1.In this article,with the analysis of legislations in different countries and regions,relative theories on legal mortgage,such as the base and categorization,the method of publication and the arrangement of priority,are discussed,and advice on legislation in this field is provided.文章围绕法定抵押权的基础及类型化、公示方法的设计和优先次序的安排等问题,分析和比较了其他国家和地区的立法,系统地阐释了法定抵押权制度的相关理论,试探性地提出了构建我国法定抵押权制度的若干立法建议。

1.The second factor is a reasonable order of priority.二、新的优先次序
2.You got your priority messed up this time.这次你把你的优先次序都给搞乱了。
3.communication multiplexer switchingtime priority通信多路转接器转换时间的优先次序
4.A system is in place to prioritize work orders.已有决定工作单的优先次序的系统。
5.Urban-rural Differences and the Rank of Priority between the City and the Country in the Coordinated Development;城乡差距和城乡统筹发展的优先次序
6.Develop a system for prioritizing applications开发用于区分应用程序优先次序的系统
7.Prioritized Service Products Lists with Estimated Need为评估服务项目需求而订立的优先次序
8.We need to improve the prioritising of the Government's agenda as well as overall policy co-ordination.令施政的优先次序更明确,政策更加全面协调。
9.Ecological environment water requirement priority and ecological environment water demand in MinQin Basin民勤盆地生态环境需水优先次序和需水量
10.Prioritize the applications by how critical they are to running your business按照应用程序对企业运营的关键程度区分其优先次序
11."in such event unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the priority of the documents forming, the Contract shall be as follows"在此情况下,除合同另有规定外,构成合同的文件的优先次序
12.Provide market information and insights for strategy formulation and market priorities.提供市场信息及分析预测市场优先次序和战略模式。
13."Likewise, the Hong Kong government has promised a greater share of funding and higher priority for cultural undertakings."港府也承诺增加常规拨款,在资源分配的优先次序得到照顾。
14.A rank assigned to a task that determines its precedence in receiving system resources.给任务指派的等级,决定任务在使用系统资源时的优先次序
15.Marginal Diversity and Conservation Priority of Native Goat Populations in Shandong Province;山东地方山羊种群边际多样性和优先保护次序
16.The evaluation index of subsystem priority is established and priority of subsystems is calculated by the analytic hierarchy process method.并给出了子系统优先级排序的指标体系,采用层次分析法完成子系统优先级排序。
17.Notes: (1) Please number the Centres in order of preference "1", "2", "3".备注:(一)请在空格内按中心的优先选择次序填上"1″,"2″,"3″.
18.Fire engines and ambulances have priority over the other traffic.救火车及救护车比其他交通工具在次序上有优先通行之权。

1.To unit commitment oriented to power market, it is proposed the algorithms that used merit-order as a original commitment approach and dynamic programming method to optimize its result, by analyzing factors that impact unit commitment plan and methods that used unit commitment methods in conventional power system.通过分析影响电力市场机组组合的因素,以及传统电力系统运行方式下制定机组组合的方法,提出了以传统的优先次序法为基础、然后采用动态规划法加以优化的机组经济组合模式。
2.The merit-order method and linear pro- gramming method to solve the residual electricity transaction are adopted.基于将单一购买者和发电公司签定的合同电量视为物理合同,并将剩余电量进行竞价的电力市场运行结构和模式,提出了合同电量在机组间的分配方案,并采用优先次序法和基于线性规划法的剩余电量交易算法,并通过算例验证了这两种算法的实用性和可靠性及其广阔的应用前景。
4)row major order行优先次序
5)priority circuit优先电路,优先次序电路
6)priority actions of maintenance?维修优先次序
