑞士和美国。参加方组成政府采购协议委员会。