1.The paper mainly discusses two great elements of Olympic culture——nationality and cosmopolitan.运用文献资料法等研究方法对奥林匹克文化的两大元素———民族性与世界性展开探讨,奥林匹克文化作为一种特殊的文化存在已经被全世界所认同。
2.These funeral rites are cosmopolitan which embodies the knowledge and relief of human beings in ancient time.这些葬俗具有世界性, 表现了古代人类对生命与死亡的认识与信仰。
3.In the context of globalization,the Chinese poetry in Southeastern Asia,the minor ethical literature of double traditions,has exceeded the one_dimensional limit in the conflict between the tradition and the modern, the cosmopolitan and the ethical,and assumes a complicated situation.在全球化语境下 ,作为东南亚地区的非主流民族文学 ,“双重文学传统”使东南亚华文诗歌在现代与传统或世界性与民族性的冲突中超越了单一维度 ,呈现出繁复的面貌。

1.A cosmopolitan person or organism;a cosmopolite.世界主义者世界公民;世界性生物;四海为家者
2.He enjoys a worldwide name.他享有世界性的知名度。
3.And that would lead to disaster on a world scale.这就会是世界性的灾难。
4.Cosmopolitan,Indigenous and Chinese Traits--Cosmopolitan versus Ethical Traits Conflict in Southeastern Asian Chinese Poetry;世界性、本土性与中国性——论东南亚华文诗歌的世界性与民族性冲突
5.English the world language business and.英文已经成为商界和科学界的世界性语言.
6.The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international body dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements.答:世界贸易组织是世界上独一无二的处理国家之间贸易规则的世界性组织,其核心是世贸协议。
7.China’s Rise and Opening-up: from Open Great Economy to Open Strong Economy;中国崛起与对外开放:从世界性开放大国到世界性开放强国
8.The new global national fusion--the choice of mankind in the 21st century;新的世界性民族大融合——二十一世纪人类的选择
9.characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world.有世俗世界的特性或奉献给世俗世界的。 indicative plan for agriculture世界农业指示性计划
11.World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity世界家畜多样性监测表
12.the realm of factuality must be distinguished from the realm of imagination.客观世界具有实在性。
13.The WTO and its agreements are permanent.世界贸易组织及世贸协议是永久性的。
14.On the Negative Direction of the Process of 20th s Advertising Theories;论20世纪世界广告理论发展的逆向性
15.The Loveless and Desolate Female World in Xing Shi Yan;无爱的荒凉——《型世言》之女性世界
16.Separation and Union of the Faminine and Masculine World in the Peony Pavilion;花园内外,阴阳两界─—试论《牡丹亭》男性世界与女性世界的分与合
17.For the world of humanity possesses two wings: man and woman.人类世界拥有两翼:男性和女性。
18.Pamela: the Distorted Female World under the Male-Dominant Discourse;《帕梅拉》:男性话语下被扭曲的女性世界

1.On the Relationship of Nationality and Universality in Corporation Ethics;论企业伦理的民族性与世界性——从日本企业伦理说起
2.Highlighting characteristics as universality,specialty,integrity is an effective method based on the author s experience.结合以往的教学体会和对新教材的把握,在教学中凸显世界性、特定性、结合性是教好《基础》课的有效做法。
3.This thesis intends to approach this novel in cultural perspective, from double cultural context—Jewish culture and American culture—to explore the important role played by Bellow and his Seize the Day in Jewish American literature through the analysis of the ethnicity and universality.本文着眼于犹太文化和美国文化的双重语境,通过对小说民族性以及世界性的分析,揭示美国犹太文学的发展状况以及索尔·贝娄及其小说《勿失良辰》在美国犹太文学发展中的地位。
1.Relationship between Nationalization and Globalization of Morality;道德的民族性和世界性的关系
2.Therefore, much to our amazement, the characteristics of globalization and modernization could be found in the Chinese literary and cultural criticism of that historical period.这种思想的关联性的被"发现",不仅将有效地平衡"学衡"派知识分子对于五四新文学—文化批评的历史叙述,而且还将现代中国文学中的"反自由主义"思潮上推到19世纪80年代前后的辜鸿铭那里,并使得那个时代的中国文学—文化批评已经呈现出一种令人惊异的"世界性"和"现代性"特性。
1.The internationalization and nationality of the piano art is not only the successful experience of the composers,pianists and piano educationists in our country for half a century,but also the only way for its glory again.被世界各国人民认可和喜爱的钢琴艺术具有世界性意义。
2.With the globalizition of the world, the influence of internationalization and localization to culture, art and design has become a hot.在今天全球化背景下,世界性与本土化对文化、艺术、设计的影响已成为人们研究讨论的热点,但是对于奥运会徽设计中的世界性与本土化的问题全面分析还很不够,而这正是本文要着重分析的问题。
1.He had explored higher education of modern China for a long time and thought profoundly about the ideal of modern university, globalism and nationalization of education, which are of great referential value to higher education reforms in contemporary China.他对中国近代高等教育改革的长期探索,以及由此而深入思考的近代大学理想、教育的世界性与民族性等问题,均对当代中国高等教育改革具有一定的借鉴价值。
2.The thesis will discuss the dilemma confronted by the stereotype of nationality and globalism of literature under the new situations.本文探讨了文学的民族性与世界性这个老问题在新的历史条件下所面临的困境 ,由于西方经济文化的强势地位在全球化趋势中愈益明显的霸权形象 ,根深蒂固的民族主义情绪对于“东方主义”思维范式的借用与倚重 ,国家经济的增强等几种因素的结合 ,使得这个问题的解决日益复杂。
6)Female world女性世界
1.Orioles Flying in the Discarded Garden without Aim-Female World in Shi Jimei s Novels;废园里的群莺乱飞——试析施济美小说的女性世界
2.The Loveless and Desolate Female World in Xing Shi Yan;无爱的荒凉——《型世言》之女性世界
3.In his novels, "Whoop" and "The Stray", Lu Xun creates a female world comparatively whole in that era.鲁迅在他的小说《呐喊》、《彷徨》中,创造了一个他那个时代的相对完整的女性世界,其中鲁迅寄寓了对中国妇女的深切同情,挖掘她们被扭曲、被践踏的根源,适当地批判她们的历史弱点,并执著地为她们的解放寻找出路。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-