1.Analysis of single target rectification of illegal medicine practising in urban areas;城区非法行医专项治理整顿分析
2.In order to ensure the rectification in mining order to be carried on smoothly, it is a decisive factor that the government must administer it and be supervised in management.南宁地区多年矿业秩序治理整顿再次证明,没有政府的统一领导、统一行动、统一指挥,就不可能有全地区矿业规模整顿成果,也没有矿业经济高速发展的可能。

1.In 1989 we Began the drive to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order because it was plainly necessary1989年开始治理整顿,确实需要治理整顿
2.In 1989 we began the drive to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order, which I endorsed because it was plainly necessary.一九八九年开始治理整顿治理整顿,我是赞成的,而且确实需要。
4.Market Situation, Its Development and Perfection in the Course of Rectificatio and Improvement治理整顿中的市场状况与市场的发展和完善
5.The Influence of the Composition of Stock Ownership on Corporate Management and Corresponding Strategies;股权结构对公司治理整顿的影响及策略
6.Strengthen Management and Readjustment According to Law and Realize Thoroughly Good-turn of Mining Order;加大治理整顿力度 实现矿业秩序根本好转
7.On Zhang Zhizhong s Administrations and Rectifications in Hunan Province During the Early Period of Anti-Japanese War and Their Historic Functions;论抗战初期张治中在湖南的治理整顿及历史作用
8.Had it not been for the leap in those years when the economy rose to a new level, the readjustment of the following three years could not have been carried out so smoothly.如果不是那几年跳跃一下,整个经济上了一个台阶,后来三年治理整顿不可能顺利进行。
9.The government has introduced a strict resources management system. Unauthorized occupation of cultivated land is banned. Water saving is encouraged and water rate reform has been introduced. The mining of mineral ores has been subject to rectification.政府实行严格的资源管理制度,制止乱占耕地,实行节约用水和水价改革,治理整顿矿业开采。
10.In the economic rectification designed to raise the economic efficiency of enterprises and deepen their reform, a number of enterprises have been closed down, suspended, merged or switched to other lines of production in the last couple of years.近两年,为了提高企业经济效益和深化企业改革,在治理整顿中关停并转了一部分企业。
11.Our three-year effort to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order was a success. But in assessing that effort, we can say it was an achievement only in the sense that we stabilized the economy. Should not the accelerated development of the preceding five years be considered an achievement too?治理整顿有成绩,但评价功劳,只算稳的功劳,还是那五年加速发展也算一功?
12.Adjust economical environment and rectify economical order.治理经济环境和整顿经济秩序
13.I think that while we are carrying out the reform we have to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order.我赞成边改革、边治理环境整顿秩序。
14.We have to take vigorous action to consolidate both the leading bodies and the political organs and rectify their style of work.不论整顿领导班子,整顿作风,整顿政治机关,没有一股子劲头不行。
15.4. We should bring order to industrial management.四、整顿企业管理秩序。
16.Company exceed the time limit still unconverted, by finance supervisory management department is decided to undertake rectifying to its.公司逾期仍然不改的,由金融监督治理部门决定对其进行整顿。
17.Market: Market order will be rectified and both temporary and permanent solutions will be sought, with focus on the latter.市场:整顿秩序,标本兼治,重在治本
18.fifth, rectifying and regulating market economic order by treating both root causes and symptoms;五、标本兼治,整顿和规范市场经济秩序;

three-year rectification三年治理整顿
3)regulation and reorganization整治整顿
4)the rectification of the administration of local officials吏治整顿
5)reorganization administrative style整顿吏治
6)harness and reestablish mining order矿业秩序治理整顿
