1.The Investigation and Acceptability Appraisal on the Landscape of the Xi an City Wall of Ming Dynasty;西安明城墙景观环境调查及其合意性评价
2.OBJECTIVE: To discuss about the acceptability of the structural convergence of regional pharmaceutical indus- try.目的:探讨我国医药产业在各省区中分布的趋同化程度及合意性
3.The amendment to commonweal may have n egative effects on the environment that makes a problem in acceptability arise.公共福利的改善,有时会给环境质量带来负效应,因此二者之间就存在一个合意性问题。

1.The Intentionalism,the Principles of Intentinalism and Intentionalization of Speech Act言语行为的合意性、合意原则与合意化
2.Desirability and Feasibility of the Enlargement of Enterprise Scale;企业规模扩张的合意性与可行性分析
3.An Analysis on the Appropriateness and Inappropriateness of the Structural Convergence of SOEs in Guangxi, Yunnan, and Guizhou;桂滇黔国有企业结构趋同合意性和非合意性分析
4.Relativity of Hypotaxis and Parataxis and Translation Strategies;英汉形合与意合的相对性及翻译策略
5.Arbitrary and Non-arbitrary Linguistic Signs: From an Integrational Point of View;从整合的角度看语言符号的任意性和非任意性
6.Non-Rationality Factor in Scientific Nationality Research;论非理性因素在科学合理性中的意义
7.rational reasonaBle都含有理性的、合理的意思。
8.Test of High Performance PDS and its Engineering Significance高性能综合布线系统的测试及其意义
9.The Role of CD40 Ligand in Acute Coronary Syndrome;CD40配体在急性冠脉综合征中的意义
10.Elimination and Rectification:the Sense of Physical Education Explained in Philosophy;扬弃与整合:体育意识的哲学性阐述
11.On the Rationality of the Structure "adverb+noun" from the Perspective of "Meaning";从“意义”角度论证“副+名”现象的合理性
12.Multiple value implications of Confucian oneness of Heaven and Man;儒家“天人合一”观之价值意蕴的多重性
13.Quoting Out Of Context:Vindication For Its Meaning Production;断章取义:意义生成机制合法性的维系
14.The Significance and Value of Convergent Thinking in Creative Upbringing;创造性培养中聚合思维的意义和价值
15.Analysis of Audience Consciousness of Resembling of TV Comprehensive News;简析电视综合新闻相似性的受众意识
16.The ideology s function of legitimate justification and it s limit;意识形态的合法性诠释功能及其限制
17.On Poetic Mixture of Two-Extreme Meaning of the Text “Jane Eyre”;论《简爱》文本两极意蕴的诗性融合
18.A Paradox and Mixture of Political Awareness and Human Nature --An Interpretation of "Red Beans" by Zong Pu;政治意识与人性的悖论、融合——解读《红豆》

1.It maintains that undesirability should be the key for the pragmatics of these two redundant negation constructions.本文首先讨论了语言学界对冗余否定,尤其是对"差一点+(没)V、小心+(别)V"构式的一些零星论述,在此基础上,着重阐释了这些构式的语用条件,"非合意性"是这两个构式中V的语用核心。
5)sense-compounded features意合性
1.The motivation of the intrinsic form is the main stream with its own sense-compounded features.其中内在形式理据是主流,具有意合性特点。
6)the acceptability of policy政策合意性
