1.By taking a broad view of the derecognition of the financial assets in IAS,we analyzed the all risks and returns model,the substantial risks and returns model,the financial component model,and the continuing involvement model.纵观国际会计准则(IAS)中金融资产终止确认模式的演进,比较分析了全部风险收益模式、实质风险收益模式、金融合成分析模式以及继续涉入模式。
2.The derecognition of the securitized assets is a core point that transferred assets should be accounted for as a sale or as a secured borrowing.其中证券化资产的终止确认问题就是一个核心问题,即发起人将基础资产转让给特殊目的实体(SPE) 应确认为销售还是融资担保。

1.On the Asset s Asymmetry of the Initial and Terminal Confirmation Standards;资产的初始确认标准与终止确认标准的非对称性
2.Service [2] ([3]) could not be stopped. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to stop system services.无法终止服务 [2]([3])。请确认您有足够的权限终止系统服务。
3.Resetting a content index stops any updates in progress and empties the index completely. Are you sure you want to reset the content index?重置内容索引会终止所有进行中的更新并完全清空索引。是否确认重置内容索引?
4.Russian FA officials are confident Guus Hiddink will not break his contract in order to succeed Jose Mourinho at Chelsea.俄罗斯足协确认希丁克不会终止合同而取代穆里尼奥在切尔西的位置。
5."Confirm devices to be stopped, Choose OK to continue."确认被停止的设备。 选择“确定”以继续。
6.The joint venture may be terminated before its expiration in case the parties to the joint venture agree unanimously that the termination of the joint venture is for the best interests of the parties.甲、乙方如一致认为终止合营符合各方最大利润时,可提前终止合营。
7."When I finally did find out,it was kind of like,'No way! Really?“当我最终认定时,确实有点象,‘不行,真的?
8."After that, a confirmation letter for final design shall be signed by the parties. "此后双方必须签署最终设计的确认书。
9.Unable to copy this file. Select OK to skip or Cancel to abort无法复制这个文件。选择“确定”跳过或“取消”终止
10.Multi-period portfolio optimization when exit time is uncertain;不确定终止时间的多阶段最优投资组合
11.a rule of evidence whereby a person is barred from denying the truth of a fact that has already been settled.禁止否认已确认事实真实性的证明规则。
12.Tasks is critically low on memory and needs to stop to preserve the integrity of your data. Tasks will stop when you tap OK.\0任务的内存极为不足,因而需要终止以保持数据的完整性。点击"确定",将终止任务。\0
13.Tasks is critically low on memory and needs to stop to preserve the integrity of your data. Tasks will stop when you select OK.任务的内存极为不足,因而需要终止以保持数据的完整性。点击"确定",将终止任务。
14.Even so, Beloved, I at last record,/Here ends my strife. If _thou_ invite me forth,亲爱的,我终于认了输,承认:/我的抗拒到此为止。假如你召唤我,
15.Article 69 The joint venture may be terminated before its expiration in case the parties to the joint venture agree unanimously that the termination of the joint venture is for the best interests of the parties.第六十九条 甲、乙方如一致认为终止合营符合各方最大利润时,可提前终止合营。
16.Subjecting to our final confirmation we are sending you our offer as follow .在我们最终确认以后,就将实盘送给你们。
17.The Timely Discrepancy on the Year-end Project Income Balance of the Constructing Enterprise;施工企业年终工程结算收入确认的时间性差异
18.Nothing shall deter me from doing what I think right没有什么能阻止我干我认为是正确的事。

Termimal Confirmation Standards终止确认标准
3)derecognise (a financial instrument)终止确认(某一金融工具)
4)certified final (CF)最终确认
5)uncertain exit time不确定终止时间
1.The paper studies a multi_period portfolio optimization problem with uncertain exit time.假定终止时间是个服从某分布的随机变量,将不确定终止时间的问题转化为确定时间的问题,应用动态规划求解模型,得到最优投资策略以及有效边界的解析形式。
6)year-end confirmation of balances年终结余确认书
