1.Environmental Lender Liability for Commercial Banks;商业银行贷款人环境责任研究
2.The rationality of peasants finance determines their choice of lender and the innovation of rural finance system in China.农户融资的理性决定了农户对贷款人的选择行为,也决定了农村金融制度的创新,农村金融制度的选择既要遵循内生规则本身的演化逻辑,又需要代表国家的政府等外部组织在内生规则演进基础上,通过组织、协调完成制度创新过程。
3.In loan granting,pledged right,as a means of pledging the creditors rights,can guarantee the lenders rights with perfect safety.在借贷关系中 ,作为债权担保方式之一的权利质押 ,对贷款人实现权利可说是万无一失的保证。

1.local authority lenders' option loans地方当局贷款人选择权贷款
2.Registry of Moneylenders & Pawnbrokers贷款人及当商注册局
3.The Borrower shall repay the Loan, interest on the Loan and all other charges or liabilities in relation to the Loan, by such number of monthly instalments as agreed to by the Lender.借款人将以贷款人所同意之分期期数按月摊还该贷款及有关贷款之利息,以及其他费用。
4.Within the borrowing time limit, the borrower may, according to the methods of repayment provided by the lender, repay the principal and interests of the loan by installment or by lump sum in full.在借款期限内,借款人按照贷款人规定的还款办法,可分次或一次性地足额归还贷款本金和利息。
5.The Borrower will be notified by a letter to confirm the terms and conditions of the Loan.借款人将获专函通知其贷款之各项信贷条款。
6.Is a personal guarantor enough to get a loan?有担保人能得到贷款吗?
7.I'd like to apply for a personal loan.我想申请个人贷款。
8.Renminbi loans mortgaged by foreign exchange外汇抵押人民币贷款
9.private residential mortgage lending私人住宅物业按揭贷款
10.Talking to the loan officer at the bank.与银行的贷款负责人谈。
11.Are you the loans-officer?你是贷款部负责人吗?
12.insurance or guarantee of private loans私人贷款保险或担保
13.A guarantor is responsible for the loan担保人要对贷款负责
14.Loan refers to the business of lending money to others for use, including loans lent with funds at one's own disposal and enlending.贷款,是指将资金贷与他人使用的业务,包括自有资金贷款和转贷。
15.Bailout loan: Loan made to Borrower whose ability to service outstanding indebtedness has become doubtful.拯救性贷款:即贷给偿债能力已出现问题的借款人的贷款。
16.a loan secured by equity value in the borrower's home.由借贷人家庭资产净值做保证的贷款。
17.The consume loan of personal house-mortgating-loanand risk preventing;个人住房消费信贷——按揭贷款风险防范

individual loan个人贷款
1.With the rapid development of individual loan business for commercial banks,great changes have aken place in its function,nature and management,etc.随着商业银行个人贷款业务的快速发展,其在功能、性质和管理等方面均发生了不同程度的变异,特别是在当前信贷紧缩的总体形势下,仍被各家银行作为发展重点的个人贷款业务,更容易成为各类资金紧张企业变相追逐的热点,潜在风险值得高度关注。
3)private loan私人贷款
4)loan officer贷款人员
6)lender of last resort最后贷款人
1.The central bank,as the lender of last resort,and its monetary policy can also affect liquidity management.从不同主体的角度来看,存款人的储蓄倾向以及存款人挤兑都会影响甚至威胁到银行的流动性管理;中央银行的最后贷款人职能以及货币政策也会对商业银行的流动性管理产生影响;从金融市场环境的角度,商业银行的流动性管理受到证券市场以及债券市场发展情况的制约。
2.There has not been a consensus with respect to lender of last resort (LOLR) across countries, whether in central banking legislation or in central bank s practices.迄今为止无论是在中央银行立法还是在中央银行的具体操作上各国对于最后贷款人制度尚未形成统一的做法。
3.As one of the important components to solve the liquidity problem of commercial bank,the role of central bank’s lender of last resort is the main part of the bank’s safety-net.最后贷款人是中央银行化解个别问题银行流动性困难的一个重要措施,也是各国银行安全网的主要组成部分。

“八国一行”贷款转贷“八国一行”贷款转贷 [‘,欠国一行”贷款转贷J中国进出口银行负责的德国、澳大利亚、挪威、芬兰、荷兰、奥地利、丹麦、科威特及北欧投资银行对中国政府提供的贷款的转贷款此类贷款一般含有30%一叨%外国政府提供的赠与成分,用以补贴利息或支付部分合同款,其主要目的是促进贷款国商品的出口,使用此类贷款需购买贷款国的设备和技术。各国贷款的条件差异很大,影响贷款条件的主要因素有:贷款国的援助方案,借款国的政治、经济状况,国际资金市场汇率、利率的变化,政府赠款的金额。除利息外,借款人一般还须支付承诺费、管理费、担保费等贷款费用。由于国际经济合作与发展组织政策的变化,除北欧投资银行贷款仍可安排工业项目,其他国家提供的贷款主要为基础设施和环境保护,如邮电、交通、煤气、供水、污水治理、垃圾处理等公益项目融资。