1.This paper aims at doing comparative analysis on the impact on member s effort by the benefit sharing between sharecropping and group fine, via establishing a principal-agent model with one-principal and two-agency.本文通过构建一个盟主两个成员的双代理人委托代理模型,比较研究虚拟研发组织中利益分配的分成制与带有“团队惩罚”的分配机制对盟员最优研发投入的影响;并将虚拟研发组织的利益分配和激励措施结合起来,提高盟员的研发投入水平,促使虚拟组织的最终收益产出达到Pareto最优。
2.Educational Finance contracts are divided into two types in nature:debt contracts and sharecropping contracts.教育金融合约从性质上分为债性合约与分成制合约两类。
3.The essence of sharecropping education financial system innovation is the cooperates nature innovation of fund supply and demand side,but Individual capital supplier will face many problems such as the non-systematic risk,distinctive ability,value-added service ability and so on.分成制教育金融制度创新的本质是资金供求双方合作性质的创新,但单个供资方会面临非系统性风险、甄别能力、增值服务能力等诸多方面的问题。

1.Simulation Empirical Study of Share-Cropping Based Education Investment-Take Share-Cropping as Reference分成制教育金融制度模拟实证研究——以分成租佃制为借鉴
2.The Sharecropping Education Financial Fund: Mechanism and Effect分成制教育金融投资基金:机制及效应
3.These integrals have been tabulated.这些积分都已制成表。
4.Smoked Ingredients of Smoked and Roasted Meat Products and the Control of Harmful Ingredients熏烤肉制品熏烟成分及其有害成分的控制
5.Assist PM for improving reliability of project cost estimate.负责项目的成本分析和成本控制.
6.A pharmacist compounds drugs from prescribed ingredients.药剂师把处方的各种成分配制成药品。
7.Characteristics and the Formation Mechanism of the Leisure Culture in Chengdu;成都休闲文化的特征及形成机制分析
8.Analysis of the Taxonomy and Control of Academic Exchange Cost;浅析学术交流的成本分类及成本控制
9.Using Excel to Make Score Sheet and Score Analysis;用EXCEL制作成绩单及成绩分析
10.In the line with different standard administrative cost could be parted: cost in regulations and cost out of regulations;按不同分类标准可将行政成本分为:制度内成本与制度外成本;
11.The Cost Analysis on Institutional Changes:the Perspective of Accounting Systems;制度变迁的成本分析:以会计制度为例
12.Cost Analysis and Control of the State-owned Enterprise in the Course of System Change;国有企业制度变迁成本分析及其控制
13.The Generative Mechanism of the Local NGO in China from the Perspective of Institution中国地方NGO生成机制的制度分析
14.Studies on the Molecular Mechanism of Porcine Myostatin for Muscle Growth;猪肌生成抑制素调控肌肉生成分子机制的研究
15.Exchange Rate Mechanism and Market Maker Rule:Driver and Cost;汇率形成机制与做市商制度:动因、成本分析
16.The Analysis and Empirical Test of the Price Bubbles in China’s Economy;我国价格泡沫成分的形成机制分析与实证检验
17.It is made part of iron and part of wood.它部分由铁部分由木而制成。
18.Title-granting system was an important part of political life in the Eastern Han Dynasty.分封制是东汉政治的重要组成部分。

3)composition control成分控制
1.were introduced,such as the composition control and castability of the melting steel.济钢第三炼钢厂利用中薄板连铸机生产低碳低硅钢的初期,主要存在钢水成分控制和可浇性的问题。
2.This paper analyzed some measure from CC equipments,composition control,technics and refrigeration of the rectangle slab quality control.本文从连铸设备、成分控制、操作工艺、冷却条件等方面分析了影响矩型坯质量的因素,提出了相关控制措施。
4)Chemical composition control成分控制
1.The effects of aluminium and oxygen elements on the mechanical properties and cold formability of the Ti-15-3 titanium alloy have been studied,this artical also gives the range of chemical composition control which provides basis for stable indusity production of the alloy.研究了铝和氧对Ti-15-3钛合金的力学性能和冷成形性能的影响,提出了该合金的成分控制范围,为该合金的工业化稳定生产提供了依据。
6)restrictive component限制成分
