1.Status Endogamy: One of the Reasons Causes the Decline of Hereditary Scholar Class of Wang and Xie and Powerful Family Politics in the Eastern Jin Dynasty;身份内婚制:王、谢士族与东晋南朝门阀政治的没落
2.When a writer chooses the decline of a certain big family as the topic of his fiction,he is actually pondering over the tragedies and comedies of the society.当作家选取某个大家族的没落作为他小说创作的题材的时候 ,他实际上是要演绎他对他那个社会的悲喜剧的思考。
3.He sets his Yoknapatawpha series of novels in the background of the American South, and most of his works reflect the rise and decline of the big families.《喧哗与骚动》和《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》是最有代表性的反映家族没落的两部小说。

1.Rutherford unperson.卢瑟福,没落人物。
2.The neighborhood is going down.这个地区在逐渐没落
3.an effete civilization, empire, government, etc衰落的文明、 没落的帝国、 软弱的政府.
4.She had said: "There isn't any," and gone to sleep before the words were out of her mouth.她当时说过:"没有水了,"可是话音没落她就睡着了。
5.Would you even write?甚或你根本没有落笔?
6.no sunset so beautiful,没有比落日再美丽的了,
7.The flowers were choked by weeds.花被野草盖没而凋落。
8.Whereabouts of the missing child is still unknown.遗失的孩子还没有着落。
9.I'd be lost without it.没有它我会很失落。
10.But this does not mean that there are no ups and downs.然而不是没有起落的。
11.It did not go beyond the tribe.它没有超出部落的范围;
12."No, it's all right!“这个,幸而没有落空!
13.I've searched every nook and cranny but can't find the button I lost.我角角落落都找遍了,还是没找到丢失的钮扣。
14.She looked around her stripped room without emotion.她环顾自己那空落落的房间,没有一点感情。
15.go down; finish下降跌落;沉落;沉没;离开学校;受欢迎;被赞许
16.He'd be just second-rate, with no real power, no real juice.他将落到二流演员的地位,没有实权,也没有实惠。
17.They were cast away on an island without food or water.他们因船只失事流落在一个岛上,没食物也没水。
18.He’s always spouting off about the behaviour of young people today.他总是没完没了地数落如今年轻人的行为。

1.Declining and Reforming—A Brief Account of Chinese Novels in the Late Nineteen Eighties;没落与重构——略论80年代后期中国小说
2.Mother in Setting Sun is generally recognized as one of representatives of declining aristocracy.一般认为《斜阳》中的母亲是没落贵族的全权代表。
3)brand decline品牌没落
4)decline of education教育没落
5)declining dynasties没落王朝
6)declining era没落时代

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